Historical Veterinary Journals

The collection of historical veterinary journals has the collaboration of the Associació Catalana d’Història de la Veterinària (ACHV) and its digitalization program for the preservation of veterinary documentary heritage that supports the study and research of veterinary history in Catalonia and Spain.

The objective of this program has been the digital conversion of the veterinary journals collections published in Catalonia and Spain, with special interest in the titles published from the end of the XIX to the decade of 1930, with the Second Republic and the Civil War, and bearing in mind the initiatives that were carried out at the beginning of the twentieth century and the period of the Mancomunitat.

This project is still alive and contains more than one hundred and fifty titles and journal articles digitalized, among which we must highlight titles such as the "Revista Veterinaria de España" (1907-1936), preceded by "Revista Pasteur" (1906-1907); or the "Revista de Higiene y Sanidad Veterinarias" (1911-1917) continued by the "Revista de Higiene y Sanidad Pecuarias" (1971-1936), through which characters such as Josep Farreras or Félix Gordón that founded and scientifically consolidated the veterinary medicine profession in Spain.

Also note the titles of the end of the XIX: "El Zookeryx, o, el Pregonero de los animales" (1876-1880) ; "El Naturalista : revista ilustrada: historia natural, zootecnia, agricultura, sport" (1886-1891); and "El Albéitar : periódico científico y defensor de los intereses morales y materiales de los profesores de Albeiteria" (1853-1855), as the first professional veterinary journal published in Catalonia.

In the field of agricultural sciences, it is necessary to emphasize: "Agricultura : revista agrícola catalana" (1917-1927) continued by "Agricultura i ramaderia" (1928-1936). And also the scientific and divulging work carried out by Salvador Castelló with his Real Ecuela Oficial de Avicultura de Arenys de Mar, and his official journals: "La avicultura práctica : boletín mensual ilustrado" (1896-1919), continued by "Mundo avícola : revista mensual ilustrada de información y cultura avícola mundial" (1922-1936).

For the creation of this portal, funding has been received from the Consell de Col·legis Veterinaris de Catalunya (CCVC), the timely help of calls for the conversion of digital funds through repositories of the Ministerio de Cultura, and the collaboration of the institutions such as Facultad de Veterinaria de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Zaragoza, Col·legi de Veterinaris de Girona, Arxiu Municipal d'Història de Barcelona and the Escola Oficial d'Avicultura d'Arenys de Mar.

This collection is complemented by the background of historical veterinary books and thematically related that is also managed from the ACHV.

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Els nostres fons : Fons d'Història de la Veterinària / Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Servei de Biblioteques ; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Biblioteca de Veterinària
Vídeo on es presenta el fons d'història de la veterinària. Una col·lecció que té com a objectiu donar suport a l'estudi i la recerca de la història veterinària en l'àmbit català i espanyol, formada per documents de diverses tipologies documentals (monografies, revistes, fullets, imatges, manuscrits. [...]
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Madrid : Carlos Bailly-Baillière, 1886-1892  
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Buenos Aires : [s.n.], [1914?]-
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[Lloc de publicació no identificat] : [editor no identificat], 1889-
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Madrid : Imp. de la Calle San Roque, 1853-1857.
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