Darreres entrades:
15 p, 179.4 KB ¿Una Dafne mirrina? Apuntes para una trama textual ovidiana hoy perdida / Bescós, Pere (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
En este estudio se comparan tres pasajes comunes a dos recreaciones literarias del siglo xv de Las metamorfosis ovidianas. Se trata de la traducción Transformacions de Francesc Alegre y de las Lamentacions de Joan Roís de Corella. [...]
This article compares three passages of two Catalan recreations of Ovid's Metamorphoses dating to the fifteenth century: the translation Transformacions by Francesc Alegre and the Lamentacions by Joan Roís de Corella. [...]

2023 - 10.7275/0zq0-hz27
Translat Library, Vol. 5 Núm. 1 (2023) , article 4  
15 p, 728.7 KB Anotaciones marginales a un poema de Antonio de Nebrija / Río Lago, Daniel (Universidad de Cantabria)
El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la notable presencia de notas marginales manuscritas encontradas en un poema elegíaco compuesto por Antonio de Nebrija a modo de elemento preliminar de su edición de los comentarios a Prudencio, publicada en la ciudad de Logroño en 1512 por Arnao Guillén de Brocar. [...]
This paper examines Latin marginalia found in an elegiac poem composed by Antonio de Nebrija as a paratext to his edition of Prudentius, printed by Arnao Guillén de Brocar (Logroño, 1512). Additionally, this paper aims to make known a valuable copy of the edition that is kept in the Biblioteca Menéndez Pelayo in Santander (sig. [...]

2023 - 10.7275/q3p2-z204
Translat Library, Vol. 5 (2023) , article 2  
49 p, 396.9 KB En el origen y la difusión europea del 'Te Lutherum damnamus', parodia antiluterana de la primera mitad del siglo XVI / Martín Baños, Pedro (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Filologia Catalana)
Se esboza en este trabajo la historia de una parodia antiluterana del himno 'Te Deum laudamus', que debió de surgir algo antes de 1530, probablemente en Italia, y que conoció una amplísima difusión por toda Europa. [...]
This paper traces the history of an anti-Lutheran parody of the Te Deum laudamus hymn, which could have been composed a few years before 1530, probably in Italy, and which had a wide diffusion throughout Europe. [...]

University of Massachusetts Amherst ; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2023 - 10.7275/gsrx-8133
Translat Library, Vol. 5 (2023) , article número 3  
24 p, 995.2 KB Tres cartas del príncipe Baltasar Carlos a Sor María de Ágreda / Romero-Díaz, Nieves (Mount Holyoke College)
The letters examined in this note are three of the few known documents signed by Prince Baltasar Carlos during his short life (1629-1646). Like the other members of his family, the Prince corresponded with the well-known nun Sor María de Ágreda; however, only his letters remain. [...]
2023 - 10.7275/j9ey-ta10
Translat Library, Vol. 5 Núm. 1 (2023) , Article 1  
28 p, 945.8 KB A Prosified Alexandreis with Catalan Glosses : Notes on Tarragona, Biblioteca Pública, MS 13 / Pujol Coll, Josep (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Tarragona, Biblioteca Pública, MS 13 deserves special attention among the codices of Catalan origin that contain Gautier de Châtillon's Alexandreis because it transmits a prosified version of the poem in which syntax is rearranged to conform to grammatical order and because some of its dense interlineal glosses are in Catalan. [...]
2022 - 10.7275/37ny-ty80
Translat Library, Vol. 4 Núm. 1 (2022) , p. 5  
20 p, 3.0 MB The Hand of Luis Pedrol in Madrid, BNE, MS 2985 / Lloret, Albert (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
This note identifies the hand of Luis Pedrol in Barcelona, Arxiu de la Corona d'Aragó, Col·leccions, Autògrafs, II, A, 14 with two of the scripts of Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional de España, MS 2985.
University of Massachusetts Amherst, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2022 - 10.7275/3kbq-bm85
Translat Library, Vol. 4 Núm. 1 (2022) , p. 4  
30 p, 10.1 MB Sobre la traducció catalana de la "Tabulatio et expositio Senecae" de Luca Mannelli / Marfany, Marta (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
This article studies the medieval Catalan translation of the Latin work Tabulatio et Expositio Senecae by Dominican friar Luca Mannelli, which was composed around 1350 with fragments of Seneca's works. [...]
2022 - 10.7275/6a6t-5921
Translat Library, Vol. 4 Núm. 1 (2022) , p. 3  
27 p, 157.4 KB Cornielis (alias Cornejo) : A Coda to the Case of María Pizarro and Francisco de la Cruz in Sixteenth-century Lima / Legnani, Nicole (Princeton University)
This note offers a transcription of the proceso de fe of Cornielis (alias Diego Cornejo), an enslaved Black man held by the Tribunal of the Spanish Inquisition in Lima in the 1570s. It is housed in the Archivo Histórico Nacional in Madrid, Spain. [...]
2022 - 10.7275/cg89-kr64
Translat Library, Vol. 4 (2022) , 27 pag.  
16 p, 134.9 KB Volgarizzamenti italiani del "De dictis et factis Alfonsi regis" del Panormita / Delle Donne, Fulvio (Università degli Studi della Basilicata)
Antonio Beccadelli (called il Panormita) was the author of the De dictis et factis Alfonsi regis, a particularly important work for the cultural renewal centered on Alfonso the Magnanimous's court in Naples. [...]
2021 - 10.7275/54ay-6w23
Translat Library, Vol. 3 Núm. 1 (2021) , p. 6  
18 p, 140.8 KB "Gardaz vostre garnir" : Garin Lo Brun's / Wells, Courtney Joseph (Hobart and William Smith Colleges)
In this note, the author demonstrates that, although the ensenhamen of Garin lo Brun serves as a metrical and formal model for the anonymous obscene cobla "De bona domna voill," it is also parodied by another cobla in the same anthology of parodic and scatological coblas contained in songbook G. [...]
2021 - 10.7275/ys28-4t21
Translat Library, Vol. 3 Núm. 1 (2021) , p. 5