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Flux pinnig in a superconductor by an array of submicrometer magnetic dots
Martín, J. I. (University of California, San Diego. Department of Physics)
Vélez, M. (University of California, San Diego. Department of Physics)
Nogués, Josep (University of California-San Diego. Physics Department)
Schuller, Ivan K. (University of California, San Diego. Department of Physics)
American Physical Society

Data: 1997
Resum: Triangular arrays of submicrometer magnetic dots, with typical spacing of 400-600 nm and diameters close to 200 nm, have been fabricated by electron beam lithography to study pinning effects on Nb thin films. The resistivity versus magnetic field curves exhibit regular structure. Minima appear at constant field intervals, given by the lattice parameter of the dot array. The angular, current, and temperature dependencies of the resistivity imply synchronized pinning by the magnetic array which is relevant at high vortex velocities, when the order in the vortex lattice increases.
Drets: Tots els drets reservats.
Llengua: Anglès
Document: Article ; Versió publicada
Publicat a: Physical review letters, Vol. 79, Issue 10 (September 1997) , p. 1929-1932, ISSN 1079-7114

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.79.1929

4 p, 174.7 KB

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Documents de recerca > Documents dels grups de recerca de la UAB > Centres i grups de recerca (producció científica) > Ciències > Grup de nanoenginyeria de materials, nanomagnetisme i nanomecànica (Gnm3)
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 Registre creat el 2014-01-23, darrera modificació el 2022-02-13

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