Comprehension of passives in Persian speaking children with ASD : an investigation of grammar in autism
Heshmati, Yalda
Gavarró Algueró, Anna
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres

Date: 2015
Description: 63 p.
Abstract: Most research on the underlying causes of social and communicative impairment in autism spectrum disorders (ASD) has been devoted to pragmatic aspects of language. The present research is exploring the syntactic knowledge as a probable underlying mechanism of language deficit in ASD. Three groups comprising high-functioning ASD, low-functioning ASD, and typically developing 5-year-old Persian-speaking children were tested on comprehension of passive sentences. Results suggest that while low-functioning children with ASD might be impaired in the area of grammar, high-functioning children with ASD are not. The new results are compared to those of two recent studies on comprehension of passives in Greek-speaking and English-speaking subjects with ASD (Perovic et al. , 2007; Terzi, et al. , to appear).
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Language: Anglès
Studies: Ciència Cognitiva i Llenguatge [4314177]
Series: Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres. Màster de ciència cognitiva i llenguatge
Document: Treball de fi de postgrau
Subject: Llenguatge i llengües ; Adquisició ; Gramatica comparada i general ; Veu passiva

63 p, 117.4 MB

The record appears in these collections:
Research literature > Dissertations > Philosophy and Letters. MT

 Record created 2015-06-09, last modified 2024-05-22

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