Determinació Estructural [102532]
Real i Obradors, Juli (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Química)
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Facultat de Ciències

Date: 2016-17
Abstract: This course aims at providing the students with basic tools for the analysis of the spectroscopic data of organic and inorganic molecular compounds, thus enabling the students to elucidate their structure. Various spectroscopic and spectrometric techniques will be considered (mass spectrometry and UV-vis, infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopies), though most efforts will be devoted to the analysis of NMR data. Specific goals of this subject are: Introduce the mass spectrometry technique and review basic concepts of UV-vis, IR and NMR spectroscopies covered by the 2nd-year subject "Spectroscopy". Introduce advanced concepts in NMR spectroscopy. Use this knowledge to undertake the analysis of mass, UV-vis, IR and 1D NMR spectra of organic and inorganic molecular compounds. Elucidate the structure of those compounds based on their spectroscopic data.
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Language: Català
Studies: Química [2502444]
Study plan: Grau en Química [953]
Document: Objecte d'aprenentatge

5 p, 90.5 KB

The record appears in these collections:
Course materials > Course guides

 Record created 2016-07-15, last modified 2023-01-29

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