Complex training routes and the results of insertion among young people
Planas, Jordi, 1950- (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

Imprint: Berlín : CEDEFOP 1994
Description: 7 pag.
Abstract: The theory and methodology underlying this paper reflect the research on training routes and young people's occupational and social insertion carried out by the Education and Work Research Group (GRET) within the Institute of Educational Science of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. The data and the specific analyses presented in this paper are based on a retrospective longitudinal survey carried out among a representative sample of 31-year-olds in the metropolitan area of Barcelona including variables with reference to (formal, non-formal and informal) training routes, occupational routes and family routes (family of origin and own family).
Rights: Tots els drets reservats.
Language: Anglès
Series: CEDEFOP Panorama. Conference papers
Document: Capítol de llibre
Subject: Joventut ; Treball ; Mercat de treball ; Formació professional
Published in: The determinants of transitions in youth: papers from the conference organized by the ESF Network on Transitions in Youth, CEDEFOP and GRET (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona) (Barcelona, Spain, September 20-21, 1993), 1994, p. 110-116

7 p, 159.9 KB

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Research literature > UAB research groups literature > Research Centres and Groups (research output) > Social and Legal Sciences > Research Group Education and Work (GRET)
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 Record created 2016-09-14, last modified 2024-06-25

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