Economia del turisme [101206]
Vancells Farraró, Albert
Oviedo León, Mónica Juliana
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Escola Universitària de Turisme i Direcció Hotelera

Additional title: Tourism Economics
Date: 2016-17
Abstract: OUTCOMES AND COMPETENCES TO BE ATTAINED COMPETENCE CE1. Demonstrating knowledge and understanding of the basic principles of tourism in all its dimensions and areas. LEARNING OUTCOMES CE1. 2. Identifying the theoretical and conceptual basis of economic analysis of tourism, both from the microeconomic and the macroeconomic perspective. COMPETENCE CE5. Identify and evaluate the elements of the tourism system and its interaction with the environment as well as their impact. LEARNING OUTCOMES CE5. 1. Describing the demand and supply of tourism, cycles and economic growth, as well as international economic relations in the sector. CE5. 2. Determining the economic impact generated by tourism. COMPETENCE CE15. Assessing the economic dimension of tourism at different scales and analysing the relationships between them. LEARNING OUTCOMES CE15. 1. Relating the economic dimension of tourism through the analysis of demand and supply of tourist products in the context of markets and economic cycles, among other elements.
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Language: Català, anglès
Study plan: Grau en Turisme ; Bachelor's Degree in Tourism
Document: Objecte d'aprenentatge

8 p, 397.7 KB

6 p, 112.9 KB

The record appears in these collections:
Course materials > Course guides

 Record created 2016-11-28, last modified 2024-04-06

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