Synthesizing greenhouse gas fluxes across nine European peatlands and shrublands - responses to climatic and environmental changes - Carter, M. S. (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet) ; Larsen, Klaus Steenberg (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet) ; Emmett, B. (Center for Ecology and Hydrology) ; Estiarte, Marc (Centre de Recerca Ecològica i d'Aplicacions Forestals) ; Field, C. (Manchester Metropolitan University. School of Science and the Environment) ; Leith, I. D. (Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (Edinburgh)) ; Lund, M. (Aarhus Universitet. Institut for Bioscience. Jordfaunaøkologi og økotoksikologi) ; Meijide, A. (European Commission. Joint Research Centre) ; Mills, R. T. E. (Center for Ecology and Hydrology) ; Niinemets, Ülo (Eesti Maaülikool) ; Peñuelas, Josep (Centre de Recerca Ecològica i d'Aplicacions Forestals) ; Portillo-Estrada, M. (Eesti Maaülikool) ; Schmidt, I. K. (Københavns universitet. Department of Geoscience, Natural Resources and Planning) ; Selsted, M. B. (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet) ; Sheppard, L. J. (Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (Edinburgh)) ; Sowerby, Alwyn (Center for Ecology and Hydrology) ; Tietema, A. (Universiteit van Amsterdamand) ; Beier, Claus (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet)
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