Gioventù bruciata? La condizione giovanile e la sfida del social investment
Maestripieri, Lara

Publicació: Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli 2015
Resum: At the basis of the Europe 2020 strategy there is the confidence that post-industrial societies have a stronger need of qualified workers and that this will reinforce the economic sustainability of the European social model. Not unsurprisingly given the unfavourable context, from the perspective of social investment strategy Italy is a worst practice in Europe. Young generations in Italy are extremely less copious than any older generation (especially confronted with other European countries), but despite their low numbers their labour market indicators are worst. Some scholars actually doubt that Italy will effectively benefit from the improved human capital of new generations, thus putting under investigation of the principle of social investment.
Drets: Tots els drets reservats.
Llengua: Italià
Document: Capítol de llibre
Matèria: Labour market ; Youth ; Italy ; Social investment
Publicat a: Giovani al lavoro: I numeri della crisi, 2015 , ISBN 9788868352165

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10 p, 248.2 KB

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