Assessment rubric of personal and prosocial competencies and skills
Edo, Mequè (Equip de Recerca Ʃ Compromís Educatiu (ERSCE))
Blanch Gelabert, Sílvia (Equip de Recerca Ʃ Compromís Educatiu (ERSCE))
Estrada Aguilar, Joan (Equip de Recerca Ʃ Compromís Educatiu (ERSCE))
Gimeno Soria, Xavier (Equip de Recerca Ʃ Compromís Educatiu (ERSCE))
Morón, Mar (Equip de Recerca Ʃ Compromís Educatiu (ERSCE))
París Romia, Gemma (Equip de Recerca Ʃ Compromís Educatiu (ERSCE))
Peire Fernández, Tomàs (Equip de Recerca Ʃ Compromís Educatiu (ERSCE))

Fecha: 2018
Descripción: 10 pàg.
Resumen: University training for early years and primary school teachers has traditionally focused on highly academic and technical learnings. The extensive experience of our team as teacher trainers has shown us that, in order to complement those learnings, we need to boost our students' personal and prosocial competencies and skills. We consider the acquisition of these competencies and skills to be central to the training to become a teacher, however they are often difficulties to evaluate in a university setting. In order to make these behaviours more visible and to help students, qualified teachers and university tutors to keep them in mind, our research team has created an assessment rubric of personal and prosocial competencies and skills that aim to facilitate awareness and reflection around these specific set of abilities.
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Lengua: Anglès
Documento: Working paper
Materia: Assessment ; Rubric ; Personal competencies ; Prosocial competencies ; Skills

10 p, 279.3 KB

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