Radio España Independiente, La Pirenaica : the voice of the victims of the Franco regime
Balsebre, Armand (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Fontova Forcada, Rosario (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

Date: 2014
Abstract: Radio España Independiente (REI) (1941-1977), La Pirenaica, was the repository for the public remembrance of the victims of the Franco regime, through letters that its listeners regularly sent to the broadcaster's headquarters in Bucharest. A study of the 15,500 letters contained in the Spanish Communist Party's (PCE) Historical Archive in Madrid confirms this broadcaster's major role in the construction of the mythical symbolic image of the anti-Franco movement. Beyond their function as propaganda instruments of the PCE, La Pirenaica's letters reveal the radio station's role as a vehicle for the expression of public solidarity and ideological and cultural resistance. La Pirenaica was the voice of the defeated after the Spanish Civil War, and was their confidante and advisor. La Pirenaica's letters are the chronicle of the horror that anti-Franco society suffered and endured in Spain.
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Language: Anglès
Document: Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Subject: Radio España Independiente (REI) ; Radio Pirenaica ; Franco regime ; Letters from radio listeners ; Spanish Communist Party PCE)
Published in: Sociology Study, Vol. 4 Núm. 10 (2014) , p. 859-868, ISSN 2159-5526

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10 p, 459.1 KB

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 Record created 2018-04-11, last modified 2023-09-06

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