Ecologia Industrial [42405]
Villalba Mendez, Gara
Rufí Salís, Martí
Toboso-Chavero, Susana
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Facultat de Ciències

Additional title: Industrial Ecology
Date: 2018-19
Abstract: This course is an introduction to the field of Industrial Ecology (IE) as a multidisciplinary effort to evaluate anthropogenic systems, minimizing their negative effect on our planet. The students are taught the methods, tools, and strategies within IE, aimed to recreate our industrial system in such a way that it can be sustainable and in harmony with the rest of the natural ecosystem.
Abstract: This course is an introduction to the field of Industrial Ecology (IE) as a multidisciplinary effort to evaluate anthropogenic systems, minimizing their negative effect on our planet. The students are taught the methods, tools, and strategies within IE, aimed to recreate our industrial system in such a way that it can be sustainable and in harmony with the rest of the natural ecosystem. To achieve this general objective, the module is divided in three blocks: Block 1 (3 ECTs). Tools and methods within IE. The objectives of this block are: Understand the concepts of IE, its framework as a multidisciplinary area of research based on system theory; resources: environmental goods and services, externalities. Understand Material Flow Analysis (MFA), and be able to apply this tool to different systems, such as a product, process, or region. Understand the concepts of urban metabolism, carbon footprint, including differences in scope, results, and policy implications. Understand both process-based approach, MFA-LCA (or Material Flow Analysis coupled with Life-Cycle Assessment) and EIO-LCA (or Economic Input-Output coupled with Life-Cycle Assessment); apply the fundamentals of these approaches to be used for various analyses (e. g. , GHG, pollution, water, land, toxics, materials use, etc. ) Block 2 (3 ECTs). Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The main objectives are: Understand the concept of LCA, its applications and the global framework for its use. Understand the main steps of LCA (i. e. , goal and scope definition, inventory analysis, impact assessment and interpretation) and be able to apply them to different real-life cases, such as products or services. Learn how to evaluate and interpret the results, assumptions and uncertainties in case studies from a 1 Learn how to evaluate and interpret the results, assumptions and uncertainties in case studies from a critical point of view. Learn how to use the SimaPro software and its basic functionalities and be able tocalculate the environmental impacts of a system by means of it. Apply the SimaPro software to compare a sustainability product and a conventional good from a life cycle perspective and represent its results in a poster. Block 3 (3 ECTs). Eco-design and sustainable urban systems. The objectives of this block are: Understand the concept of eco-design and the role of LCA, as well as the basic theoretical aspects, regulations and legal framework. Learn about the application of IE tools and methods to urban systems for increasing its environmental sustainability. Learn the basic principles of sustainable urban planning and understand its process. Learn how to use the Gabi software and its basic functionalities and be able to calculate the environmental impacts of a system by means of it. Apply the GaBi software to assess urban infrastructures (pavements, distribution networks, …) from a life cycle perspective.
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Language: Català, anglès
Studies: Estudis Interdisciplinaris en Sostenibilitat Ambiental, Econòmica i Social [4313784]
Study plan: Màster Universitari en Estudis Interdisciplinaris en Sostenibilitat Ambiental, Econòmica i Social [1159]
Document: Objecte d'aprenentatge

5 p, 78.2 KB

7 p, 96.2 KB

The record appears in these collections:
Course materials > Course guides

 Record created 2018-06-22, last modified 2024-09-05

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