Paleobiologia Continental [43860]
Furió Bruno, Marc
Galobart, Àngel
Martínez Alba, David
Moyà Solà, Salvador
Garcia Selles, Albert
Marigó Cortés, Judit
Delclòs Alió, Xavier
Minwer-Barakat, Raef
Casanovas i Vilar, Isaac
Martin Closas, Carles
Vila Ginesti, Bernat
De Miguel, Daniel
Madurell-Malapeira, Joan
Robles Giménez, José María
Fortuny, Josep
Bolet, Arnau
Hernández Luján, Àngel
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Facultat de Ciències

Date: 2018-19
Abstract: 1 This module provides a deep view in the evolution and diversity of continental biotas along the geological time. It is divided in four different topics (Paleobotany, Paleoherpetology, Paleomammalogy and Paleoprimatology and Human Evolution) combining the classical hypothesis with the most recent discoveries and updated theories in the evolutionary history of plants, dinosaurs and primates. The students are expected to acquire an updated view of the evolution of the continental ecosystems during the most significant moments of the last 350 milion years.
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Language: Anglès
Studies: Paleobiologia i Registre Fòssil / Paleobiology and Fossil Record [4316238]
Study plan: Màster universitari en Paleobiologia i Registre Fòssil / Paleobiology and Fossil Record [1378]
Document: Objecte d'aprenentatge

4 p, 75.6 KB

The record appears in these collections:
Course materials > Course guides

 Record created 2018-09-14, last modified 2024-07-19

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