El gesto y el glifo
Cid Jurado, Alfredo Tenoch (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey)

Data: 2002
Resum: This paper is concerned with the relationship between "the gesture" and "the mesoamerican glyph" as a minimal unit of a writing system. This relationship makes possible many reflections about the capacity of condensing information in the graphic representation as a register system. The gesture offers the systematic study of the mesoamerican writing from a semiotic perspective given a typology that shows the characteristics of the units that are part of this system. The presence of the graphic system modifies the relationship, gives the gesture a synthetic function in the transcription of the nahuatl word.
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Llengua: Castellà
Document: Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Publicat a: DeSignis, Núm. 3 (Octubre 2002) , p. 173-186, ISSN 2462-7259

8 p, 788.1 KB

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