International mediation : a key answer for the resolution of modern conflicts
Donada Vidal, Adèle
Munich i Gasa, Jaume, dir. (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Dret Públic i de Ciències Historicojurídiques)
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Facultat de Dret

Date: 2020
Description: 85 pag.
Abstract: International mediation is one of the mechanisms contemplated in public international law that to pacifically settle conflicts. It is a diplomatic process in which a third party to the dispute, the mediator, voluntary intervenes on his own initiative or on the request of belligerents, in order to help the resolution. His political nature makes it a very flexible tool and impeded doctrine to regulate it under a systemic definition. Only handful of scholars began to treat the subject in the 1980s. International mediation is, nonetheless, a specifically interesting tool for the resolution of current complex conflicts in which are fighting a mosaic of actors of all nature, using totally new modus operandi, on territories exceeding the traditional battlefield. Considering those new geopolitical stakes and aware of their incompatibility with the traditional perception of warfare in order to maintain international peace, the importance of a reconsideration of peacebuilding strategies, including the need to bolster mediation, have been stressed by diplomats and researchers those last two decades. It is time to encompass a new approach of international mediation, incorporating in its definition the changes that had already occurred in its components and practice, and adapting it even better to modern conflicts which resolution requires good preventive and communicative strategies, more than authoritative response through diplomatic of military pressure.
Note: Premi UAB de la Fundació Autònoma Solidària (FAS) als millors Treballs de Fi de Grau sobre desenvolupament sostenible i justícia global, per grau i per àmbit de coneixement. 4a Edició, curs 2019/2020
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Language: Anglès
Studies: Dret [2500786]
Study plan: Grau en Dret [949]
Document: Treball final de grau ; Text
Subject: International mediation ; International law ; Peacebuilding strategies

85 p, 772.1 KB

The record appears in these collections:
Research literature > Bachelor's degree final project > Bachelor's degree final projects award-winning
Research literature > Bachelor's degree final project > Law Faculty. TFG

 Record created 2020-06-12, last modified 2022-10-22

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