Data: |
2019 |
Descripció: |
117 pag. |
Resum: |
Set within a 'post-conflict' context, this research project addresses the mutual constitution between violence and the existence of unequal power in gender relations (Confortini, 2006). Hereby, I contrast Colombia's legislature and policy on addressing gender equality in the education system with opinions and perceptions of local policy stakeholders, educational agents and students in Medellín. The main objective is to explore how youth's gender-related. |
Resum: |
beliefs, expectations and interactions can be transformed through a school culture that enacts education policies on gender equality in the complex context of gendered experiences in Medellín. Centred around two case studies, this research is guided by the use of mostly qualitative methods like in-depth interviews, focus group discussions initiated by a Likert-scale activity and photo-elicitation, and a complimentary quantitative questionnaire. I start with positioning youth's heterogeneous gendered experiences as embedded in a religious and machismo culture, in response to consequences of armed conflict, displacement and drug trafficking, and at the intersection with class, race and sexuality. Then, I analyse what in revision of Colombia's legislature could easily be labelled a "heaven for gender equality", uncovering how education policies travel into the reality of secondary schools. Lastly, I argue that human rights rhetoric in schools is not sufficient to provide young people with the necessary ability to transform their gender-related beliefs, expectations and interactions. In order to ensure that youth are empowered to challenge deeply-rooted gender norms, education policies, programmes and pedagogical projects need to be more context-specific and inclusive. This ties in with recent theorising on empowering youth as agents for change in their specific context. The policy implication is that we need to disrupt hierarchical structures between state and school, programme and educator, and teacher and student in Medellín. |
Drets: |
Aquest document està subjecte a una llicència d'ús Creative Commons. Es permet la reproducció total o parcial, la distribució, i la comunicació pública de l'obra, sempre que no sigui amb finalitats comercials, i sempre que es reconegui l'autoria de l'obra original. No es permet la creació d'obres derivades.  |
Llengua: |
Anglès |
Titulació: |
Erasmus Mundus en Polítiques Educatives per al Desenvolupament Global [4317165] |
Pla d'estudis: |
Treballs de màster i postgrau. Màster en Polítiques Educatives per al Desenvolupament Global (GLOBED) |
Document: |
Treball de fi de postgrau ; Text |
Matèria: |
Colombia ;
Gender equality ;
Intersectionality ;
Policy enactment ;
School culture ;
Youth empowerment |