Association of baseline absolute neutrophil counts and survival in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer treated with second-line antiangiogenic therapies : exploratory analyses of the RAISE trial and validation in an electronic medical record data set - Grothey, Axel (Mayo Clinic) ; Yoshino, Takayuki (National Cancer Center Hospital East) ; Bodoky, Gyorgy (St László Hospital (Hongria)) ; Ciuleanu, Tudor Eliade (The Oncology Institute Prof Dr Ion Chiricută and Iuliu Hațieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy) ; García-Carbonero, Rocío (Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío (Sevilla, Andalusia)) ; García-Alfonso, Pilar (Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón) ; Van Cutsem, Eric (University Hospitals Leuven (Bèlgica)) ; Muro, Kei (Aichi Cancer Center Hospital) ; Mytelka, Daniel S. (Formerly of Eli Lilly and Company) ; Li, Li (Eli Lilly and Company) ; Lipkovich, Olga (Eli Lilly and Company) ; Hsu, Yanzhi (Eli Lilly and Company) ; Sashegyi, Andreas (Eli Lilly and Company) ; Ferry, David (Eli Lilly and Company) ; Nasroulah, Federico (Eli Lilly Argentina) ; Tabernero, Josep (Vall d'Hebron Institut d'Oncologia) ; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
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