Web of Science: 44 citations, Scopus: 44 citations, Google Scholar: citations,
Paternal origins and migratory episodes of domestic sheep
Deng, Juan (Chinese Academy of Sciences. Key Laboratory of Animal Ecology and Conservation Biology)
Xie, Xing-Long (Chinese Academy of Sciences. Key Laboratory of Animal Ecology and Conservation Biology)
Wang, Dong-Feng (Chinese Academy of Sciences. Key Laboratory of Animal Ecology and Conservation Biology)
Zhao, Chao (Hebei University. College of Life Science (China))
Lv, Feng-Hua (China Agricultural University. College of Animal Science and Technology (China))
Li, Xin (Chinese Academy of Sciences. Key Laboratory of Animal Ecology and Conservation Biology)
Yang, Ji (China Agricultural University. College of Animal Science and Technology (China))
Yu, Jia-Lin (Station for Breeding and Improvement of Animal and Poultry of Changshou District (China))
Shen, Min (Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural and Reclamation Sciences. State Key Laboratory of Sheep Genetic Improvement and Healthy Breeding (China))
Gao, Lei (Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural and Reclamation Sciences. State Key Laboratory of Sheep Genetic Improvement and Healthy Breeding (China))
Yang, Jing-Quan (Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural and Reclamation Sciences. State Key Laboratory of Sheep Genetic Improvement and Healthy Breeding (China))
Liu, Ming-Jun (Xinjiang Academy of Animal Science. Animal Biotechnological Research Center (China))
Li, Wen-Rong (Xinjiang Academy of Animal Science. Animal Biotechnological Research Center (China))
Wang, Yu-Tao (Kashi University. College of Life and Geographic Sciences (China))
Wang, Feng (Nanjing Agricultural University. Institute of Sheep and Goat Science (China))
Li, Jin-Quan (Inner Mongolia Agricultural University. College of Animal Science (China))
Hehua, Eer (Ningxia Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences. Grass-Feeding Livestock Engineering Technology Research Center (China))
Liu, Yong-Gang (Yunnan Agricultural University. College of Animal Science and Technology (China))
Shen, Zhi-Qiang (Shandong Binzhou Academy of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine (China))
Ren, Yan-Ling (Shandong Binzhou Academy of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine (China))
Liu, Guang-Jian (Novogene Bioinformatics Institute (China))
Chen, Ze-Hui (Chinese Academy of Sciences. Key Laboratory of Animal Ecology and Conservation Biology)
Gorkhali, Neena A. (Nepal Agriculture Research Council. National Animal Science Institute. Animal Breeding Division (Nepal))
Rushdi, Hossam E. (Cairo University. Department of Animal Production (Egypt))
Salehian-Dehkordi, H. (Chinese Academy of Sciences. Key Laboratory of Animal Ecology and Conservation Biology)
Esmailizadeh, Ali (Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman. Department of Animal Science (Iran))
Nosrati, Maryam (Payame Noor University. Department of Agriculture (Iran))
Paiva, Samuel R. (Embrapa Recursos Genéticos e Biotecnologia (Brazil))
Caetano, Alexandre R. (Embrapa Recursos Genéticos e Biotecnologia (Brazil))
Štěpánek, Ondřej (State Veterinary Institute Jihlava. Department of Virology (Czech Republic))
Olsaker, Ingrid (Norwegian University of Life Sciences. Department of Preclinical Sciences and Pathology (Norway))
Weimann, Christina (Justus-Liebig-University Giessen. Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics (Germany))
Erhardt, Georg (Justus-Liebig-University Giessen. Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics (Germany))
Curik, Ino (University of Zagreb. Department of Animal Science (Croatia))
Kantanen, Juha (Natural Resources Institute Finland. Production Systems (Finland))
Mwacharo, Joram M. (International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (Ethiopia))
Hanotte, Olivier (International Livestock Research Institute. LiveGene (Ethiopia))
Bruford, Michael W. (Cardiff University. Sustainable Places Research Institute (UK))
Ciani, Elena (Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro. Dipartimento di Bioscienze, Biotecnologie e Biofarmaceutica (Italy))
Periasamy, Kathiravan (International Atomic Energy Agency. Animal Production and Health Laboratory (Austria))
Amills i Eras, Marcel (Centre de Recerca en Agrigenòmica)
Lenstra, Johannes A. (Utrecht University.Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (the Netherlands))
Han, Jian-Lin (International Livestock Research Institute (Nairobi, Kènia))
Zhang, Hong-Ping (Sichuan Agricultural University. Farm Animal Genetic Resources Exploration and Innovation Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province (China))
Li, Li (Sichuan Agricultural University. Farm Animal Genetic Resources Exploration and Innovation Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province (China))
Li, Meng-Hua (China Agricultural University. College of Animal Science and Technology (China))

Date: 2020
Abstract: The domestication and subsequent global dispersal of livestock are crucial events in human history, but the migratory episodes during the history of livestock remain poorly documented [1-3]. Here, we first developed a set of 493 novel ovine SNPs of the male-specific region of Y chromosome (MSY) by genome mapping. We then conducted a comprehensive genomic analysis of Y chromosome, mitochondrial DNA, and whole-genome sequence variations in a large number of 595 rams representing 118 domestic populations across the world. We detected four different paternal lineages of domestic sheep and resolved, at the global level, their paternal origins and differentiation. In Northern European breeds, several of which have retained primitive traits (e. g. , a small body size and short or thin tails), and fat-tailed sheep, we found an overrepresentation of MSY lineages y-HC and y-HB, respectively. Using an approximate Bayesian computation approach, we reconstruct the demographic expansions associated with the segregation of primitive and fat-tailed phenotypes. These results together with archaeological evidence and historical data suggested the first expansion of early domestic hair sheep and the later expansion of fat-tailed sheep occurred ∼11,800-9,000 years BP and ∼5,300-1,700 years BP, respectively. These findings provide important insights into the history of migration and pastoralism of sheep across the Old World, which was associated with different breeding goals during the Neolithic agricultural revolution.
Rights: Aquest document està subjecte a una llicència d'ús Creative Commons. Es permet la reproducció total o parcial, la distribució, i la comunicació pública de l'obra, sempre que no sigui amb finalitats comercials, i sempre que es reconegui l'autoria de l'obra original. No es permet la creació d'obres derivades. Creative Commons
Language: Anglès
Document: Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Subject: Y-chromosome ; Mitogenome ; Whole genome ; Sheep ; Domestication ; Migration ; Primitive traits ; Fat-tailed ; Wool
Published in: Current Biology, Vol. 30, Issue 20 (October 2020) , p. 4085-4095, ISSN 1879-0445

DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2020.07.077
PMID: 32822607

18 p, 3.8 MB

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Research literature > UAB research groups literature > Research Centres and Groups (research output) > Experimental sciences > CRAG (Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics)
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 Record created 2021-02-02, last modified 2023-03-03

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