Constructing a resistant education system in a logic of dependency : the production of a national curriculum in conflict ridden Western Sahara
Lainz, Paloma
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Facultat de Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia

Date: 2018
Description: 98 pag.
Abstract: Refugee education is a central topic of research and in the developmental sector. However, refugees are not a homogenous group, often perceived as victims and of need of assistance. Instead, this thesis envisions refugees as agents of change holding agency in a context of dependency. In this line, the aim of this research will be to understand the way in which education is performed in the context of the refugee camps of Western Sahara, particularly its resistant character an its relation with the dependencies by answering the following research question: How does a resistant education system and its curriculum construct in a logic of dependencies? To do so, the research was based on a qualitative enquiry of 33 semi-structured interviews and document analysis of policy documents and textbooks. The results of the research suggested that dependency takes various forms and impacts in various manners in the performance of education, taking the form of material, symbolic, direct and indirect dependencies providing space for the performance and development of various forms of resistance in the organization, performance and curriculum. The resistance in education takes the form of a reaction to hegemonic values in education, of anti-colonial discourses and critical pedagogy closely related to the political struggle for self-determination.
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Language: Anglès
Studies: Erasmus Mundus en Polítiques Educatives per al Desenvolupament Global [4317165]
Study plan: Treballs de màster i postgrau. Màster en Polítiques Educatives per al Desenvolupament Global (GLOBED)
Document: Treball de fi de postgrau

98 p, 17.6 MB

The record appears in these collections:
Research literature > Dissertations > Political Science and Sociology. MT

 Record created 2021-04-26, last modified 2023-04-17

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