Web of Science: 7 citations, Scopus: 8 citations, Google Scholar: citations
Prediction of riboflavin and ascorbic acid concentrations in skimmed heat-treated milk using front-face fluorescence spectroscopy
Alvarado Mamani, Ulises (Universidad Nacional Del Altiplano. Escuela Professional de Ingeniería Agroindustrial)
Zamora, Anna (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Centre d'Innovació, Recerca i Transferència en Tecnologies dels Aliments (CIRTTA))
Arango, Oscar (Universidad de Nariño (Colòmbia))
Saldo Periago, Jordi (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Centre d'Innovació, Recerca i Transferència en Tecnologies dels Aliments (CIRTTA))
Castillo Zambudio, Manuel (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Centre d'Innovació, Recerca i Transferència en Tecnologies dels Aliments (CIRTTA))

Date: 2022
Abstract: The objective of this work was to obtain degradation kinetic models of riboflavin and ascorbic acid, and to evaluate the potential of front-face fluorescence (FFF) spectroscopy to predict their concentration in milk after thermal processing. A factorial design with three temperatures (70, 80 and 90 °C) and nine times (from 0 to 60 min) of heat treatment was used. Degradation kinetics of both vitamins were of first order. Predictive kinetic models using the Arrhenius equation had a variability coefficient of 2. 26 and 3. 64% for riboflavin and ascorbic acid, respectively. With fluorescent predictors such as tryptophan, Maillard compounds and riboflavin, prediction models with coefficients of variation smaller than 3. 57% for riboflavin and ranging from 4. 24 to 14. 25% for ascorbic acid were obtained. In conclusion, FFF is a viable alternative to predict riboflavin and ascorbic acid content of milk which could allow in-line monitoring and control of thermal damage.
Note: Altres ajuts: acords transformatius de la UAB
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Language: Anglès
Document: Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Subject: Front-face fluorescence spectroscopy ; Milk ; Heat treatment ; Riboflavin ; Ascorbic acid ; Prediction
Published in: Journal of Food Engineering, Vol. 318 (april 2022) , p. 110869, ISSN 0260-8774

DOI: 10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2021.110869

9 p, 2.6 MB

The record appears in these collections:
Articles > Research articles
Articles > Published articles

 Record created 2022-01-12, last modified 2023-11-23

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