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Subcortical volumes across the lifespan : Data from 18,605 healthy individuals aged 3-90 years
Dima, Danai (King's College London)
Modabbernia, Amirhossein (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai)
Papachristou, Efstathios (University College London)
Doucet, Gaelle E. (Boys Town National Research Hospital)
Agartz, Ingrid (Karolinska Institutet (Estocolm, Suècia))
Aghajani, Moji (Leiden University)
Akudjedu, Theophilus N. (National University of Ireland)
Albajes-Eizagirre, Anton (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Salud Mental)
Alnæs, Dag (University of Oslo)
Alpert, Kathryn I. (Radiologics, Inc)
Andersson, Micael (Umeå University)
Andreasen, Nancy C. (The University of Iowa)
Andreassen, Ole A. (University of Oslo)
Asherson, Philip (King's College London)
Banaschewski, Tobias (Heidelberg University)
Bargalló, Núria (Institut d'Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer)
Baumeister, Sarah (Heidelberg University)
Baur-Streubel, Ramona (University of Würzburg)
Bertolino, Alessandro (University of Bari Aldo Moro)
Bonvino, Aurora (University of Bari Aldo Moro)
Boomsma, Dorret I. (Vrije Universiteit)
Borgwardt, Stefan (University of Lübeck)
Bourque, Josiane (University of Pennsylvania)
Brandeis, Daniel (Heidelberg University)
Breier, Alan (Indiana University School of Medicine)
Brodaty, Henry (University of New South Wales)
Brouwer, Rachel M. (University Medical Center Utrecht)
Buitelaar, Jan (Radboud University)
Busatto, Geraldo F. (Universidade de São Paulo)
Buckner, Randy (Massachusetts General Hospital (Boston))
Calhoun, Vince (Emory University)
Canales-Rodriguez, Erick Jorge (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Salud Mental)
Cannon, Dara M. (National University of Ireland)
Caseras, Xavier (Cardiff University)
Castellanos, Francisco X. (New York University)
Cervenka, Simon (Stockholm Region)
Chaim-Avancini, Tiffany M. (Universidade de São Paulo)
Ching, Christopher R. K. (University of Southern California)
Chubar, Victoria (KU Leuven, Mind-Body Research Group)
Clark, Vincent P. (Mind Research Network)
Conrod, Patricia (Université de Montréal)
Conzelmann, Annette (University of Tübingen)
Crespo-Facorro, Benedicto (Universidad de Sevilla)
Crivello, Fabrice (Université de Bordeaux)
Crone, Eveline A. (Universiteit Leiden)
Dannlowski, Udo (University of Münster)
Dale, Anders M. (University of California-San Diego)
Davey, Christopher (University of Melbourne)
de Geus, Eco J. C. (Vrije Universiteit)
de Haan, Lieuwe (Universiteit van Amsterdam)
de Zubicaray, Greig (Queensland University of Technology)
den Braber, A (Vrije Universiteit)
Dickie, Erin W. (University of Toronto)
Di Giorgio, Annabella (Fondazione IRCCS Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza)
Doan, Nhat Trung (University of Oslo)
Dørum, Erlend S. (Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital HT)
Ehrlich, Stefan (Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus an der TU Dresden)
Erk, Susanne (Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin)
Espeseth, Thomas (Bjørknes College)
Fatouros-Bergman, Helena (Stockholm Region)
Fisher, Simon E. (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics)
Fouche, Jean-Paul (University of Cape Town)
Franke, Barbara (Radboud University Medical Center)
Frodl, Thomas (Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg)
Fuentes-Claramonte, Paola (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Salud Mental)
Glahn, David C. (Harvard Medical School)
Gotlib, Ian H. (Stanford University)
Grabe, Hans-Jörgen (Site Rostock/Greifswald)
Grimm, Oliver (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main)
Groenewold, Nynke A. (University of Cape Town)
Grotegerd, Dominik (University of Cape Town)
Gruber, Oliver (Heidelberg University)
Gruner, Patricia (VA Connecticut Health System)
Gur, Raquel E (University of Pennsylvania)
Gur, Ruben C. (University of Pennsylvania)
Hahn, Tim (University of Münster)
Harrison, Ben J. (University of Melbourne)
Hartman, Catharina A (University of Groningen)
Hatton, Sean N. (University of Sydney)
Heinz, Andreas (Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus an der TU Dresden)
Heslenfeld, Dirk J. (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
Hibar, Derrek P. (Genentech, Inc)
Hickie, Ian B. (University of Sydney)
Ho, Beng-Choon (University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine)
Hoekstra, Pieter J. (University of Groningen)
Hohmann, Sarah (Heidelberg University)
Holmes, Avram J. (Yale University)
Hoogman, Martine (University of Cape Town)
Hosten, Norbert (University Medicine Greifswald, University of Greifswald)
Howells, Fleur M. (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main)
Hulshoff Pol, Hilleke E. (University Medical Center Utrecht)
Huyser, Chaim (Bascule, Academic Centre for Children and Adolescent Psychiatry)
Jahanshad, Neda (University of Southern California)
James, Anthony (Oxford University)
Jernigan, Terry L. (University of California)
Jiang, Jiyang (University of New South Wales)
Jönsson, Erik G. (Stockholm Region)
Joska, John A. (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics)
Kahn, Rene (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai)
Kalnin, Andrew (Ohio State University College of Medicine)
Kanai, Ryota (Araya, Inc)
Klein, Marieke (University of California San Diego)
Klyushnik, Tatyana P. (Russian Academy of Medical Sciences)
Koenders, Laura (University of Melbourne)
Koops, Sanne (University Medical Center Utrecht)
Krämer, Bernd (Heidelberg University)
Kuntsi, Jonna (King's College London)
Lagopoulos, Jim (University of the Sunshine Coast)
Lázaro, Luisa (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Salud Mental)
Lebedeva, Irina (Russian Academy of Medical Sciences)
Lee, Won Hee (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai)
Lesch, Klaus-Peter (Julius-Maximilians Universität Würzburg)
Lochner, Christine (Stellenbosch University)
Machielsen, Marise W. J. (University of Melbourne)
Maingault, Sophie (Université de Bordeaux)
Martin, Nicholas G. (Berghofer Medical Research Institute)
Martínez-Zalacaín, Ignacio (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge)
Mataix-Cols, David (Stockholm Region)
Mazoyer, Bernard (Université de Bordeaux)
McDonald, Colm (National University of Ireland)
McDonald, Brenna C. (Indiana University School of Medicine)
McIntosh, Andrew M.. (University of Edinburgh)
McMahon, Katie L. (Queensland University of Technology)
McPhilemy, Genevieve (National University of Ireland)
Meinert, Susanne (University of Münster)
Menchón, José M. (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge)
Medland, Sarah Elizabeth (Berghofer Medical Research Institute)
Meyer-Lindenberg, Andreas (Heidelberg University)
Naaijen, Jilly (Radboud University)
Najt, Pablo (National University of Ireland)
Nakao, Tomohiro (Kyushu University)
Nordvik, Jan E. (CatoSenteret Rehabilitation Hospital)
Nyberg, Lars (Umeå University)
Oosterlaan, Jaap (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
de la Foz, Víctor Ortiz-García (Instituto de Salud Carlos III)
Paloyelis, Yannis (King's College London)
Pauli, Paul (University of Würzburg)
Pergola, Giulio (University of Bari Aldo Moro)
Pomarol-Clotet, Edith (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Salud Mental)
Portella, Maria J.. (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau)
Potkin, Steven G. (University of California at Irvine)
Radua, Joaquim (King's College London)
Reif, Andreas (Site Rostock/Greifswald)
Rinker, Daniel A. (University of Oslo)
Roffman, Joshua L. (Massachusetts General Hospital (Boston))
Rosa, Pedro G. P. (Universidade de São Paulo)
Sacchet, Matthew D. (Harvard Medical School)
Sachdev, Perminder S. (University of New South Wales)
Salvador, Raymond (FIDMAG Germanes Hospitalàries)
Sánchez-Juan, Pascual (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas)
Sarró, Salvador (FIDMAG Germanes Hospitalàries)
Satterthwaite, Theodore D. (University of Pennsylvania)
Saykin, Andrew J. (Indiana University School of Medicine)
Serpa, Mauricio H. (Universidade de São Paulo)
Schmaal, Lianne (The University of Melbourne)
Schnell, Knut (University Medical Center Göttingen)
Schumann, Gunter (Psychology & Neuroscience, King's College London)
Sim, Kang (Institute of Mental Health)
Smoller, Jordan W. (Massachusetts General Hospital (Boston))
Sommer, Iris (University Medical Center Groningen)
Soriano-Mas, Carles (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge)
Stein, Dan J. (Stellenbosch University)
Strike, Lachlan (University of Queensland)
Swagerman, Suzanne C. (Vrije Universiteit)
Tamnes, Christian K. (University of Oslo)
Temmingh, Henk S. (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics)
Thomopoulos, Sophia I. (University of Southern California)
Tomyshev, Alexander S. (Russian Academy of Medical Sciences)
Tordesillas-Gutiérrez, Diana (Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Valdecilla (Santander, Cantàbria))
Trollor, Julian N. (University of New South Wales)
Turner, Jessica A. (Georgia State University)
Uhlmann, Anne (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics)
van den Heuvel, Odile A. (Location VUmc)
van den Meer, Dennis (Maastricht University)
van der Wee, Nic J. A. (Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition)
van Haren, Neeltje E. M. (Sophia Children's Hospital)
van't Ent, Dennis (Vrije Universiteit)
van Erp, Theo G. M. (University of Greifswald)
Veer, Ilya M. (Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus an der TU Dresden)
Veltman, Dick J. (Location VUmc)
Voineskos, Aristotle (Campbell Family Mental Health Research Institute, CAMH)
Völzke, Henry (German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD))
Walter, Henrik (Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus an der TU Dresden)
Walton, Esther (University of Bath)
Wang, Lei (Northwestern University)
Wang, Yang (Medical College of Wisconsin)
Wassink, Thomas H. (The University of Iowa)
Weber, Bernd (University of Bonn)
Wen, Wei (University of New South Wales)
West, John D. (Indiana University School of Medicine)
Westlye, Lars T. (Fondazione IRCCS Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza)
Whalley, Heather (University of Edinburgh)
Wierenga, Lara M. (Leiden University)
Williams, Steven C. R. (King's College London)
Wittfeld, Katharina (University of Greifswald)
Wolf, Daniel H. (University of Pennsylvania)
Worker, Amanda (King's College London)
Wright, Margaret J. (University of Queensland)
Yang, Kun (Florida State University)
Yoncheva, Yulyia (Child Study Center, NYU Langone Health)
Zanetti, Marcus V. (Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa, Hospital Sírio-Libanês)
Ziegler, Georg C. (University of Würzburg)
Thompson, Paul M. (University of Southern California)
Frangou, Sophia (University of British Columbia)
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Date: 2021
Abstract: Age has a major effect on brain volume. However, the normative studies available are constrained by small sample sizes, restricted age coverage and significant methodological variability. These limitations introduce inconsistencies and may obscure or distort the lifespan trajectories of brain morphometry. In response, we capitalized on the resources of the Enhancing Neuroimaging Genetics through Meta-Analysis (ENIGMA) Consortium to examine age-related trajectories inferred from cross-sectional measures of the ventricles, the basal ganglia (caudate, putamen, pallidum, and nucleus accumbens), the thalamus, hippocampus and amygdala using magnetic resonance imaging data obtained from 18,605 individuals aged 3-90 years. All subcortical structure volumes were at their maximum value early in life. The volume of the basal ganglia showed a monotonic negative association with age thereafter; there was no significant association between age and the volumes of the thalamus, amygdala and the hippocampus (with some degree of decline in thalamus) until the sixth decade of life after which they also showed a steep negative association with age. The lateral ventricles showed continuous enlargement throughout the lifespan. Age was positively associated with inter-individual variability in the hippocampus and amygdala and the lateral ventricles. These results were robust to potential confounders and could be used to examine the functional significance of deviations from typical age-related morphometric patterns. We analyzed subcortical volumes from 18,605 healthy individuals from multiple cross-sectional cohorts to infer age-related trajectories between the ages of 3 and 90 years.
Grants: Instituto de Salud Carlos III PI14/00918
Instituto de Salud Carlos III PI14/00639
Instituto de Salud Carlos III PI060507
Instituto de Salud Carlos III PI050427
Instituto de Salud Carlos III PI020499
European Commission 602450
Rights: Aquest document està subjecte a una llicència d'ús Creative Commons. Es permet la reproducció total o parcial, la distribució, la comunicació pública de l'obra i la creació d'obres derivades, fins i tot amb finalitats comercials, sempre i quan es reconegui l'autoria de l'obra original. Creative Commons
Language: Anglès
Document: Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Subject: Brain morphometry ; ENIGMA ; Longitudinal trajectories ; Multisite
Published in: Human Brain Mapping, Vol. 43 (february 2021) , p. 452-469, ISSN 1065-9471

DOI: 10.1002/hbm.25320
PMID: 33570244

18 p, 2.3 MB

The record appears in these collections:
Research literature > UAB research groups literature > Research Centres and Groups (research output) > Health sciences and biosciences > Institut de Recerca Sant Pau
Articles > Research articles
Articles > Published articles

 Record created 2022-02-07, last modified 2024-09-20

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