Health sciences and biosciences

These collections contain the Open Access output of the UAB research centres and groups in the following fields of Health Sciences and Biosciences:


Biochemistry - Biomedical Sciences - Biotechnology - Clinic Psychology - Food - Genetics - Medicine - Microbiology - Nursing - Pharmacology - Physiotherapy - Psychiatry - Psychobiology - Speech Therapy - Veterinary Medicine
Usage statistics Most popular
Narrow by collection:
Digital Library on Food Sovereignty (BDSA-ARAG) (522)
Centre de Recerca en Sanitat Animal (CReSA-IRTA) (409)
Chemical Ecology and Toxicology Lab  (26)
Strategic Research Community in Mental Health (CORE) (44)
Fundació Salut i Envelliment UAB (35)
Avedis Donabedian Research Institute-UAB (60)
GIES (Grup de Recerca en Estrès i Salut) (95)
Teaching Innovation Group at the Faculty of Veterinary (InnoVet) (24)
Grupo de investigación Laboratorio Humano (Grupo LabHumàUAB) (17)
Grup de Recerca Malalties infeccioses-inflamatòries en animals de companyia (MIAC) (146)
Grupo de Investigación en Rumiantes (G2R)  (86)
Research group on Psychosocial Risks, Organization of Work, and Health (POWAH) (19)
Veterinary Mycology Group (35)
Research group Epidemiology and Diagnosis in Psychopathology of Development (UED)  (89)
Research group Wildlife Ecology & Health (144)
Institut de Biotecnologia i de Biomedicina (IBB) (823)
Institut de Recerca Sant Pau (3,330)
Institut d'Investigació en Ciencies de la Salut Germans Trias i Pujol (IGTP) (2,147)
Parc Taulí Research and Innovation Institute (I3PT (790)
Institut de Neurociències (INc) (598)
Unitat de Patologia Murina i Comparada (66)
Workshop MRAMA (199)