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An overview of the first 5 years of the ENIGMA obsessive-compulsive disorder working group : The power of worldwide collaboration
van den Heuvel, Odile A. (Haukeland University Hospital (Bergen, Noruega))
Boedhoe, Premika (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
Bertolín, Sara (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge)
Bruin, Willem Benjamin (University of Amsterdam)
Francks, Clyde (Radboud University)
Ivanov, Iliyan (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai)
Jahanshad, Neda (Imaging Genetics Center, Mark & Mary Stevens Institute for Neuroimaging & Informatics)
Kong, Xiang-Zhen (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics)
Kwon, Jun Soo (Seoul National University College of Natural Sciences)
O'Neill, Joseph (UCLA Jane & Terry Semel Institute For Neuroscience)
Paus, Tomas (Bloorview Research Institute)
Patel, Yash (Bloorview Research Institute)
Piras, Fabrizio (IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation)
Schmaal, Lianne (The University of Melbourne. Centre for Youth Mental Health)
Soriano-Mas, Carles (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Spalletta, Gianfranco (Baylor College of Medicine)
van Wingen, Guido A. (University of Amsterdam)
Yun, Je-Yeon (Seoul National University College of Medicine)
Vriend, Chris (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
Simpson, H. Blair (Institute and Columbia University Irving Medical Center. Center for OC and Related Disorders at the New York State Psychiatric)
van Rooij, Daan (Radboud University)
Hoexter, Marcelo Q. (Universidade de São Paulo)
Hoogman, Martine (Radboud University Medical Center)
Buitelaar, Jan (Radboud University)
Arnold, Paul D (University of Calgary. Cumming School of Medicine)
Beucke, Jan C. (Department of Clinical Neuroscience)
Benedetti, Francesco (Scientific Institute Ospedale)
Bollettini, Irene (Scientific Institute Ospedale San Raffaele)
Bose, Anushree (National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences)
Brennan, Brian P. (Harvard Medical School)
De Nadai, Alessandro S. (Texas State University)
Fitzgerald, Kate (University of Michigan Medical School)
Gruner, Patricia (Yale University)
Grünblatt, Edna (University of Zurich)
Hirano, Yoshiyuki (Chiba University)
Huyser, Chaim (De Bascule)
James, Anthony (University of Oxford)
Koch, Kathrin (Technical University of Munich. Klinikum Rechts der Isar)
Kvale, Gerd (Haukeland University Hospital (Bergen, Noruega))
Lázaro, Luisa (Institut d'Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer)
Lochner, Christine (Stellenbosch University)
Marsh, Rachel (Columbia University Irving Medical Center. Center for OC and Related Disorders at the New York State Psychiatric Institute)
Mataix-Cols, David (Scientific Institute Ospedale)
Morgado, Pedro (Clinical Academic Center-Braga)
Nakamae, Takashi (Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine. Graduate School of Medical Science)
Nakao, Tomohiro (Kyushu University)
Narayanaswamy, Janardhanan C. (National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences)
Nurmi, Erika (University of California)
Pittenger, Christopher (Yale University)
Reddy, Y. C. Janardhan (Department of Clinical Neuroscience)
Sato, João R. (Universidade Federal do ABC (Brasil))
Soreni, Noam (McMaster University (Canadà))
Stewart, S. Evelyn (BC Children's Hospital)
Taylor, Stephan F. (University of Michigan Medical School)
Tolin, David (The Institute of Living. Anxiety Disorders Center)
Thomopoulos, Sophia I. (Imaging Genetics Center, Mark & Mary Stevens Institute for Neuroimaging & Informatics)
Veltman, Dick J. (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
Venkatasubramanian, Ganesan (National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences)
Walitza, Susanne (University of Michigan Medical School)
Wang, Zhen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Institute of Psychological and Behavioral Science)
Thompson, Paul M. (Imaging Genetics Center, Mark & Mary Stevens Institute for Neuroimaging & Informatics)
Stein, Dan J. (University of Cape Town)

Data: 2020
Resum: Neuroimaging has played an important part in advancing our understanding of the neurobiology of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). At the same time, neuroimaging studies of OCD have had notable limitations, including reliance on relatively small samples. International collaborative efforts to increase statistical power by combining samples from across sites have been bolstered by the ENIGMA consortium; this provides specific technical expertise for conducting multi-site analyses, as well as access to a collaborative community of neuroimaging scientists. In this article, we outline the background to, development of, and initial findings from ENIGMA's OCD working group, which currently consists of 47 samples from 34 institutes in 15 countries on 5 continents, with a total sample of 2,323 OCD patients and 2,325 healthy controls. Initial work has focused on studies of cortical thickness and subcortical volumes, structural connectivity, and brain lateralization in children, adolescents and adults with OCD, also including the study on the commonalities and distinctions across different neurodevelopment disorders. Additional work is ongoing, employing machine learning techniques. Findings to date have contributed to the development of neurobiological models of OCD, have provided an important model of global scientific collaboration, and have had a number of clinical implications. Importantly, our work has shed new light on questions about whether structural and functional alterations found in OCD reflect neurodevelopmental changes, effects of the disease process, or medication impacts. We conclude with a summary of ongoing work by ENIGMA-OCD, and a consideration of future directions for neuroimaging research on OCD within and beyond ENIGMA.
Ajuts: Fundació la Marató de TV3 091710
Fundació la Marató de TV3 01/2010
Instituto de Salud Carlos III CPII16/00048
Instituto de Salud Carlos III PI16/00889
Drets: Aquest document està subjecte a una llicència d'ús Creative Commons. Es permet la reproducció total o parcial, la distribució, i la comunicació pública de l'obra, sempre que no sigui amb finalitats comercials, i sempre que es reconegui l'autoria de l'obra original. No es permet la creació d'obres derivades. Creative Commons
Llengua: Anglès
Document: Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Matèria: Cortical thickness ; ENIGMA ; Mega-analysis ; Meta-analysis ; MRI ; Obsessive-compulsive disorder ; Surface area ; Volume
Publicat a: Human Brain Mapping, Vol. 43 (march 2020) , p. 23-36, ISSN 1065-9471

DOI: 10.1002/hbm.24972
PMID: 32154629

14 p, 1.4 MB

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