Global plant trait relationships extend to the climatic extremes of the tundra biome - Thomas, Haydn J.D (University of Edinburgh. School of Geosciences) ; Bjorkman, Anne (Gothenburg Global Biodiversity Centre) ; Myers-Smith, I. H. (University of Edinburgh. School of Geosciences) ; Elmendorf, Sarah C (University of Colorado. Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research) ; Kattge, Jens (German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (Halle-Jena-Leipzig, Alemanya)) ; Díaz, Sandra (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba) ; Vellend, M. (Université de Sherbrooke. Département de Biologie) ; Blok, Daan (Dutch Research Council) ; Cornelissen, J. H. C. (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Department of Ecological Science) ; Forbes, Bruce C. (University of Lapland. Arctic Centre) ; Henry, Gregory H. R (University of British Columbia. Department of Geography) ; Hollister, R. D. (Grand Valley State University. Biology Department) ; Normand, S. (Aarhus University. Department of Biology) ; Prevéy, J. S. (WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research) ; Rixen, C. (WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research) ; Schaepman-Strub, G. (University of Zurich. Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies) ; Wilmking, Martin (Greifswald University. Institute of Botany and Landscape Ecology) ; Wipf, Sonja (Swiss National Park) ; Cornwell, W. K. (University of New South Wales) ; Beck, P. S. A. (European Commission) ; Georges, D. (International Agency for Research in Cancer) ; Goetz, Scott J. (Northern Arizona University) ; Guay, K. C. (Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences) ; Rüger, Nadja (Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute) ; Soudzilovskaia, Nadejda A. (Leiden University) ; Spasojevic, M. (University of California Riverside. Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology) ; Alatalo, Juha M (Qatar University. Environmental Science Center) ; Alexander, Heather D (Mississippi State University. Department of Forestry, Forest and Wildlife Research Center) ; Anadon-Rosell, Alba (Universitat de Barcelona. Institut de Recerca de la Biodiversitat (IRBio)) ; Angers-Blondin, Sandra (University of Edinburgh. School of Geosciences) ; te Beest, M. (Umeå University. Department of Ecology and Environmental Science) ; Berner, Logan (Northern Arizona University) ; Björk, Robert G (Gothenburg Global Biodiversity Centre) ; Buchwal, Agata (University of Alaska Anchorage) ; Buras, Allan (Technische Universität München) ; Carbognani, Michele (University of Parma. Deptartment of Chemistry, Life Sciences and Environmental Sustainability) ; Christie, Katherine (Alaska Department of Fish and Game) ; Collier, Laura Siegwart (Memorial University. Department of Biology) ; Cooper, Elisabeth J. (UiT-The Arctic University of Norway. Deptartment of Arctic and Marine Biology) ; Elberling, B. (University of Copenhagen. Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management) ; Eskelinen, Anu (University of Oulu. Department of Ecology and Genetics) ; Frei, Esther R. (Swiss Federal Research Institute) ; Grau Fernández, Oriol (Centre de Recerca Ecològica i d'Aplicacions Forestals) ; Grogan, P. (Queen's University. Department of Biology) ; Hallinger, M. (Swedish Agricultural University. Biology Department) ; Heijmans, M. M. P. D. (Wageningen University and Research. Plant Ecology and Nature Conservation Group) ; Hermanutz, L. (Memorial University. Department of Biology) ; Hudson, J. M. G. (British Columbia Public Service) ; Johnstone, J. F. (University of Saskatchewan. Department of Biology) ; Hülber, K. (University of Vienna. Department of Botany and Biodiversity Research) ; Iturrate-Garcia, Maitane (University of Zurich. Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies) ; Iversen, C. M. (Climate Change Science Institute and Environmental Sciences Division) ; Jaroszynska, F. (University of Aberdeen. Institute of Biological and Environmental Sciences) ; Kaarlejärvi, Elina (University of Helsinki. Organismal and Evolutionary Biology Research Programme) ; Kulonen, Aino (WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research) ; Lamarque, L. J. (Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières. Département des Sciences de l'environnement et Centre d'études nordiques) ; Lantz, Trevor (University of Victoria. School of Environmental Studies) ; Lévesque, Esther (Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières. Département des Sciences de l'environnement et Centre d'études nordiques) ; Little, C. J. (Eawag, the Swiss Federal Institute for Aquatic Science and Technology) ; Michelsen, Anders (University of Copenhagen, Terrestrial Ecology Section. Department of Biology) ; Milbau, Ann (Research Institute for Nature and Forest (Brusel·les, Bèlgica)) ; Nabe-Nielsen, Jacob (Aarhus University. Department of Bioscience) ; Nielsen, S. S. (Aarhus University. Department of Biology) ; Ninot, J. M. (Universitat de Barcelona. Institut de Recerca de la Biodiversitat (IRBio)) ; Oberbauer, S. F. (Florida International University. Department of Biological Sciences) ; Olofsson, Johan (Umeå University. Department of Ecology and Environmental Science) ; Onipchenko, Vladimir (Moscow State Lomonosov University. Department of Ecology and Plant Geography) ; Petraglia, Alessandro (University of Parma. Deptartment of Chemistry, Life Sciences and Environmental Sustainability) ; Rumpf, Sabine B. (University of Lausanne. Department of Ecology and Evolution) ; Shetti, Rohan (Greifswald University. Institute of Botany and Landscape Ecology) ; Speed, J. D. M. (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) ; Suding, K. N. (University of Colorado. Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research) ; Tape, K. D. (University of Alaska, Engineering Learning and Innovation Facility. Institute of Northern Engineering) ; Tomaselli, M. (University of Parma. Deptartment of Chemistry, Life Sciences and Environmental Sustainability) ; Trant, A. J. (University of Waterloo, 200 University Avenue West. School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability) ; Treier, U. A. (Aarhus University. Department of Biology) ; Tremblay, M. (Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières. Département des Sciences de l'environnement et Centre d'études nordiques) ; Venn, S. E. (Deakin University. Centre for Integrative Ecology, School of Life and Environmental Sciences) ; Vowles, T. (University of Gothenburg. Department of Earth Sciences) ; Weijers, S. (University of Bonn. Department of Geography) ; Wookey, P. A. (University of Stirling. Biological and Environmental Sciences) ; Zamin, T. J. (Queen's University, Biosciences Complex. Department of Biology) ; Bahn, Michael (University of Innsbruck. Department of Ecology) ; Blonder, Benjamin (University of California. Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management) ; van Bodegom, Peter (Leiden University. Environmental Biology Department) ; Bond-Lamberty, Ben (Joint Global Change Research Institute) ; Campetella, Giandiego (Univeristy of Camerino) ; Cerabolini, Bruno Enrico Leone (University of Insubria) ; Chapin III, F. Stuart (University of Alaska Fairbanks. Institute of Arctic Biology) ; Craine, Joseph (Jonah Ventures) ; Dainese, Matteo (Institute for Alpine Environment) ; Green, W. A. (Harvard University. Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology) ; Jansen, Steven (Ulm University. Institute of Systematic Botany and Ecology) ; Kleyer, M. (University of Oldenburg. Institute of Biology and Environmental Sciences) ; Manning, Peter (Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre) ; Niinemets, Ülo (Estonian University of Life Sciences. Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences) ; Onoda, Yusuke (Kyoto University. Graduate School of Agriculture) ; Ozinga, Wim (Wageningen University and Research. Vegetation, Forest and Landscape Ecology) ; Peñuelas, Josep (Centre de Recerca Ecològica i d'Aplicacions Forestals) ; Poschlod, P. (University of Regensburg. Ecology and Conservation Biology, Institute of Plant Sciences) ; Reich, Peter (Western Sydney University. Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment) ; Sandel, B. (Santa Clara University. Department of Biology) ; Schamp, Brandon (Algoma University. Department of Biology) ; Sheremetiev, S. N. (Komarov Botanical Institute) ; de Vries, F. T. (University of Amsterdam. Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics)
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