Web of Science: 28 cites, Scopus: 28 cites, Google Scholar: cites,
Risk of introduction of lumpy skin disease in France by the import of vectors in animal trucks
Saegerman, Claude (Members of the Expert Committee for Animal Health and Welfare)
Bertagnoli, Stéphane (University of Toulouse)
Meyer, Gilles (IHAP, University of Toulouse)
Ganière, Jean-Pierre (ONIRIS)
Caufour, Philippe (CIRAD-INRA ASTRE Joint Research Unit)
De Clercq, Kris (CODA-CERVA)
Jacquiet, Philippe (IHAP, University of Toulouse)
Fournié, Guillaume (Royal Veterinary College. Department of Pathobiology and Population Sciences)
Hautefeuille, Claire (French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety)
Etore, Florence (French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety)
Casal i Fàbrega, Jordi (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Sanitat i d'Anatomia Animals)

Data: 2018
Resum: The lumpy skin disease virus (LSDV) is a dsDNA virus belonging to the Poxviridae family and the Capripoxvirus genus. Lumpy skin diseases (LSD) is a highly contagious transboundary disease in cattle producing major economic losses. In 2014, the disease was first reported in the European Union (in Cyprus); it was then reported in 2015 (in Greece) and has spread through different Balkan countries in 2016. Indirect vector transmission is predominant at small distances, but transmission between distant herds and between countries usually occurs through movements of infected cattle or through vectors found mainly in animal trucks. In order to estimate the threat for France due to the introduction of vectors found in animal trucks (cattle or horses) from at-risk countries (Balkans and neighbours), a quantitative import risk analysis (QIRA) model was developed according to the international standard. Using stochastic QIRA modelling and combining experimental/field data and expert opinion, the yearly risk of LSDV being introduced by stable flies (Stomoxys calcitrans), that travel in trucks transporting animals was between 6 x 10 −5 and 5. 93 x 10 −3 with a median value of 89. 9 x 10 −5 ; it was mainly due to the risk related to insects entering farms in France from vehicles transporting cattle from the at-risk area. The risk related to the transport of cattle going to slaughterhouses or the transport of horses was much lower (between 2 x 10 −7 and 3. 73 x 10 −5 and between 5 x 10 −10 and 3. 95 x 10 −8 for cattle and horses, respectively). The disinsectisation of trucks transporting live animals was important to reduce this risk. The development of a stochastic QIRA made it possible to quantify the risk of LSD being introduced in France through the import of vectors that travel in trucks transporting animals. This tool is of prime importance because the LSD situation in the Balkans is continuously changing. Indeed, this model can be updated to process new information on vectors and the changing health situation, in addition to new data from the TRAde Control and Expert System (TRACES, EU database). This model is easy to adapt to different countries and to other vectors and diseases.
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Llengua: Anglès
Document: Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Publicat a: PloS one, Vol. 13 (june 2018) , ISSN 1932-6203

DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0198506
PMID: 29889905

16 p, 3.0 MB

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