Scopus: 35 citations, Google Scholar: citations
Strengthening organizational performance through accreditation research-a framework for twelve interrelated studies : The ACCREDIT project study protocol
Braithwaite, Jeffrey (University of New South Wales)
Westbrook, Johanna (University of New South Wales)
Johnston, Brian (Australian Council on Healthcare Standards)
Clark, Stephen (Quality in Practice/Australian General Practice Accreditation Limited)
Brandon, Mark (Aged Care Accreditation Agency Limited)
Banks, Margaret (Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care)
Hughes, Clifford (Clinical Excellence Commission)
Greenfield, David (University of New South Wales)
Pawsey, Marjorie (Australian Council on Healthcare Standards)
Corbett, Angus (University of Technology)
Georgiou, Andrew (University of New South Wales)
Callen, Joanne (University of New South Wales)
Øvretveit, John (Karolinska Institutet (Estocolm, Suècia))
Pope, Catherine (University of Southampton)
Suñol Sala, Rosa (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Institut Universitari Avedis Donabedian)
Shaw, Charles (European Society for Quality in Healthcare. St Camillus Hospital)
Debono, Deborah (University of New South Wales)
Westbrook, Mary (University of New South Wales)
Hinchcliff, Reece (University of New South Wales)
Moldovan, Max (University of New South Wales)

Date: 2011
Abstract: Background: Service accreditation is a structured process of recognising and promoting performance and adherence to standards. Typically, accreditation agencies either receive standards from an authorized body or develop new and upgrade existing standards through research and expert views. They then apply standards, criteria and performance indicators, testing their effects, and monitoring compliance with them. The accreditation process has been widely adopted. The international investments in accreditation are considerable. However, reliable evidence of its efficiency or effectiveness in achieving organizational improvements is sparse and the value of accreditation in cost-benefit terms has yet to be demonstrated. Although some evidence suggests that accreditation promotes the improvement and standardization of care, there have been calls to strengthen its research base. In response, the ACCREDIT (Accreditation Collaborative for the Conduct of Research, Evaluation and Designated Investigations through Teamwork) project has been established to evaluate the effectiveness of Australian accreditation in achieving its goals. ACCREDIT is a partnership of key researchers, policymakers and agencies. Findings. We present the framework for our studies in accreditation. Four specific aims of the ACCREDIT project, which will direct our findings, are to: (i) evaluate current accreditation processes; (ii) analyse the costs and benefits of accreditation; (iii) improve future accreditation via evidence; and (iv) develop and apply new standards of consumer involvement in accreditation. These will be addressed through 12 interrelated studies designed to examine specific issues identified as a high priority. Novel techniques, a mix of qualitative and quantitative methods, and randomized designs relevant for health-care research have been developed. These methods allow us to circumvent the fragmented and incommensurate findings that can be generated in small-scale, project-based studies. The overall approach for our research is a multi-level, multi-study design. Discussion. The ACCREDIT project will examine the utility, reliability, relevance and cost effectiveness of differing forms of accreditation, focused on general practice, aged care and acute care settings in Australia. Empirically, there are potential research gains to be made by understanding accreditation and extending existing knowledge; theoretically, this design will facilitate a systems view of accreditation of benefit to the partnership, international research communities, and future accreditation designers. "Accreditation of health-care organisations is a multimillion dollar industry which shapes care in many countries. Recent reviews of research show little evidence that accreditation increases safety or improves quality. It's time we knew about the cost and value of accreditation and about its future direction. " [Professor John vretveit, Karolinska Institute, Sweden, 7 October 2009]. © 2011 Braithwaite et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
Note: This research is supported under Australian Research Council's Linkage Projects scheme (project LP100200586). Human Research Ethics Committee approval for its conduct was granted by the University of New South Wales (HREC 10274). We acknowledge the staff of the industry partners (ACHS, AGPAL, ACSAA) and the quality improvement agencies (ACSQHC, CEC) who provided support for the project. We appreciate Ms Danielle Marks' valuable research assistance in the development of this paper.
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Language: Anglès
Document: Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Published in: BMC research notes, Vol. 4 (2011) , p. 390, ISSN 1756-0500

DOI: 10.1186/1756-0500-4-390
PMID: 21981910

9 p, 405.2 KB

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Research literature > UAB research groups literature > Research Centres and Groups (research output) > Health sciences and biosciences > Avedis Donabedian Research Institute-UAB
Articles > Research articles
Articles > Published articles

 Record created 2022-09-23, last modified 2023-01-11

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