Scopus: 2 citations, Google Scholar: citations,
How do men talk about taking parental leave? Evidence from South Korea, Spain and the U.S
Bueno, Xiana (Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics)
Oh, Eunsil (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Imprint: Cham Springer 2022
Description: 15 pag.
Abstract: This study explores how men in South Korea, Spain, and the U. S. use parental leave and shows how distinct labor-market structures, divisions of unpaid and paid labor, and parental leave policies shape individuals' intentions and decisions to utilize leave policies. Using in-depth interviews of 80 men, we show two important findings: One, in Spain and the U. S. , the systematized monetary support strongly encourages fathers to use parental leave whereas in South Korea, a generous policy becomes of little use because work culture heavily discourages men from taking leave. Two, gender norms shape the desirability of using parental leave regardless of the availability of the policy. An emerging group of men in Spain and the U. S. actively reconstruct what an engaged father should do whereas Korean men took it for granted that fathers should not take leave, instead should work even harder to be a responsible father. In the end, this study shows how the monetary structure and schema of what an engaged father should do shape how men approach and use parental leave in three different contexts.
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Language: Anglès
Series: Contributions to Management Science
Document: Capítol de llibre
Subject: Parental leave ; Workplace norms ; Gender norms ; Leave policy
Published in: Engaged fatherhood for men, families and gender equality : healthcare, social policy and work perspectives, 2022, p. 165-179

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-75645-1_9

16 p, 230.9 KB

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Research literature > UAB research groups literature > Research Centres and Groups (research output) > Social and Legal Sciences > Centre for Demographic Studies (CED-CERCA)
Books and collections > Book chapters

 Record created 2023-01-20, last modified 2023-02-12

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