At-Issue Material in Spanish Degree Exclamatives : An Experimental Study
Villalba, Xavier, 1969- (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

Publicación: Columbus: Ohio State University, 2017
Resumen: In this chapter I have offered empirical evidence concerning the nature of the levels of meaning involved in Spanish degree exclamatives. Particularly, by means of two denial experiments I have tested what speakers perceive as the at-issue meaning of an exclamative. The interpretation experiment showed that they more easily cancel the ascription of the property (i. e. , "Mary is tall") than the high degree part (i. e. , "Mary is taller than expected"), which was interpreted as evidence that only the former meaning was clearly at-issue.
Nota: This work was possible thanks to project FFI2104-52015 Compositionality of meaning. Theoretical and empirical perspectives awarded to UAB.
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Lengua: Anglès
Colección: Theoretical developments in Hispanic linguistics
Documento: Capítol de llibre
Publicado en: Advances in the analysis of Spanish exclamatives, 2017, p. 139-158

Adreça original:

20 p, 864.0 KB

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