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V-Doubling subordinates of immediate succession : a comparative approach between Classical Spanish & Atlantic Creoles
Pavón , María Victoria (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
Suñer Gratacós, Avel·lina (Universitat de Girona)

Data: 2024
Resum: In this paper we study a case of diachronic and diaphasic variation consisting in a subordination strategy for expressing immediate succession present in the cultivated narrative language of Classical Spanish. This strategy is based on verbal doubling (V-doubling), a pattern also found in some contemporary Atlantic creole languages. We analyze the elements that constitute this type of sequences and examine the similarities and differences between the constructions of Classical Spanish and those of the Creoles. We also compare the constructions of Classical Spanish with similar structures without V-doubling, present in all periods of Spanish, in order to detail the link of V-doubling with focalization of the end of the first event. The strategy analyzed was a transitory way to cover the absence of subordinators expressing immediate succession in an unambiguous way during the chronological period in which it existed.
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Llengua: Anglès
Document: Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Matèria: Subordination ; V-doubling ; Infinitive ; Gerund ; Participle
Publicat a: Isogloss, Vol. 10 Núm. 5 (2024) , p. 1-24 (Articles) , ISSN 2385-4138

Adreça original:
DOI: 10.5565/rev/isogloss.386

24 p, 570.7 KB

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