Relación entre variables psicosociales y la salud percibida
Esnaola, Igor (Universidad del País Vasco)
Infante, Guillermo (Universidad del País Vasco)
Rodríguez, Arantzazu (Universidad del País Vasco)
Goñi, Eider (Universidad del País Vasco)

Títol variant: Relationship between psychosocial variables and perceived health
Data: 2011
Resum: The purpose of this study was to analyse the relationships among physical self-concept, body image, body mass index and physical activity and perceived health. The sample was composed of 518 subjects between 19. 4 and 49. 7 years of age (M = 30. 79 years old; SD = 9. 24), of whom 301 were female (58. 1%) and 217 male (41. 9%). The results show that the subjects who showed a better physical self-concept were healthier than the subjects who had a low physical selfconcept and believed that their health was not good. Bearing in mind the multiple logistic regression, the results show that physical self-concept is significantly related to the perception of health in females and males. In females, two subdomains -physical condition and attractiveness - are related to perception of health.
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Llengua: Castellà
Document: Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Matèria: Physical self-concept ; Body mass index ; Physical activity ; Perceived health ; Descriptive survey study
Publicat a: Revista de psicología del deporte, Vol. 20, Núm. 2 ( 2011) , p. 413-427, ISSN 1988-5636

15 p, 269.5 KB

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