The impact of cultural diversity and globalization in developing a Santal peer culture in Middle India
Carrin Tamb-Lyche, Marine (LISST - Centre d‟Anthropologie)

Data: 2007
Resum: Este texto se presentó como comunicación al II Congreso Internacional de Etnografía y Educación: Migraciones y Ciudadanías. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, 5-8 Septiembre 2008.
Resum: How it is to be an adolescent among the Santals, in a world still shaped by tradition but where local knowledge has been pervaded by political awareness and modernity. ? The Santals, who number more than five millions, consider themselves as a «tribal» people speaking a different language (austro-asiatic) and sharing a way of life which implies values different from those of the Hindus. A central question , here, concerns the transmission of knowledge. In a tribal context, traditional knowledge is to a large extent endogenously determined. Differences in knowledge are no longer controlled by the elders, but still provide much of the momentum for social interaction. Since the colonial period schooling has been important but it has not succeeded to bring an equal opportunity of chances for all children. In brief, I will analyze how the traditional model of transmission is influenced by exogenous factors, such as schooling or politics, and events which allow children to emerge as new agents, developing a peer culture (W. Corsaro & D. Eder 1990). In the context of tribal India, where educational rights are granted by the Constitution, schooling often implies the dominance of Hindu culture on tribal children who feel stigmatized. Discussing the system of education, we shall se how teaching in the mother tongue or using a Santal script have been a crucial issue. The high percentage of dropout at the primary level shows that the system of education is not well adapted to tribal children who, however, are often pushed into the labour market to help their families. Consequently, other social factors such as religious movements or, migrations towards the town provide children and youth with new arenas to develop a peer culture which formerly was institutionalized in the village. We shall see that social mobility, as well as the emergence of a tribal elite, are exogenous factors which impinge on the structuration of a tribal peer culture. I shall finally examine how Santal youth participate to the reinvention of Tradition through village theatre and militant activities I argue that Santal youth peer culture develops its shared meaning towards two opposite directions: the assertion of ethnic identity and the development of a Santal literacy outside «official schooling» as well as the opening towards globalization through education, social mobility and elite formation.
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Llengua: Anglès
Document: Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Matèria: Cultura de grup ; Producció creativa ; Formació de classe ; Peer culture ; Creative production ; Class formation
Publicat a: EMIGRA working papers, Núm. 46 (2007) , p. 1-15, ISSN 2013-3804

15 p, 225.5 KB

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