Resultats globals: 7 registres trobats en 0.11 segons.
Articles, 6 registres trobats
Contribucions a jornades i congressos, 1 registres trobats
Articles 6 registres trobats  
10 p, 167.6 KB "All we do has humans at its heart" : linguistic Landscape's Value in Scholarship and Pedagogy / Morlan, Marguerite (University of California)
Four prominent Linguistic Landscape (LL) scholars reflect on the value of LL research and its utility in education. Elana Shohamy is a Professor Emerita in the Multilingual Education program at Tel Aviv University. [...]
Quatre experts en paisatge lingüístic (PL) reflexionen sobre el valor de PL per a la recerca i l'educació. Elana Shohamy és professora emèrita del programa d'Educació Multilingüe a la Universitat de Tel Aviv. [...]
Cuatro expertos en paisaje lingüístico (PL) reflexionan sobre el valor de PL para la investigación y la educación. Elana Shohamy es profesora emérita del programa de Educación Multilingüe en la Universidad de Tel Aviv. [...]
Quatre experts du paysage linguistique (PL) réfléchissent à la valeur de la PL pour la recherche et l'éducation. Elana Shohamy est professeure émérite du programme d'éducation multilingue à l'Université de Tel Aviv. [...]

2024 - 10.5565/rev/jtl3.1340
Bellaterra journal of teaching and learning language and literature, Vol. 17 Núm. 1 (2024) , p. e1340 (Interviews)  
20 p, 342.8 KB Realidad y transformaciones de los medios en lengua catalana (2010-2016) / Gutierrez Paz, Miren Arantza (Universidad del País Vasco) ; Ferré Pavia, Carme, 1969- (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) ; Zabaleta Urkiola, Iñaki (Universidad del País Vasco) ; Fernández-Astobiza, Itxaso (Universidad del País Vasco) ; Xamardo, Nikolas (Universidad del País Vasco)
En este artículo se ofrece el mapa mediático en lengua catalana basado en un censo actualizado a mediados de 2016 y evaluado desde 2009. Este sistema de medios en catalán se presenta desde diversas variables, como son soporte, difusión y propiedad, y aporta datos sobre su realidad actual, a la vez que podemos conocer su transformación tras la doble crisis mediática sufrida a causa de la digitalización y de una coyuntura económica adversa. [...]
This article presents the structure of the Catalan language media system, analyzed from 2010 census and actualized up to 2016. This media system is presented from three different variables: support, reach and property. [...]

2018 - 10.5209/ESMP.59969
Estudios sobre el mensaje periodístico, Vol. 24, Num. 1 (2018) , p. 603-622  
22 p, 276.0 KB Internet and social media in European minority languages : analysis of the digitalization process / Ferré Pavia, Carme, 1969- (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) ; Zabaleta Urkiola, Iñaki (Universidad del País Vasco) ; Gutierrez Paz, Miren Arantza (Universidad del País Vasco) ; Fernández-Astobiza, Itxaso (Universidad del País Vasco) ; Xamardo, Nikolas (Universidad del País Vasco)
The aim of this article is to analyze the Internet reality and performance of European minority language media, including a comparison of the evolution of traditional media websites between 2009 and 2016. [...]
International Journal of Communication, Vol. 12 (2018) , p. 1065-1086  
23 p, 215.9 KB Education and linguistic boundaries in Québec : student representations and pedagogical reflections from a critical perspective / Pilote, Annie (Université Laval) ; Magnan, Marie-Odile (Université Laval) ; Groff, Cynthia (Université Laval)
Relations between francophones and anglophones in Québec City reflect historical struggles and changing power relations between the groups. Using a constructivist and interactionist approach to identity and ethnicity, we examine the role of English language schools in intergroup relations. [...]
Les relations entre les francophones and les anglophones dans la ville de Québec sont le reflet de tensions historiques et de changements dans les rapports de pouvoirs entre les groupes. À partir d'une approche constructiviste et interactionniste de l'identité et de l'ethnicité, nous examinons le rôle de l'école de langue anglaise dans les rapports intergroupes. [...]
Las relaciones entre francófonos y anglófonos de Québec reflejan las luchas históricas y las relaciones de poder entre los grupos. Utilizando el uso de un enfoque constructivista e interaccionista para entender la identidad y el origen étnico, se analiza el papel de las escuelas de idiomas de Inglés en las relaciones intergrupales. [...]

2011 - 10.5565/rev/jtl3.419
Bellaterra journal of teaching and learning language and literature, Vol. 4, Núm. 3 (2011) , p. 2-23  
12 p, 75.7 KB L'italiano nell'epoca della globalizzazione / Marazzini, Claudio
L'articolo cerca di fare il punto sulla situazione reale dell'italiano nella situazione attuale, nel momento in cui esso rischia di essere preso in una pericolosa tenaglia: da una parte l'inglese afferma sempre di più il suo primato, dall'altra si manifestano forti spinte regionalistiche, vengono varate leggi per la protezione delle minoranze, altre lingue locali premono per avere uno status protetto dalla legge rubando spazio alla lingua nazionale. [...]
The article attempts to provide an account of the real situation faced by Italian in its current circumstances, at the moment in which there is a clear risk of it finding itself, as it were, between the devil and the deep blue sea: on the one hand, English is constantly reasserting its primacy, and on the other, there are strong regional impulses; the approving of laws aimed at protecting minorities; and other local languages pushing for a legally protected status that, in effect, rob space from the national language. [...]

2004 - 10.5565/rev/qdi.142
Quaderns d'Italià, N. 8-9 (2004) , p. 155-166  
8 p, 34.9 KB The sociolinguistic situation of the British and the US American communities in Spain / Turell i Julià, M. Teresa (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
This report is concerned with the sociolinguistic situation of the British and US American communities living in Spain. The data used to compile it were drawn from speech data collected during the course of a project financed by the Spanish Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología on the sociolinguistic and psycholinguistic aspects of migrated speech communities and language minority groups in Spain (SEC93-0725), of which the British and the US American communities were two of the twenty-four investigated.
Links & letters, N. 5 (1998) , p. 193-200  

Contribucions a jornades i congressos 1 registres trobats  
4 p, 359.4 KB Modelling cultural shift : application to language decline and extinction / Isern, Neus (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Laboratori d'Arqueologia Quantitativa) ; Fort, Joaquim (Universitat de Girona. Departament de Física)
Cultural shift is present in many aspects of human history. Here we present a model developed to study the particular case of language shift when a minority language is in competition with another language, which is perceived by the population as being socially and economically more advantageous (Isern and Fort, J. [...]
Social Simulation Conference. Bellaterra, Cerdanyola del Vallès, 1a : 2014  

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