
SSC2014_ESSA_banner: SSC2014_ESSA_banner

 Proceedings of the SSC'14 Conference now available at <>
and INDEXED at Google Scholar, Eureca, Recolecta, Hispana, Base, Europeana, Driver, OAIster, ROAR and OpenDOAR.

Home Page
Photo Galleries
    + Conference Programme
    + Social Events
Related Events
    + ESSA Summer School
    + ESSA @ work Workshop
    + SSC'14 Tutorials
    + Conference Maps
    + Accommodation
    + Getting to Barcelona
    + Getting to Bellaterra
Call for Papers
    + ESSA Call for Papers
    + SPUHH Call for Abstracts
Camera-Ready Instructions



12/17/2014 Happy New 2015.

The LSDS New Year model is available: download <here> and run it with Netlogo. If you enjoy it, please diseminate it.

12/15/2014 Photo pictures from SSC'14.

Thanks to contributors for making avalilable the SSC'14 Photo Gallery. Here you could find some imaginery from the ESSA & AE & SPUHH Barcelona Conference.

11/27/2014 Final website available

The "long time" version of the SSC'14 website could be finf at <>.

10/23/2014 E-Proceedings edition available

Proceedings of the SSC'14 Conference (abstracts, posters, and full papers) available at <>.

09/01/2014 Campus maps available

At the VenueMaps.html SECTION you can find location maps for accessing the different SSC'14 activity spaces at Bellaterra Campus. Please note the change of location for...

09/01/2014 Last minute change in the Opening Session
Due to a health problem, Joshua EPSTEIN could not join us at the SSC'14 conference. We are glad to announce that Prf. Reiner Hegselman will open the Conference on Tuesday morning with the...


07/08/2014 Program available!

05/23/2014 Early registration extended to 30th May

05/16/2014 Notifications of acceptance delayed to 19th May
Due to the high number of submissions for the SSC'14 Conference, the deadline for the review process has been extended to May 18th (Sunday at 12:00, noon, Barcelona time).

05/16/2014 Acceptance notifications date extended

Please, expect to receive acceptance notifications from Monday, May 19th. The deadline for early registrations will be extended accordingly. 

04/28/2014 Online Payment System Open

Now you can use the secure online system to satisfy the Conferences' registration fees, and the ESSA Summer School fee, and also to acquire your hard copy of the AE 2014 Proceedings.

04/15/2014 Submission closed

A total of 163 submissions (64 full-papers, 82 extended-abstracts and 17 Posters) will be considered for the SSC'14 review process. The notification of acceptance will be done by May 15th....

04/11/2014 SSC'14 now on Twitter

Follow us at

04/09/2014 Application deadline extension for ESSA@Work to April, 11th
More info

03/07/2014 New website!

We have changed the server and updated all the contents. We apologize for any inconvenience! 

03/07/2014 Deadline extensions SSC 2014 (Papers, April 11th) & SPUHH (Abstracts, April, 11th)

01/15/2014 ESSA@work Call

Application deadline 15 March 2014
more information

01/15/2014 AE 2014

Deadline extension to January 30th
AE website

01/01/2014 Registration term OPEN

see Payment information and Registration form


Institutional support


Campus d'excel·lència internacional U A B