Social Events Program

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Social Events: Tours Organization

Barcelona is a great city with a huge number of tourist and cultural opportunities. We invite you to visit and enjoy some of the city highlights. Please, find below some links to help you organizing your own excursions in September.

The SSC’14 Local Organization offers four “different” proposals, as alternatives of the mainstream tourist attractions -that you could find by yourself-:

  1. “Into the machine tour” takes you inside the very core and secrets of MareNostrum, the most powerfull supercomputer in Spain, that fills totally the room of a Church.
  2. “Underground city tour” lets you take a time trip to the remains of ancient Barcelona, walking underground the streets of the city center.
  3. “Up in Heaven tour” gives you direct acces -no queues- to the famous Gothic-ArtNouveau church Sagrada Familia, the masterpiece unfinished greatest work of Gaudi, including the visit up to the towers with breathtaking views of the city from 100m. heigh. Not recommended for people suffering vertigo.
  4. "Following the path of Gaudi" is a easy and relaxing historical-guided stroll (2 hours) along the streets of Barcelona to the most important places of Gaudí and the "modernisme" (Art Nouveau) architecture.

All four tours are conducted by english speaking professional guides. The price of booking in advance with the Conference coordination is 10€, with the exception of “Up in Heaven Tour” (25€). We cannot assure this prices, nor availability, if not booking in advance.
Payment must be done on acreditation (September 1-3, Monday to Wednesday, at the Conference Office Desk). No credit cards allowed.

You can use the conference registration form to communicate us your booking preferences, or better, contact by email with the Social Events coordinator.
Please, contact with our Social Events coordinator for booking in advance, and for any question regarding the organized tours, or further information about tourist attractions in Barcelona.
Anaís Crespo  -  SSC’14 Social Events Coordination  -  <socialevents [dot] ssc [at] gmail [dot] com>

SSC’14 Social events (Barcelona Tours)  -  Tour 1: "Into the Machine Tour"


A visit to the deconsagrated Roman Catholic Church that houses the most powerful supercomputer in Spain, and one of the the fastest computer in Europe. Built in the mid 19th century the “Torre Girona” is a stunning neo-romantic chapel that was once the focal point for the spiritual life of the Girona-Agrafel family of Barcelona. Now it hosts MareNostrum, with a peak performance of 1.1 Petaflops (48,896 processors), a weigh of 40,000 kg. and up to 120m2 of space. A 60' minutes guided visit will introduce you to the High-Prestation Computing, and then walk into the Supercomputer facilities.

Visits are limited to 30 people per group.

  • Price: 10€
  • When?: Thursday 4rt September 2014, 18.00-19.00 h.
  • Where?: Jordi Girona, 31, “Torre Girona” building, Barcelona Super Computing (BSC) facilities. Take the green line Metro L3, direction Zona Universitaria, to the stop “Palau Reial” (1). Walk up the street “Tinent Coronel Valenzuela”. We meet at the “Torre Girona” gardens (2), house of the Rectorat of the UPC. [GoogleMaps: Torre Girona @41.389423,2.116059].
  • Contact: Anaís Crespo (Social Events Cordination) <socialevents [dot] ssc [at] gmail [dot] com>

SSC’14 Social events (Barcelona Tours)  -  Tour 2: "Underground City Tour"

A guided visit to the archaeological site under the Pl. del Rei square which covers 4,000 square meters, with remains spanning the 1st century BC to the 17th century. As well as the underground area, MUHBA Plaça del Rei includes the buildings that make up the old Palau Comtal, later renamed Palau Reial. They are fascinating examples of Romanesque and Gothic architecture, and they were also important sites for the expansion of Barcelona in mediaeval times.

Visits are limited to 25 people per group.

  • Price: 10€
  • When?: Thursday 4rt September 2014, 17.30h
  • Where?: Plaça del Rei, s/n. Walk down the “Ramblas”, or take the green line Metro L3 to the stop “Liceu” (1). Heading northeast, walk to the “Plaça Sant Jaume” (2), the square that houses both the Catalonia Local Government, and the City Hall. Walk down the street “Baixada de la Llibreteria”, then turn left at “Carrer del Veguer” street (3).
  • Or take the yellow line Metro L4 to the stop “Jaume I” (4). From Plaça de l’Àngel, heading southwest, walk up the street “Baixada de la Llibreteria”, then turn rigth at “Carrer del Veguer” street (3).
  • We meet at the “Plaça del Rei” (5), near the The Museum of the History of Barcelona (MUHBA) [GoogleMaps: Plaça del Rei, 08002 Barcelona]
  • Info:
  • Contact: Anaís Crespo (Social Events Cordination) <socialevents [dot] ssc [at] gmail [dot] com>

SSC’14 Social events (Barcelona Tours)  -  Tour 3: “Up in Heaven”

A guided visit to the most famous church in Barcelona (Gaudi’s Sagrada Familia). Gaudí planned a church with 18 towers (12 symbolising the apostles, 4 to the evangelists, and 2 more dedicated to Mary and Jesus), whose heights differ according to the symbolic hierarchy they represent. Today, 8 towers have been built at La Sagrada Família, 4 on each facade. The facades are not connected and therefore have independent entrances. The visit to the towers can only be made by lift, one on each façade.

Group visits are limited to a minimum of 20 and a maximun of 30 people per group.

  • Price: 25 €
  • When?: Thursday 4rt September 2014, 15.30h
  • Where?: Sagrada Familia. Metro L2 blue line or L5 purple line stop Sagrada Familia. You’ll find further details at the Conference Kit Bag.
  • Contact: Anaís Crespo (Social Events Cordination) <socialevents [dot] ssc [at] gmail [dot] com>
  • Info:

SSC’14 Social events (Barcelona Tours)  -  Tour 4: "Following the path of Gaudi"


A guided walk to the most important places of Gaudí and the "modernisme" (Art Nouveau) architecture in Barcelona. On this visit the guide will show you, walking, the best exemplars of the epoque of Modernism and Gaudí. The tour ends at the masterpiece unfinished: The Sagrada Familia. You get a lively experience of the city and some historical background on Gaudí’s Life and Works, the Stars of the Modernisme Era, The Catalan Renaissance, The Tragic Week, and The Eixample District.

Walking groups are limited to a minimum of 10 and a maximun of 20 people per group.

Some of the places we'll visit: Sagrada Família, Casa Battló, Casa Milà (La Pedrera), Casa des Punxes, Casa Asia, Passeig de Gràcia, Casa Amatller, Casa Lleó-Morera, Casa Comalat, Palau Macaya...

  • Price: 10€
  • When?: Thursday 4rt September 2014, 17.30-19.30 h.
  • Where?: We meet at Plaça de l’Àngel. Take the metro L4 (yellow line) to stop “Jaume I”.
  • Contact: Anaís Crespo (Social Events Cordination) <socialevents [dot] ssc [at] gmail [dot] com>
  • Info:


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