Previous research projects by team members include:
Main researcher: Marta Arumí Ribas
Researchers: Marta Arumí Ribas, Carmen Bestué Salinas, Anna Gil-Bardají, Mariana Orozco Jutorán, Miraia Vargas-Urpí
Effective Date: 31/07/2014 - 31/12/2016
Financial Institution: Agency for Management of University and Research Grants
Granted funds: 18.000€
Condition of the project or contract: Granted and concludes 31/12/2016
Connection with the current project: Highly related.
PROJECT TITTLE: Problems and strategies of translation and interpretation in the public services of the socioeducative area. Study of interpretation situations of Chinese, Romanian and Arab. FFI2011‐23905
Main researcher: Marta Arumí Ribas
Researchers: Marta Arumí Ribas, Carmen Bestué Salinas, Anna Gil-Bardají
Effective Date: 01/01/2012 - 31/12/2014
Financial Institution: Ministry of science and innovation (subprogram of fundamental non oriented investigation projects.)
Granted funds: 31.460€
Condition of the project or contract: Granted and concluded
Connection with the current project: It's higlhly related since the results of this project (in which the problems and strategies used by interpreters were studied using simulations) although more centre in the educative and social areas, are still useful for the judicial area.
PROJECT TITTLE: SOS-VICS. Speak Out for Support.
Main researcher: Maribel del Pozo Triviño (U. de Vigo), Marta Arumí Ribas (UAB)
Researchers: Marta Arumí Ribas, Anna Gil-Bardají, Mireia Vargas-Urpí
Effective Date: 01/01/2012 - 30/10/2014
Financial Institution: European Commission‐ Criminal Justice Action Grants. JUST/2011/JPEN/2912
Granted funds: 336.382,67€
Condition of the project or contract: Granted and concluded
Connection with the current project: It’s much related since this study has uncovered the linguistycal problems that the interpreters have to face, as well as the absence of reference materials to do a proper preparation when working with foreign victims of gender violence.
PROJECT TITTLE: QUALETRA (Quality in Legal Translation)
Main researcher: Dr. Hendrik Kockaert (KU Leuven, Belgium)
Researchers: Francisco Vigier Moreno
Effective Date: 11/2010 - 11/2014
Financial Institution: European Commission Directorate-General for Justice ‐ Criminal Justice Action Grants
Granted funds: 690,119.93€
Condition of the project or contract: Granted and concluded
Connection with the current project: The Qualetra project is very much related to our current project since it is focused on the translation of the essential documents in criminal procedures, the development of a training curriculum for legal translators and the development of procedures and materials to evaluate legal translators' performance.
PROJECT TITTLE: Proposal for improving the translation of End-User License Agreements (EULAs) in computer programs from English into Spanish: LAW10n. FI2010-22019 (FILO subprogram)
Main researcher: Olga Torres Hostench
Researchers: Olga Torres Hostench, Carmen Bestué Salinas, Mariana Orozco Jutorán
Effective Date: 01/01/2010 - 31/12/2013
Financial Institution: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
Granted funds: 65.000€
Condition of the project or contract: Granted and concluded.
Connection with the current project: The LAW10n project is highly related to our current project, since the web page created by this project was the precursosr of The TIPp resources, as it has in gathers in one only interface all the resources necessary for the translation of EULAs from English into Spanish.
PROJECT TITTLE: Translate and interpretate the immigration languages in Catalonia: towards the training and accreditation of an emergent professional profile. 2010 ARF1 00001
Main researcher: Marta Anna Gil-Bardají
Researchers: Marta Arumí Ribas, Anna Gil-Bardají, Mireia Vargas-Urpí
Effective Date: 01/02/2010 - 31/01/2011
Financial Institution: Agency for Management of University and Research Grants
Granted funds: 15.345€
Condition of the project or contract: Granted and concluded
Connection with the current project: It's much related because, thanks to this study, the Plataforma virtual de recursos sobre traducción e interpretación en los servicios públicos was developed. In this platform there is information about the situation of interpretation in the public services, formation, authorization and codes of ethics.
PROJECT TITTLE: Formalization of textual behaviour patterns for the management of multilingual documentation. FFI2009-08531
Main researcher: Anabel Borja Albi
Researchers: Anabel Borja Albi
Effective Date: 2009 - 2011
Financial Institution: Ministry of science and innovation, General Subdivision of Research Projects
Granted funds: 28.000€
Condition of the project or contract: Granted and concluded
Connection with the current project: It's much related.
PROJECT TITTLE: Translation and immigration: the training for translators and interpreters in public services, new solutions for a new reality. 2008 ARAF1 00039
Main researcher: Marta Arumí Ribas
Researchers: Marta Arumí Ribas, Anna Gil-Bardají, Mireia Vargas-Urpí
Effective Date: 01/01/2009 - 31/01/2010
Financial Institution: Agency for Management of University and Research Grants
Granted funds: 12.000€
Condition of the project or contract: Granted and concluded
Connection with the current project: It's much related since this project allowed the researchers to get a detailed idea of the current situation of the public interpretation services in Catalonia, thanks to its analysis of the professional profile of the interpreters in those services (that include the judicial institutions)
PROJECT TITTLE: Support unit for Specialized translation on-line. UNJM05-23-017
Main researcher: Anabel Borja Albi
Researchers: Anabel Borja Albi
Effective Date: 2005 - 2006
Financial Institution: Ministry of education and science - European Regional Development Fund
Granted funds: 73.055,56€
Condition of the project or contract: Granted and concluded
Connection with the current project: It's much related.