Jekat, Susanne & Maureen Ehrensberger-Dow (2008). Language separation in translators and interpreters, trans-kom Journal of Translation and Technical Communication Research, 1 (1), 88-104.

Type of publication: 
Authors from TREC: 
More authors: 
Jekat, Susanne
Abstract in English: 

Two positions concerning the organization of languages in multilingual speakers are contrasted in order to model how translators and interpreters can access two languages while keeping them separate during production. The potential influence of one language on another during translation and interpreting is discussed with a careful distinction drawn between transfer, borrowing and translationese. We argue that translationese, because it is triggered by the translation process, is fundamentally different from other types of cross-linguistic influence but is similar in quality to other features that have been called translation universals. Research is reported on what role acquisition mode might have on language separation and how language separation can be optimized in certain situations by activating the source or target language. Findings from two empirical studies involving translators with German, Spanish, English and/or Italian shed light on the relationship between language representation in multilinguals and their translation performance.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008
English keywords: 
language separation


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