Galán-Mañas, A.; Hurtado Albir, A. ”Blended learning in translator training. Methodology and results of an empiric validation”.The Interpreter and Translator Trainer (ITT) 4/2 (2010): 197-231

Type of publication: 
Abstract in English: 

This article presents research which aims to evaluate
the validity of two teaching proposals for translator training
in a blended learning mode: Introduction to translation and
Technical-scientific translation. Details are given of the
teaching theory from which the design of the proposals is
drawn (competence-based training and task based approach),
of the concept of blended learning, and of the tools that might be
used. Next, the methodology employed to conduct the research and
the selection process for the teaching units under investigation is
presented. Finally, the research phases are described (pilot study
and experiment), along with the data collection instruments, data
analysis and results obtained. The validity of the teaching proposal
and the multiple advantages of blended learning are established
by the research: it permits timetable flexibility and the freedom to
organize the workload, it encourages group work and promotes
student autonomy and responsibility.

Friday, January 1, 2010
English keywords: 
Translator training
Blended learning
Task and project based learning


Project initiator:



Campus d'excel·lència internacional U A B