An analysis of context and learning environment models in science education research and practice
Espinet, Mariona (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Didàctica de la Matemàtica i de les Ciències Experimentals)

Data: 2013
Resum: The presentation aims at in one hand reviewing different models of "Context" used in context-based science curricula and teaching, in the other hand identifying different views of the concept "Learning environments" as used within science education literature as well as education more generally, and finally establishing relationships between the views of Context and Learning Environments to show their complementarities as the basis for a unified view. Four models of context are reviewed: (a) Context as direct applications of concepts; (b) Context as reciprocity between concepts and applications; (c) Context as provided by personal mental activity; and (d) Context as social circumstances. In addition three views on learning environments are also reviewed: (a) Learning environment as a psychosocial entity; (b) Learning environment as a system; and (c) Learning environment as a community. The comparative analysis appears to indicate that both Context and Learning Environments experience a sociocultural turn which embraces complexity and diversity. A cartography of contexts for science education is presented based on a set of attributes taking into account the four worlds that are interconnected such as school science, everyday science, professional science and citizens' science. At the end a model of context as Complex Learning Environment is set so that it can be a tool to account for the increasing complexities that science education needs to face today such as interdisciplinariety, students and teachers' diversity, and diversity of settings. The characteristics of such model will be presented, examples from school agroecology provided, and research questions identified during the presentation.
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Llengua: Anglès
Document: Comunicació de congrés
Matèria: Context-based science education ; Learning environments ; Environmental education ; Science education ; Out-of-school learning
Publicat a: European Science Education Research Association (ESERA) Conference. Nicosia, Xipre, 10a : 2013

6 p, 128.9 KB

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