Unemployment and happiness
Visens Torres, Anna
Ramos Morilla, Xavier, dir. (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament d'Economia Aplicada)
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Facultat d'Economia i Empresa

Data: 2016
Descripció: 47 pag.
Resum: Unemployment reduces the well-being of the unemployed and in some cases the well-being of the employed. In this project the effect of unemployment on well-being is studied. This research is focused on Spain, not like most articles based on Great Britain, Germany or United States and uses cross-sectional data from the European Social Survey from the year 2002 until 2012. The main literature reviewed reports that the impact of unemployment on well-being is negative and the negative effect of unemployment on the well-being of the employed is higher than on the well-being of the unemployed when the regional unemployment rate increases. There are 8 variables of interest and 9 control variables. The dependent variable is life satisfaction and the regressions are related to labor force status, regional unemployment, partner's labor force status, past unemployment and temporary or permanent work contract. The empirical results show in all the models that the unemployed are less satisfied than the employed. Considering the regional unemployment rate and the partner's unemployment, the employed are better-off than the unemployed when the aggregate unemployment rises. In the regressions with past unemployment, the unemployed that have a period of unemployment within last 5 years are better-off than the unemployed that have not experienced unemployment within last 5 years. And finally, taking into account the model with the type of contract, it is reported that a limited contract reduces the life satisfaction of the employed and the unemployed.
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Llengua: Anglès
Titulació: Administració i Direcció d'Empreses [2501572]
Pla d'estudis: Grau en Administració i Direcció d'Empreses [1102]
Document: Treball final de grau ; Text

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47 p, 1.1 MB

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