Web of Science: 57 citas, Scopus: 62 citas, Google Scholar: citas,
Differences in Muscle Transcriptome among Pigs Phenotypically Extreme for Fatty Acid Composition
Puig-Oliveras, Anna (Centre de Recerca en Agrigenòmica)
Ramayo-Caldas, Yuliaxis (Génétique Animale et Biologie Intégrative)
Corominas Galbany, Jordi (Centre de Recerca en Agrigenòmica)
Estellé, Jordi (Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives (França))
Pérez-Montarelo, Dafne (Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (Espanya). Departamento de Mejora Genética Animal)
Hudson, Nick J. (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation. Computational and Systems Biology)
Casellas Vidal, Joaquim (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Ciència Animal i dels Aliments)
Folch, Josep M. (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Ciència Animal i dels Aliments)
Ballester Devis, Maria (Centre de Recerca en Agrigenòmica)

Fecha: 2014
Resumen: Background: Besides having an impact on human health, the porcine muscle fatty acid profile determines meat quality and taste. The RNA-Seq technologies allowed us to explore the pig muscle transcriptome with an unprecedented detail. The aim of this study was to identify differentially-expressed genes between two groups of 6 sows belonging to an Iberian 6 Landrace backcross with extreme phenotypes according to FA profile. Results: We sequenced the muscle transcriptome acquiring 787. 5 M of 75 bp paired-end reads. About 85. 1% of reads were mapped to the reference genome. Of the total reads, 79. 1% were located in exons, 6. 0% in introns and 14. 9% in intergenic regions, indicating expressed regions not annotated in the reference genome. We identified a 34. 5% of the intergenic regions as interspersed repetitive regions. We predicted a total of 2,372 putative proteins. Pathway analysis with 131 differentially-expressed genes revealed that the most statistically-significant metabolic pathways were related with lipid metabolism. Moreover, 18 of the differentially-expressed genes were located in genomic regions associated with IMF composition in an independent GWAS study in the same genetic background. Thus, our results indicate that the lipid metabolism of FAs is differently modulated when the FA composition in muscle differs. For instance, a high content of PUFA may reduce FA and glucose uptake resulting in an inhibition of the lipogenesis. These results are consistent with previous studies of our group analysing the liver and the adipose tissue transcriptomes providing a view of each of the main organs involved in lipid metabolism. Conclusions: The results obtained in the muscle transcriptome analysis increase the knowledge of the gene regulation of IMF deposition, FA profile and meat quality, in terms of taste and nutritional value. Besides, our results may be important in terms of human health.
Ayudas: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación AGL2011-29821-C02-01
Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia BES-2009-018223
Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia AP2008-01450
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación CSD2007-00036
Derechos: Aquest document està subjecte a una llicència d'ús Creative Commons. Es permet la reproducció total o parcial, la distribució, la comunicació pública de l'obra i la creació d'obres derivades, fins i tot amb finalitats comercials, sempre i quan es reconegui l'autoria de l'obra original. Creative Commons
Lengua: Anglès
Documento: Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Publicado en: PloS one, Vol. 9 Num. 6 (June 2014) , e99720, ISSN 1932-6203

DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0099720
PMID: 24926690

11 p, 664.1 KB

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