De Molècules Petites a Nanomaterials [42423]
Puyol Bosch, M. del Mar
Alibes, Ramón
Jaime Cardiel, Carlos
Ortuño Mingarro, Rosa María
Vallribera Massó, Adelina
Busqué Sánchez, Félix
Sebastián Pérez, Rosa Maria
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Facultat de Ciències

Date: 2017-18
Abstract: The aim of the module is to learn and deepen the study of the properties and applications of specific relevant materials in research by focusing on supramolecular materials, nanomaterials and biomaterials. In this sense, the preparation, properties and applications of molecules based on their molecular weight and increasing structural complexity down to nanostructured materials will be studied. In this regard the following two sub blocks are splitted: - Small molecules and dendrimers: synthesis, properties and utility. Chirality: molecular recognition and biological activity. - Soft materials and metallic nanoparticles: synthesis, functionalization and applications On the other hand, lecturing in English as well as evaluating the contents in English will allow the students to be familiar with the chemistry terminology as well as to in consolidate an essential language for their future careers both as in companies as in a university department or a research center. 1.
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Language: Anglès
Studies: Química Industrial i Introducció a la Recerca Química / Industrial Chemistry and Introduction to Chemical Research [4313385]
Study plan: Màster Universitari en Química Industrial i Introducció a la Recerca Química / Industrial Chemistry and Introduction to Chemical Research [1115]
Document: Objecte d'aprenentatge

5 p, 81.0 KB

The record appears in these collections:
Course materials > Course guides

 Record created 2017-09-15, last modified 2023-05-04

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