Mundialización, posthumanidad y cultura de masas
Colaizzi, Giulia (Universitat de València)

Fecha: 2004
Resumen: In Vision in Context, Martin Jay (1994) has remarked that the proliferation of images has caused a change of paradigm in the cultural imaginary of our times. He proposes to think about a change from the "linguistic turn" to a "pictorial turn" that is gaining among contem porary critics. This article wants to reflect upon the "pictorial turn "from the point of view of the "linguistic turn" which is considered to be drained. This article is about how new tech nologies have changed the cultural, artistic and philosophic panoramas and their practices.
Derechos: Tots els drets reservats.
Lengua: Castellà
Documento: Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Publicado en: DeSignis, Núm. 6 (Octubre 2004) , p. 103-114, ISSN 2462-7259

7 p, 380.2 KB

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