Web of Science: 74 cites, Scopus: 78 cites, Google Scholar: cites
Post-transplant cyclophosphamide after matched sibling, unrelated and haploidentical donor transplants in patients with acute myeloid leukemia : A comparative study of the ALWP EBMT
Sanz, Jaime (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Cáncer)
Galimard, J. E. (EBMT Paris Office. Hospital Saint Antoine)
Labopin, Myriam (Department of Hematology. Hopital Saint Antoine. Sorbonne University)
Afanasyev, B. (First State Pavlov Medical University of St. Petersburg. Raisa Gorbacheva Mem. Research Institute for Paediatric Oncology. Hematology. and Transplantation)
Angelucci, Emanuele (Department of Haematology. IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino)
Ciceri, Fabio (Haematology and BMT)
Blaise, Didier (Programme de Transplantation and Therapie Cellulaire. Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Marseille. Institut Paoli Calmettes)
Cornelissen, J. J. (Department of Hematology. Erasmus MC Cancer Institute. University Medical Center Rotterdam)
Meijer, E. (Department of Hematology (Br 250). VU University Medical Center)
Díez-Martín, José Luis (Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón. Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Gregorio Marañón (IiSGM))
Koc, Y. (Stem Cell Transplant Unit. Medical Park Hospitals)
Rovira Tarrats, Montserrat (Institut Germans Trias i Pujol. Institut de Recerca contra la Leucèmia Josep Carreras)
Castagna, L. (Transplantation Unit. Department of Oncology and Haematology. Istituto Clinico Humanitas)
Savani, B. N. (Vanderbilt University Medical Center)
Ruggeri, Annalisa (Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù (Roma, Itàlia))
Nagler, Arnon (ALWP of the EBMT Office. Saint Antoine Hospital)
Mohty, Mohamad (Department of Hematology. Hopital Saint Antoine. Sorbonne University)
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Data: 2020
Resum: Background: The use of post-transplant cyclophosphamide (PTCy) is highly effective in preventing graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) in the haploidentical (Haplo) transplant setting and is being increasingly used in matched sibling (MSD) and matched unrelated (MUD) transplants. There is no information on the impact of donor types using homogeneous prophylaxis with PTCy. Methods: We retrospectively compared outcomes of adult patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in first complete remission (CR1) who received a first allogeneic stem cell transplantation (SCT) with PTCy as GVHD prophylaxis from MSD (n = 215), MUD (n = 235), and Haplo (n = 789) donors registered in the EBMT database between 2010 and 2017. Results: The median follow-up was 2 years. Haplo-SCT carried a significantly increased risk of acute grade II-IV GVHD (HR 1. 6; 95% CI 1. 1-2. 4) and NRM (HR 2. 6; 95% CI 1. 5-4. 5) but a lower risk of relapse (HR 0. 7; 95% CI 0. 5-0. 9) that translated to no differences in LFS (HR 1. 1; 95% CI 0. 8-1. 4) or GVHD/relapse-free survival (HR 1; 95% CI 0. 8-1. 3). Interestingly, the use of peripheral blood was associated with an increased risk of acute (HR 1. 9; 95% CI 1. 4-2. 6) and chronic GVHD (HR 1. 7; 95% CI 1. 2-2. 4) but a lower risk of relapse (HR 0. 7; 95% CI 0. 5-0. 9). Conclusions: The use of PTCy in patients with AML in CR1 receiving SCT from MSD, MUD, and Haplo is safe and effective. Haplo-SCT had increased risk of acute GVHD and NRM and lower relapse incidence but no significant difference in survival.
Drets: Aquest document està subjecte a una llicència d'ús Creative Commons. Es permet la reproducció total o parcial, la distribució, la comunicació pública de l'obra i la creació d'obres derivades, fins i tot amb finalitats comercials, sempre i quan es reconegui l'autoria de l'obra original. Creative Commons
Llengua: Anglès
Document: Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Matèria: Acute leukemia cyclophosphamide ; Allogeneic stem cell transplant ; Alternative donor transplants ; Haploidentical transplant ; Post-transplant
Publicat a: Journal of hematology & oncology, Vol. 13 Núm. 1 (june 2020) , p. 46, ISSN 1756-8722

DOI: 10.1186/s13045-020-00882-6
PMID: 32375860

13 p, 1.0 MB

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