Social impact of migration: addressing the challenges of receiving and integrating Ukrainian refugees
Fóti, Klára
Godino Pons, Alejandro (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Centre d'Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball (QUIT))
European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions

Publicació: Luxemburg Publications Office of the European Union 2024
Resum: This report focuses on the challenges that the EU Member States and Norway face when receiving and integrating refugees who fled Ukraine after Russia's invasion in February 2022. It investigates their labour market integration and access to and experiences with public services that are crucial for societal inclusion. The main aim is to explore and highlight the interplay between different areas of integration: employment, housing arrangements, healthcare (including mental health care), access to childcare and social assistance. The report uses information collected by Eurofound from the Member States and Norway and covers developments up to mid-2023. It examines the following issues: employment levels and barriers to labour market access for Ukrainian refugees; support measures for labour market integration; and the ways in which the Member States and Norway facilitate access to key services (housing, education, healthcare and social assistance) and the challenges that have to be overcome in this regard.
Nota: Aquesta publicació s'elabora a partir de les contribucions de cadascú dels membres nacionals que integren la Network of Eurofound Correspondents. Pel cas d'Espanya la contribució ha estat realitzada per l'Alejandro Godino (veure annex 4-Table A3: List of correspondents who contributed to the research)
Drets: Tots els drets reservats.
Llengua: Anglès
Document: Llibre
Matèria: Stand with Ukraine ; Public services ; Migration and mobility ; Living conditions and quality of life ; Labour market participation
ISBN: 978-92-897-2394-7

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78 p, 735.3 KB

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