Web of Science: 21 cites, Scopus: 24 cites, Google Scholar: cites,
Adherence to drug treatments and adjuvant barrier repair therapies are key factors for clinical improvement in mild to moderate acne : The ACTUO observational prospective multicenter cohort trial in 643 patients
de Lucas, Raúl (Hospital Universitario La Paz (Madrid))
Moreno-Arias, Gerardo (Hospital Quirón Teknon)
Pérez-López, Montserrat (Clínica Dermatológica de Moragas (Barcelona))
Vera-Casaño, Ángel (Hospital Regional Universitario de Málaga)
Aladren, Sonia (Isdin S.A. Medical Department)
Milani, Massimo (Isdin S.A. Medical Department)
Abellaneda Fernández, Cristina
Aguayo Leyva, Ingrid Rocío
Alcaraz León, Inmaculada
Alonso García, Ignacio
Arechalde Pérez, Ana
Balbín Carrero, Eva
Ballestero Corominas, Alejandro
Bilbao Badiola, Ibon
Boada, Aram
Ciudad Blanco, Cristina
del Pozo Hernando, Luis Javier
Del Rio Reyes, Rosa
Eguino Gorrochategui, Patricia
Escalas Taberner, Juan
Espelt Otero, Jorge Luis
Fernández Angel, Isabel
Fernández Casado, Alex
Fernández Torres, Rosa Ma.
Gallego Álvarez, Silvia
Galvany Rosell, Loida
Gamo-Villegas, Reyes
Ginarte Val, Manuel
Gómez Fernández, Cristina
Gómez Vázquez, Mercedes
Gutiérrez De La Peña, Javier
Hernandez Cano, Natalia
Houmani Houmani, Manmoud
Ibargoyen Esnal, Jesús
Iglesias Sancho, Maribel
Izquierdo Herce, Noelia
Jeremías Torruella, Javier
Latorre Fuentes, Jose Maria
Llambrich Mañes, Alex
López-Ferrer, Anna
Mariscal Polo, Amaia
Márquez Balbas, Gemma
Martin Ezquerra, Gemma
Martin Urda, Maria Teresa
Martinez Escala, Maria Estela
Martinez Fernández, Matilde
Mieras Barceló, Caterina
Molina Ruiz, Ana
Montero Pérez, Iria
Nadal Llado, Cristina
Naranjo Díaz, Maria José
Nasarre Calvo, Jaume
Navajas Pinedo, Belén
Oleaga Morante, José Manuel
Perelló Llinas, Guillermo
Pérez Losada, Maria Eugenia
Pérez-Beato De Cos, Maria Paz
Pestoni Porven, Carmela
Poza Magdalena, Olga
Rocamora Duran, Vicenç
Rodriguez Caruncho, Clara
Rodriguez Granados, Maria Teresa
Roé Crespo, Esther (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau)
Ruiz Carrascosa, José Carlos
Salgado Boquete, Laura
Sanchez Muros, Virginia
Sanz De Galdeano Palacio, Carmen
Taberner, Rosa
Trasobares Marugan, Lidia
Uria García, Ma Carmen
Valle Martin, Ma del Mar
Valle Santana, Pilar
Vázquez García, Juan
Velasco Pastor, Manuel
Vilarrasa-Rull, Eva (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau)
Waadad Waadad, Tamim
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Medicina

Data: 2015
Resum: Background: In acne, several studies report a poor adherence to treatments. We evaluate, in a real-life setting conditions, the impact of compliance to physician's instructions, recommendations and adherence to the treatments on clinical outcome in patients with mild to moderate acne in an observational, non-interventional prospective study carried out in 72 Dermatologic Services in Spain (ACTUO Trial). Methods: Six-hundred-forty-three subjects were enrolled and 566 patients (88 %) completed the 3 study visits. Study aimed to evaluate the impact of adherence (assessed with ECOB scale) on clinical outcome, as well as how the use of specific adjuvant treatments (facial cleansing, emollient, moisturizing and lenitive specific topical products) influences treatment's adherence and acne severity (0-5 points score). Recommendation of specific adjuvant skin barrier repair products was made in 85. 2 %. Results: Overall, clinical improvement was observed throughout follow-up visits with an increased proportion of patients who reported reductions of ≥50 % on the total number of lesions (2 months: 25. 2 %; 3 months: 57. 6 %) and reductions of severity scores (2. 5, 2. 0 and 1. 3 at 1, 2 and 3 months after treatment, respectively). Adherence to treatment was associated with a significant reduction on severity grading, a lower number of lesions and a higher proportion of patients with ≥50 % improvement. Conclusions: Good adherence to medication plus adherence to adjuvants was significantly associated with a higher clinical improvement unlike those that despite adherence with medication had a low adherence to adjuvants. A good adherence to adjuvant treatment was associated with improved adherence and better treatment outcomes in mild to moderate acne patients. (ISRCTN Registry: ISRCTN14257026).
Drets: Aquest document està subjecte a una llicència d'ús Creative Commons. Es permet la reproducció total o parcial, la distribució, la comunicació pública de l'obra i la creació d'obres derivades, fins i tot amb finalitats comercials, sempre i quan es reconegui l'autoria de l'obra original. Creative Commons
Llengua: Anglès
Document: Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Matèria: Acne vulgaris ; Emollients ; Observational study ; Patient adherence ; Topical administration
Publicat a: BMC Dermatology, Vol. 15 Núm. 1 (september 2015) , p. 17, ISSN 1471-5945

DOI: 10.1186/s12895-015-0036-8
PMID: 26361978

6 p, 538.8 KB

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