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23 p, 1.1 MB Updated Review and Clinical Recommendations for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Patients with Retroperitoneal Sarcoma by the Spanish Sarcoma Research Group (GEIS) / Alvarez, Rosa (Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón) ; Manzano, Aránzazu (Hospital Universitario Clínico San Carlos) ; Agra Pujol, Carolina (Hospital Universitario Gregorio Marañon) ; Artigas Raventós, Vicente (Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau (Barcelona, Catalunya)) ; Correa Genoroso, Raquel (Hospital Virgen de la Victoria) ; Cruz Jurado, Josefina (Hospital Universitario Canarias) ; Fernandez, Juan Angel (Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca (Múrcia)) ; Garcia del Muro, Xavier (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge) ; Gonzalez, Jose Antonio (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Hindi, Nadia (Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de la Fundación Jiménez Díaz) ; Lozano Lominchar, Pablo (Hospital Universitario Gregorio Marañon) ; Martínez-Trufero, Javier (Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet) ; Méndez, Ramiro (Hospital Universitario Clínico San Carlos) ; Muñoz, Mercedes (Hospital Universitario Gregorio Marañon) ; Muñoz Casares, Cristobal (Hospital San Juan de Dios) ; Orbis Castellanos, Francisco (Hospital Universitario y Politécnico La Fe) ; Orellana-Fernández, Ruth (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Paniagua González, Miguel (Hospital Universitario Gregorio Marañon) ; Redondo Sánchez, Andrés (Hospital Universitario La Paz-IdiPAZ) ; Valverde Morales, Claudia (Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron) ; Asencio, Jose Manuel (Hospital Universitario Gregorio Marañon) ; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
The treatment of retroperitoneal sarcomas poses significant challenges due to their infrequency, clinical and histologic heterogeneity, and unique anatomical location. We provide an updated review on the management of retroperitoneal sarcoma and issue clear and concise recommendations for the treatment of the main clinical situations encountered in this disease. [...]
2023 - 10.3390/cancers15123194
Cancers, Vol. 15 (june 2023)  
18 p, 1.6 MB Quorum sensing network in clinical strains of A. baumannii : AidA is a new quorum quenching enzyme / López Díaz, María (Red Española de Investigación en Patologías Infecciosas (REIPI)) ; Mayer, Celia (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela) ; Fernández García, Laura (Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de A Coruña) ; Blasco, Lucía (Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de A Coruña) ; Muras, Andrea (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela) ; Ruiz, Federico M. (Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas (CIB-CSIC)) ; Bou, German (Red Española de Investigación en Patologías Infecciosas (REIPI)) ; Otero, Ana (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela) ; Tomas, Maria (Red Española de Investigación en Patologías Infecciosas (REIPI)) ; Rodríguez-Baño, Jesús (Red Española de Investigación en Patologías Infecciosas (REIPI)) ; Pascual Hernández, Álvaro (Red Española de Investigación en Patologías Infecciosas (REIPI)) ; Fernández Cuenca, Felipe (Red Española de Investigación en Patologías Infecciosas (REIPI)) ; Pachón, Jerónimo (Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío (Sevilla, Andalusia)) ; Cisneros, José Miguel (Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío (Sevilla, Andalusia)) ; Garnacho, José (Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío (Sevilla, Andalusia)) ; Gutierrez Pizarraya, Antonio (Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío (Sevilla, Andalusia)) ; Márquez Vácaro, Juan Antonio (Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío (Sevilla, Andalusia)) ; Martínez Martínez, Luis (Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla (Santander, Cantabria)) ; Cano, María Eliecer (Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla (Santander, Cantabria)) ; Fariñas, M.Carmen (Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla (Santander, Cantabria)) ; Vila Estapé, Jordi (Hospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona) ; Sánchez Porto, Antonio (Hospital SAS La Línea) ; Esteban Meruendano, Gloria (Hospital SAS La Línea) ; Barbeyto Vales, Luis (Hospital SAS La Línea) ; Casas Ciria, Javier (Hospital SAS La Línea) ; Vallejo, Luis (Hospital SAS La Línea) ; Fernández Pérez, Begoña (Complejo Hospitalario de Ourense) ; Villar-Chao, José Carlos (Complejo Hospitalario de Ourense) ; Padilla Ortega, Belén (Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón) ; Cercenado Mansilla, Emilia (Hospital Gregorio Marañón (Madrid)) ; García Irure, José Javier (Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra) ; Jiménez, Alfonso del Arco (Hospital Costa del Sol-Marbella) ; Gimeno Cardona, Concepción (Hospital General de València) ; Valía, Juan Carlos (Hospital General de València) ; Tormo, Nuria (Hospital General de València) ; Abril, Vicente (Hospital General de València) ; Rifa, Josefina (Hospital General de València) ; Martinez Garcia, Maria Jesus (Hospital General de València) ; Vilaró Pujals, Joseph (Consorci Hospitalari de Vic) ; Navarro Aguirre, Marian (Consorci Hospitalari de Vic) ; Vilamala, Ana (Consorci Hospitalari de Vic) ; Jiménez Alfaro, José Antonio (Policlínica Guipúzkoa) ; Reviejo Jaca, Carlos (Policlínica Guipúzkoa) ; Marín Casanova, Pilar (Hospital Universitario Puerta del Mar (Cadis, Andalusia)) ; Guerreo, Francisca (Hospital Universitario Puerta del Mar (Cadis, Andalusia)) ; Shaw, Evelyn (Hospital Universitario Puerta del Mar (Cadis, Andalusia)) ; Plasencia, Virginia (Hospital Universitario Puerta del Mar (Cadis, Andalusia)) ; Nebreda Mayoral, Teresa (Complejo Hospitalario de Soria) ; Fernández Calavia, María José (Complejo Hospitalario de Soria) ; García de Cruz, Susana (Complejo Hospitalario de Soria) ; Aldea Mansilla, Carmen (Complejo Hospitalario de Soria) ; Merino de Lucas, Esperanza (Hospital General Universitario de Alicante (Alacant, País Valencià)) ; Zorraquino, Alfredo (Hospital General Universitario de Alicante (Alacant, País Valencià)) ; Reus Bañuls, Sergio (Hospital General Universitario de Alicante (Alacant, País Valencià)) ; Garduno Eseverri, Eugenio (Hospital Infanta Cristina) ; López Sánchez, Luis (Hospital Infanta Cristina) ; Fleites Gutiérrez, Ana (Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias) ; Rodríguez Guardado, Azucena (Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias) ; Moreno, Alfonso (Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias) ; García-Arenzana Anguera, José María (Hospital de Donostia (Sant Sebastià, País Basc)) ; López Palmero, Serafín (Complejo Hospitalario Torrecárdenas (Almeria)) ; Rodríguez Maresca, Manuel (Complejo Hospitalario Torrecárdenas (Almeria)) ; García Garrote, Fernando (Complejo Hospitalario Xeral-Calde Lugo) ; Varela Otero, José (Complejo Hospitalario Xeral-Calde Lugo) ; Alonso, María del Pilar (Complejo Hospitalario Xeral-Calde Lugo) ; Vidal Verdú, Elisa (Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía (Córdoba, Espanya)) ; Rodríguez López, Fernando (Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía (Córdoba, Espanya)) ; Pardo Sánchez, Fernanda (Hospital Universitario Santiago Compostela) ; Ferrer Vizoso, E. (Hospital Universitario Santiago Compostela) ; Regueiro Garcia, B. (Hospital Universitario Santiago Compostela) ; Gurguí, Mercè (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Pericas, Roser (Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau (Barcelona, Catalunya)) ; Pomar, Virginia (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Olaechea Astigarraga, Pedro María (Hospital de Galdakao (Usansolo, Biscaia)) ; Ayarza Igartua, Rafael (Hospital de Galdakao (Usansolo, Biscaia)) ; Maciá Romero, María Dolores (Hospital Universitari Son Dureta (Palma de Mallorca, Balears)) ; Ruíz de Gopegui-Bordes, Enrique (Hospital Universitari Son Dureta (Palma de Mallorca, Balears)) ; Sánchez Romero, María Isabel (Hospital Puerta de Hierro (Madrid)) ; García Mata, Jesús (Hospital Juan Grande) ; Goyanes, María Jesús (Hospital Juan Grande) ; Morales Mateos, Cristina (Hospital Juan Grande) ; Hernández Quero, José (Hospital Universitario San Cecilio (Granada)) ; Escobar Lara, Trinidad (Hospital Universitario San Cecilio (Granada)) ; Ballester-Bastardie, Frederic (Hospital Universitari Sant Joan de Reus (Tarragona)) ; Iftimie, Simona Mihaela (Hospital Universitari Sant Joan de Reus (Tarragona)) ; Pujol Bajador, Isabel (Hospital Universitari Sant Joan de Reus (Tarragona)) ; Galán Navarro, María Isabel (Hospital de Motril) ; Cádiz Gurrea, María de la Luz (Hospital de Motril) ; Amores Antequera, Carmen (Hospital San Agustín de Avilés) ; Gómez, Montserrat (Hospital San Agustín de Avilés) ; Cantudo, Purificación (Hospital San Agustín de Avilés) ; Martí Salas, Carmina (Hospital General de Granollers) ; Cuquet Peragosa, Jordi (Hospital General de Granollers) ; Moreno Flores, Antonio (Hospital General de Granollers) ; Anibarro, Luis (Hospital General de Granollers) ; Hernando Real, Susana (Hospital de Segovia) ; Carrero González, Pablo A. (Hospital de Segovia) ; Pallarés González, María Angeles (Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Pontevedra) ; Rodríguez Fernández, Sergio (Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Pontevedra) ; Pujol, Miquel (Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge) ; Tubau, Fe (Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge) ; Nuno Alvarez, Enrique (Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Victoria (Màlaga, Andalusia)) ; Ortega Torres, María (Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Victoria (Màlaga, Andalusia)) ; Giner Almaraz, Salvador (Hospital Doctor Moliner) ; Roca Castelló, María Rosa (Hospital Doctor Moliner) ; Castillo, Manuela (Hospital Doctor Moliner) ; Hortelano, Elena (Hospital Doctor Moliner) ; Chaves Sánchez, Fernando (Hospital 12 de Octubre (Madrid)) ; García Reyne, Ana (Hospital 12 de Octubre (Madrid)) ; Horcajada, Juan Pablo (Hospital del Mar (Barcelona, Catalunya)) ; Segura, Concha (Hospital del Mar (Barcelona, Catalunya)) ; Sierra Dorado, Gema (Hospital San Agustín de Avilés) ; Yano Escudero, Raquel (Hospital San Agustín de Avilés) ; Dorta-Hung, María Elena (Complejo Hospitalario Materno Insular de Gran Canaria) ; Cristóbal del Rosario, Q. (Complejo Hospitalario Materno Insular de Gran Canaria) ; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Acinetobacter baumannii is an important pathogen that causes nosocomial infections generally associated with high mortality and morbidity in Intensive Care Units (ICUs). Currently, little is known about the Quorum Sensing (QS)/Quorum Quenching (QQ) systems of this pathogen. [...]
2017 - 10.1371/journal.pone.0174454
PloS one, Vol. 12 Núm. 3 (march 2017) , p. e0174454  
31 p, 5.8 MB Testing the Effect of Relative Pollen Productivity on the REVEALS Model : A Validated Reconstruction of Europe-Wide Holocene Vegetation / Serge, Maria Antonia (Université de Toulouse-Jean Jaurès) ; Mazier, Florence (Université de Toulouse-Jean Jaurès) ; Fyfe, Ralph (University of Plymouth) ; Gaillard, Marie-Jose (Linnaeus University) ; Klein, Thierry (Université de Toulouse. Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse) ; Lagnoux, Agnès (Université de Toulouse. Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse) ; Galop, Didier (Université de Toulouse-Jean Jaurès) ; Githumbi, Esther (Lund University) ; Mindrescu, Marcel (University of Suceava) ; Nielsen, Anne Birgitte (Lund University) ; Trondman, Anna-Kari (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) ; Poska, Anneli (Tallinn University of Technology) ; Sugita, Shinya (Tallinn University) ; Woodbridge, Jessie (University of Plymouth) ; Abel-Schaad, Daniel (Universidad de Granada) ; Åkesson, Christine (Lund University) ; Alenius, Teija Helena (University of Turku) ; Ammann, Brigitta (University of Bern) ; Andersen, Simone Thirstrup (Geological Survey of Denmark) ; Anderson, R. Scott (Northern Arizona University) ; Andrič, Maja (Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts) ; Balakauskas, Lauras (Vilnius University) ; Barnekow, Lena (Lund University) ; Batalova, Vlada (Georg-August-University) ; Bergman, Jonas (National Historical Museums (Sweden)) ; Birks, H. John B. (University of Bergen) ; Björkman, Leif (Viscum Pollenanalys & Miljöhistoria) ; Bjune, Anne Elisabeth (University of Bergen) ; Borisova, Olga (Institute of Geography Russian Academy of Sciences) ; Broothaerts, Nils (Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (Belgium)) ; Carrión, José (Universidad de Murcia) ; Caseldine, Chris (University of Exeter) ; Christiansen, Jörg (Georg-August-University) ; Cui, Qiaoyu (Chinese Academy of Sciences) ; Currás, Andrés (Instituto de Ciencias del Patrimonio) ; Czerwiński, Sambor (University of Greifswald) ; David, Romain (Université de Rennes 1) ; Davies, Adrian L. (University of St. Andrews) ; De Jong, Ruth (Lund University) ; Di Rita, Federico (Sapienza Università di Roma) ; Dietre, Benjamin (University of Innsbruck) ; Dörfler, Walter (Christian-Albrechts University) ; Doyen, Elise (Bureau d'étude Spécialisé en Reconstitution des Paléoenvironnements à Partir de Vestiges Botaniques) ; Edwards, Kevin J. (University of Cambridge) ; Ejarque, Ana (Université de Montpellier) ; Endtmann, Elisabeth (Landesamt für Geologie und Bergwesen) ; Etienne, Denzil (Université Savoie Mont Blanc) ; Faure, Elodie (Université Paris-Saclay) ; Feeser, Ingo (Christian-Albrechts University) ; Feurdean, Angelica (Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai (Cluj-Napoca, Romania)) ; Fischer, Elske (Landesamt für Denkmalpflege im Regierungspräsidium) ; Fletcher, William (University of Manchester) ; Franco-Múgica, Maria Fatima (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) ; Fredh, Erik Daniel (University of Stavanger) ; Froyd, Cynthia (Swansea University) ; Garcés-Pastor, Sandra (Universitat de Barcelona) ; García-Moreiras, Iria (Universidade de Vigo) ; Gauthier, Emilie (Université de Franche-Comté) ; Gil-Romera, Graciela (Instituto Pirenaico de Ecologia) ; González-Sampériz, Penélope (Instituto Pirenaico de Ecologia) ; Grant, Michael J. (University of Southampton) ; Grindean, Roxana (Babeş-Bolyai University) ; Haas, Jean Nicolas (University of Innsbruck) ; Hannon, Gina (University of Liverpool) ; Heather, A. J. (University of Maine) ; Heikkilä, Maija (University of Helsinki) ; Hjelle, Kari Loe (University of Bergen) ; Jahns, S. (Heritage Management and Archaeological Museum of the State of Brandenburg) ; Jasiunas, N. (University of Latvia) ; Jiménez-Moreno, Gonzalo (Universidad de Granada) ; Jouffroy-Bapicot, I. (University of Franche-Comté) ; Kabailienė, M. (Vilnius University) ; Kamerling, I.M. (Leiden University) ; Kangur, M. (Tallinn University) ; Karpińska-Kołaczek, M. (Adam Mickiewicz University) ; Kasianova, A. (Georg August University) ; Kołaczek, P. (Adam Mickiewicz University) ; Lagerås, P. (National Historical Museums (Sweden)) ; Latalowa, M. (University of Gdańsk) ; Lechterbeck, J. (University of Stavanger) ; Leroyer, C. (Université de Rennes 1) ; Leydet, M. (Avignon Université) ; Lindbladh, M. (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) ; Lisitsyna, O. (Tallinn University of Technology) ; López-Sáez, José Antonio (Consejo Español de Investigaciones Científicas) ; Lowe, J. (University of London) ; Luelmo-Lautenschlaeger, R. (Université de Montpellier) ; Lukanina, E. (Georg August University) ; Macijauskaitė, L. (Vilnius University) ; Magri, D. (Sapienza Università di Roma) ; Marguerie, D. (Université de Rennes) ; Marquer, L. (Max Planck Institute for Chemistry) ; Martinez-Cortizas, A. (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela) ; Mehl, I. (University of Bergen) ; Mesa-Fernández, J.M. (Universidad de Granada) ; Mighall, T. (University of Aberdeen) ; Miola, A. (Università di Padova) ; Miras, Y. (Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle (France)) ; Morales-Molino, C. (Universidad de Alcalá) ; Mrotzek, A. (University of Greifswald) ; Sobrino, C.M. (Universidade de Vigo) ; Odgaard, B. (Aarhus University) ; Ozola, I. (Lake and Peatland Research Centre (Latvia)) ; Pérez-Díaz, Sebastián (Universidad de Cantabria) ; Pérez Obiol, Ramon (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Biologia Animal, de Biologia Vegetal i d'Ecologia) ; Poggi, C. (Università di Padova) ; Rego, P.R. (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela) ; Ramos-Román, M.J. (University of Helsinki) ; Rasmussen, P. (The National Museum of Denmark) ; Reille, M. (Institut Méditerranéen d'Ecologie et de Paléoécologie) ; Rösch, M. (LDA Baden-Württemberg) ; Ruffaldi, P. (University of Franche-Comté) ; Goni, M.S. (University of Bordeaux) ; Savukynienė, N. (Nature Research Centre (Lithuania)) ; Schröder, T. (Aachen University) ; Schult, M. (University of Greifswald) ; Segerström, U. (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) ; Seppä, H. (University of Helsinki) ; Vives, G.S. (Universitat de les Illes Balears) ; Shumilovskikh, L. (Georg August University) ; Smettan, H.W. (Materialhefte zur Arhäologie in Baden-Württemberg) ; Stancikaite, M. (Nature Research Centre (Lithuania)) ; Stevenson, A.C. (Newcastle University) ; Stivrins, N. (University of Latvia) ; Tantau, I. (Babeş-Bolyai University) ; Theuerkauf, M. (University of Greifswald) ; Tonkov, S. (Sofia University) ; van der Knaap, W.O. (University of Bern) ; van Leeuwen, J.F.N. (University of Bern) ; Vecmane, E. (Latvian Hydroecology Institute) ; Verstraeten, G. (Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (Belgium)) ; Veski, S. (Tallinn University of Technology) ; Voigt, Ricarda (Georg-August-University) ; Von Stedingk, Henrik (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) ; Waller, Martyn (Kingston University) ; Wiethold, Julian (Institut National de Recherches Archéologiques Préventives (France)) ; Willis, Katherine Jane (University of Oxford) ; Wolters, Steffen (Lower Saxony Institute for Historical Coastal Research (Germany)) ; Zernitskaya, Valentina P. (National Academy of Sciences of Belarus)
Reliable quantitative vegetation reconstructions for Europe during the Holocene are crucial to improving our understanding of landscape dynamics, making it possible to assess the past effects of environmental variables and land-use change on ecosystems and biodiversity, and mitigating their effects in the future. [...]
2023 - 10.3390/land12050986
Land, Vol. 12, Issue 5 (May 2023) , art. 986  
13 p, 473.7 KB Effects of a Digital Patient Empowerment and Communication Tool on Metabolic Control in People With Type 2 Diabetes : The DeMpower Multicenter Ambispective Study / Orozco-Beltrán, Domingo (Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche. Departamento de Medicina Clínica) ; Morales, Cristobal Jesus (Department of Endocrinology. Hospital Vithas) ; Artola, Sara (Centro de Salud José Marvá (Madrid)) ; Brotons, Carlos (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Carrascosa, Sara (El Campello Primary Health Care Center) ; González, Cintia (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Baro Pato, Óscar (Galapagar Primary Care Center. RedGDPs Foundation) ; Aliaga, Alberto (Department of Endocrinology. Clínica New Technologies in Diabetes and Endocrinology) ; Ferreira de Campos, Karine (Medical Affairs Department. MSD Spain) ; Villarejo, Maria (Medical Affairs Department. MSD Spain) ; Hurtado, Carlos (Medical Affairs Department. MSD Spain) ; Álvarez-Ortega, Carolina (Medical Affairs Department. MSD Spain) ; Gómez-García, Anton (Medical Affairs Department. MSD Spain) ; Cedenilla, Marta (Medical Affairs Department. MSD Spain) ; Fernández, Gonzalo (Medical Affairs Department. MSD Spain)
Background: Diabetes is a major health care problem, reaching epidemic numbers worldwide. Reducing hemoglobin A (HbA) levels to recommended targets is associated with a marked decrease in the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM)-related complications. [...]
2022 - 10.2196/40377
JMIR Diabetes, Vol. 7 Núm. 4 (january 2022) , p. e40377  
11 p, 2.0 MB Elective surgery system strengthening : development, measurement, and validation of the surgical preparedness index across 1632 hospitals in 119 countries / Glasbey, James ; Abbott, Tom ; Ademuyiwa, Adesoji O. ; Adisa, Adewale ; AlAmeer, Ehab S. ; Alshryda, Sattar J.M. ; Arnaud, Alexis P. ; Bankhead-Kendall, Brittany Kay ; Abou Chaar, Mohamad K. ; Chaudhry, Daoud (On Behalf of the COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Costas-Chavarri, Ainhoa ; Cunha, Miguel F. ; Davies, Justine Ina ; Desai, Anant D. ; Elhadi, Muhammed ; Fiore, Marco ; Fitzgerald, James Edward F. ; Fourtounas, Maria ; Fowler, Alexander James ; Futaba, Kaori ; Gallo, Gaetano (On Behalf of the COVIDSurg Collaborative) ; Ghosh, Dhruva N. ; Gujjuri, Rohan R. ; Hamilton, Rebecca ; Haque, Parvez David ; Harrison, Ewen ; Hutchinson, Peter John A. ; Hyman, Gabriella Yael ; Isik, A. ; Jayarajah, U. ; Kaafarani, H.M. ; Kadir, B. ; Lawani, I. ; Lederhuber, Hans ; Li, E. ; Löffler, M.W. ; Lorena, M.A. ; Mann, H. ; Martin, Janet ; Mazingi, D. ; McClain, C.D. ; McLean, K.A. ; Meara, J.G. ; Ramos-De La Medina, A. ; Mengesha, M. ; Minaya, A. ; Modolo, M.M. ; Moore, R. ; Morton, D. ; Nepogodiev, D. ; Ntirenganya, F. ; Pata, F. ; Pearse, R. ; Picciochi, M. ; Pinkney, T. ; Pockney, P. ; van Ramshorst, G.H. ; Richards, T. ; Roslani, A.C. ; Satoi, S. ; Sayyed, R. ; Shaw, R. ; Simões, J.F. ; Smart, N. ; Sullivan, R. ; Sund, M. ; Sundar, S. ; Tabiri, S. ; Taylor, E.H. ; Venn, M.L. ; Wickramasinghe, D.P. ; Wright, N. ; Yip, S.B.S. ; Bhangu, A. ; Omar, O. ; Harrison, E. ; Bhangu, A.A. ; Siaw-Acheampong, K. ; Benson, R.A. ; Bywater, E. ; Dawson, B.E. ; Evans, Jonathan P. ; Heritage, E. ; Jones, C.S. ; Kamarajah, S.K. ; Khatri, C. ; Khaw, R.A. ; Keatley, J.M. ; Knight, A. ; Lawday, S. ; Mann, Harvinder S ; Marson, E.J. ; Mckay, S.C. ; Mills, E.C. ; Pellino, G. ; Tiwari, A. ; Trout, I.M. ; Wilkin, R.J. ; Abukhalaf, S. ; Adamina, Michel ; Ademuyiwa, A.O. ; Agarwal, A. ; Akkulak, M. ; Alderson, D. ; Alakaloko, F. ; Albertsmeier, M. ; Alser, Osaid ; Alshaar, M. ; Augestad, K.M. ; Ayasra, F. ; Azevedo, J. ; Bankhead-Kendall, B.K. ; Barlow, E. ; Beard, D. ; Blanco-Colino, Ruth ; Brar, A. ; Minaya-Bravo, A. ; Breen, K.A. ; Bretherton, C. ; Buarque, I.L. ; Burke, J. ; Caruana, E.J. ; Chaar, M. ; Chakrabortee, S. ; Christensen, P. ; Cox, D. ; Cukier, M. ; Davidson, G.H. ; Di Saverio, S. ; Drake, T.M. ; Edwards, J.G. ; Emile, S. ; Farik, S. ; Ford, S. ; Garmanova, T. ; Gomes, G.M.A. ; Grecinos, G. ; Griffiths, E.A. ; Gruendl, M. ; Halkias, Constantine ; Hisham, I. ; Hutchinson, P.J. ; Hwang, S. ; Jenkinson, M.D. ; Jonker, P. ; Keller, D. ; Kolias, A. ; Kruijff, S. ; Leventoglu, S. ; Litvin, A. ; Loehrer, A. ; Major, P. ; Mashbari, H.N. ; Metallidis, S. ; Mohan, H.M. ; Moszkowicz, D. ; Moug, S. ; Ng-Kamstra, J.S. ; Maimbo, M. ; Negoi, I. ; Niquen, M. ; Olivos, M. ; Oussama, K. ; Outani, O. ; Parreno-Sacdalanm, M.D. ; Rivera, C.J.P. ; Plas, W.v.d. ; Qureshi, A. ; Radenkovic, D. ; Revell, E.J. ; Roberts, K. ; Roslani, A.C. ; Rutegård, M. ; Segura-Sampedro, J.J. ; Santos, I. ; Schache, A. ; Schnitzbauer, A.A. ; Seyi-Olajide, J.O. ; Sharma, N. ; Shaw, C.A. ; Shu, S. ; Soreide, K. ; Spinelli, A. ; Stewart, G.D. ; Townend, P. ; Tsoulfas, G. ; vidya, R. ; Vimalachandran, D. ; Warren, O.J. ; Wedderburn, D. ; EuroSurg, N.A. ; European Society of Coloproctology (ESCP), N.A. ; Global Initiative for Children's Surgery, N.A. ; GlobalSurg, N.A. ; GlobalPaedSurg, N.A. ; ItSURG, N.A. ; PTSurg, N.A. ; SpainSurg, N.A. ; Italian Society of Colorectal Surgery, N.A. ; Association of Surgeons in Training, N.A. ; Irish Surgical Research Collaborative (ISRC), N.A. ; Transatlantic Australasian Retroperitoneal Sarcoma Working, N.A. ; Italian Society of Surgical Oncology, N.A. ; Booth, L. ; Barker, M. ; Barker, N. ; Cooke, S. ; Doré, S. ; Horwood, N. ; Runigamugabo, E. ; Weir, C.T. ; Bahrami-Hessari, M. ; Riaz, A. ; Shah, J. ; Safi, M. ; Thereska, D. ; Dajti, I. ; Cheddadi, R. ; Tidjane, A. ; Quinteros, C.A. ; khelfaoui, A. ; Salem, K.M. ; Riffi, O. ; Kacimi, S.E.O. ; Loudjedi, S. ; Damerdji, T. ; Pantoja Pachajoa, D.A. ; Palacios Huatuco, R.M. ; Alvarez, F.A. ; Doniquian, A.M. ; Abeldaño Zuñiga, R.A. ; Schlottmann, F. ; Cobos, C.M. ; Gigena, C. ; Forneris, A.A. ; Duro, A. ; García-Mansilla, A.M. ; Busnelli, V.C. ; Poggi, C. ; Mercado, P.L. ; González, M. ; Castro Lalin, A.F. ; Mayer, H.F. ; Brandariz, R. ; Slullitel, P.A. ; Boudou, R. ; Lobos, P.A. ; Uffelmann, M.C. ; Petersen, M.L. ; Luzzi, E. ; Padilla Lichtenberger, F.L. ; Crespi Amor, M.S. ; Zarratea, C.S. ; Esteves, T.A. ; Gemelli, N.A. ; Tirapegui, S. ; Liyo, J. ; Scherñuk, J. ; Boccalatte, L.A. ; Balmaceda, R.D. ; D'Addino, J.L. ; Caubet, M.M. ; Calderón Arancibia, J.A. ; Chwat, C. ; Morris, B. ; Avellaneda, N. ; Pedraza Salazar, I.I. ; Eskinazi, D.G. ; Vargas, L. ; Muriel, M.E. ; Lucchini, S.M. ; Gosselink, M.P. ; Davis, A.L. ; Barker, J.C. ; Qin, K.R. ; Proud, D.M. ; Cox, D.R. ; Goh, S.K. ; Liu, D.S. ; Wu, D.M. ; Merrett, N.D. ; Badiani, S.S. ; Sengupta, S. ; Jain, A. ; Steen, C.J. ; Wong, E. ; Ip, C.C. ; Leaning, M.G. ; McCartney, C.B. ; Gananadha, S. ; Yeap, E.F. ; Stevens, S.G. ; Vu, A.N. ; Martin, S.A. ; Stanley, G.H.M. ; Watson, D.I. ; Townend, P.J. ; Young, T.K. ; Cox, G.T. ; Dawson, A.C. ; Laura, S.E. ; Lun, E.W.Y. ; Liang, I.X. ; O'Neill, C.J. ; Lott, N.J. ; Chuan, A. ; Saravanan, S.K. ; Gundara, J. ; Ong, B.S. ; Nataraja, R.M. ; Pacilli, M. ; Foley, D.M. ; Ooi, G.J. ; Traeger, L. ; MacDermid, E. ; Daruwalla, J. ; Hodgson, R. ; Heriot, A.G. ; Mulligan, C.S. ; Blefari, N.D.A. ; Purcell, S.S. ; Frankel, A.J. ; Guerra, G.R. ; Tefay, J.S. ; Liang, R.W.Y. ; Kroon, H.M. ; Farfus, A.W. ; Warren, L.R. ; Roy, J.M. ; Whitfield, R.J. ; Moller, C.C.B. ; Davis, S.S. ; Sammour, T. ; Lam, Y.H. ; Kour, K. ; Gan, S.W. ; Coventry, B.J. ; Dawson, J.A. ; Batstone, M.D. ; King, S.K. ; Scott, N.J. ; Foo, J.W. ; Shepherd, T. ; Page, R.S. ; Choong, P.F. ; Badgery, H.E. ; Chong, L. ; Taylor, L. ; Hii, M.W. ; Wright, G.M. ; Kong, J.C. ; Watson, M.M. ; Bock, J. ; Lidder, S.S. ; Elias, P. ; Kanavathy, S. ; Koh, C.E. ; Chennakesavan, S.K. ; Panuganti, V. ; Latif, H. ; Yeung, J.M. ; Besson, A.J. ; Tse, E.Q.Y. ; Pitcher, M.E. ; Taylor, D.L. ; Nahm, C.B. ; Lim, A. ; Tree, K. ; Aigner, F. ; Dawoud, C. ; Foessleitner, P. ; Zimmermann, M. ; Wiedemann, D. ; Findl, O. ; Messner, F. ; Bauer, M. ; Nägele, F. ; Kronberger, I.E. ; Öfner, D. ; Härter, B. ; Bicz, N.R.B. ; Zwittag, P.M. ; Poier, N. ; Navarro, F.R. ; Zebuhr, Y.A. ; Köglberger, P. ; Wiesinger, C.G. ; Mathew, E. ; Trivik-Barrientos, F. ; Königsrainer, I. ; Djedovic, G. ; Cohnert, T.U. ; Lumenta, D.B. ; Singer, G. ; Leithner, A. ; Kamolz, L.P. ; Andrianakis, A. ; Puchwein, P. ; Mikalauskas, S. ; Kirchweger, P. ; Függer, R. ; Mittermair, C. ; Russe, E. ; Paal, P. ; Grünbart, M. ; de Cillia, M. ; Weiss, H.G. ; Steiner, F. ; Binder, A.D. ; Samadov, E. ; Ibrahimli, A. ; Muslumov, G. ; Bayramov, N.Y. ; Saunders, J.M. ; Almoosa, N. ; Haj-Ibrahim, H. ; Maresch, M. ; Ezzdean, W.K. ; Juma, I.M. ; Hasan, L.H. ; Haider, F.H. ; Alfaqawi, G.S. ; Alam, M.S. ; Islam, S. ; Basher, A.K. ; Mitul, A.R. ; Islam, N. ; Oosterkamp, A.E. ; Ahmed, T. ; Hannan, M.J. ; Padmore, G.M. ; Doyle, A.F. ; LaCorbiniere, K.L. ; Boyce, R.D.R. ; Ragoobar, P.T. ; Walkes, K.M.Y. ; Haynes, A.A. ; Corbin, S.M. ; Litvina, Y.A. ; Makhmudov, A. ; Strypstein, S. ; Dhondt, B. ; Rasschaert, R. ; Farid, Y. ; Wahib, E.M. ; Pigeolet, M. ; Belle, K.V. ; De Wachter, S. ; Komen, N. ; Vandeputte, M.P. ; Jansen, Y.J. ; Stijns, J. ; Eynde, J.V.d. ; Olowo, B.I. ; Feraudy, I.C. ; Dragisic, V. ; Martinovic, V. ; Barišić, T. ; Penava, N. ; Hudic, I. ; Delibegovic, S. ; Bogdanović, G. ; Grgić, G. ; Cerovac, A. ; Cerovac, E. ; Bedada, A.G. ; Baiocchi, G. ; Wainstein, A. ; Moisés, E.C.D. ; Zani, A.C.T. ; de Campos Prado, C.A. ; Panis, C. ; Rech, D. ; Soares da Silva, R.G. ; Joviliano, E.E. ; Rezende, R.F. ; Reis, I.G.N. ; Pires, R.E.S. ; Christiano, A.B. ; Consani, H.F.X. ; Pugliesi, F.G. ; Takeda, F.R. ; Mariani, A.W. ; Valadares, R.J.B. ; Andreollo, N.A. ; Lopes, L.R. ; Tonello, C. ; Alonso, N. ; dos Santos, C.F. ; Lima, L.S. ; Salgado, W. ; Pereira, T.H.S. ; Gatti, A.P. ; Oliva, R.N.L. ; Nardi, C.N. ; Sousa, A.F.L. ; Ribeiro, I.P. ; Carvalho, H.E.F. ; Oliveira, L.B. ; Schneider, G. ; Casteleins, W.A. ; Silva, L.M. ; Gomes, C.A. ; da Cunha Viana Júnior, A. ; Cruz, R.P. ; Gomes, G.M. ; Buarque, I.L. ; Barros, A.V. ; Marangon, G.B. ; Flumignan, R.L. ; Nakano, L.C. ; Pascoal, P.I. ; Santos, B.C. ; Kuramoto, D.A. ; Correia, R.M. ; Amaral, F.C. ; Flumignan, C.D. ; Dussán-Sarria, J.A. ; Simões, R.L. ; Amorim, R.L. ; Silva, J.S. ; Lyra Junior, H.F. ; Julio, N.S. ; Gerber, M.T. ; dos Santos, J.M. ; de Oliveira, J.C.C. ; Palamim, C.V. ; Marson, F.A. ; Gomes, I.M. ; Oliveira, P.R. ; Lima, A.L.L.M. ; Carvalho, V.C. ; Silva, J.S. ; NA, U.R. ; Laporte, G.A. ; Gonçalves, M.C. ; Botacin, L.S. ; Avelino, M.A. ; Brito, L.G.O. ; Hristova, E.T. ; Stoyanov, V.V. ; Sakakushev, B.E. ; Dardanov, D.D. ; Sokolov, M.B. ; Mehta, A. ; Gyokova, E.H. ; Abdullahi, M. ; Karamanliev, M.P. ; Dimitrov, D.D. ; Slavchev, M.T. ; Atanasov, B.C. ; Yotsov, T.I. ; Hadzhiev, D.B. ; Stock, S.E. ; Nwegbu, C.G. ; Tanyi, T.J. ; Brown, J.A. ; Arneja, J.S. ; Lee, S.M. ; Kancherla, R. ; Kidane, B. ; Champagne, P.O. ; Ma, X. ; Munro, A. ; McKeen, D.M. ; Glinka, J. ; Vasarhelyi, E.M. ; Subramani, Y. ; Alfaro, H. ; Shah, U.J. ; Gonzalez, N.J. ; MacNeil, S.D. ; Nagappa, M. ; Malthaner, R.A. ; Brackstone, M. ; Alkhamesi, N.A. ; Qiabi, M. ; Arango-Ferreira, C. ; Prempeh, A.B.A. ; Dumitra, S. ; Spence, R.T. ; Bedard, E.L. ; Luc, J.G. ; Johnston, B.R. ; Attabib, N. ; Persad, A.R. ; Das, S. ; Khoshbin, A. ; Ladha, K.S. ; Sankar, A. ; Teja, B. ; Daza, J.F. ; Chan, V.F. ; Baertschiger, R.M. ; Zani, A. ; Nessim, C. ; McIsaac, D.I. ; Singh, M. ; Behzadi, A. ; Dell, A.J. ; Al Riyami, S.M. ; Dajani, K.Z. ; Bigam, D. ; Manikala, V.K. ; Street, J.T. ; Mayson, K.V. ; Wallis, C.J.D. ; Mimica, X. ; Villanueva, J. ; Altamirano, R. ; Waissbluth, S. ; Marín, D.I. ; Fonseca, B.C. ; Hodali, A.J. ; Ramos, A.I. ; Valenzuela, M.A. ; Torres, J.J. ; Song, Y. ; Yang, W. ; Aldanakh, A. ; Alradhi, M. ; Lyu, Y. ; Chen, Y. ; Fletcher, A.V. ; Camargo, D. ; Casanova, R.F. ; Medina, C.A.C. ; Bolivar, D. ; Garcia, T.C.B. ; Pedraza, N.F. ; Garcia-Lopez, A. ; Patino-Jaramillo, N.G. ; Giron, F.A. ; Rivera, C.J.P. ; Nieto-Calvache, A.J. ; Ariza, F. ; Orozco-Chamorro, C.M. ; Nanez, M.A. ; Garces, D.S. ; Figueroa, L.M. ; Badiel, M. ; Martinez, D.F. ; Coll-Tello, B. ; Camelo, H.F. ; Montoya Casella, A.J. ; Ordoñez, S. ; Velez Sanchez, P.A. ; Salcedo, J.C. ; Villegas, L.M. ; Holguín, J.A. ; Cardozo, J.H.T. ; Perdomo, J.H.T. ; Perdomo, V.G. ; Rivera-Rincon, N.A. ; Gomez, P.T. ; Delgado-Nieto, E.L. ; Isaza-Restrepo, A. ; Vargas, F. ; Vargas, A.M. ; Castro, A.A. ; Navarro, J.A. ; Vargas, S.E. ; Calvache, J.A. ; Mendoza-Arango, M.C. ; Bernal, J.L.V. ; Gonzalez, F.O. ; šantak, G. ; Kirac, I. ; Kršul, D. ; Versic, A.B. ; Augustin, G. ; Kulis, T. ; Kastelan, Z. ; Hadzibegovic, A.D. ; Grsic, K. ; Hudolin, T. ; Tarle, M. ; Mamic, M. ; Lorencin, M. ; Luksic, I. ; Habek, D. ; Konjevoda, S. ; Mihanovic, J. ; Antoniou, S.A. ; Almezghwi, H.A. ; Gouvas, N. ; Martinek, L. ; Novysedlak, R. ; Žatecký, J. ; Meyhoff, C.S. ; Ellebæk, M.B. ; Batista, S.J. ; Rodriguez, J. ; Mejia De la Cruz, D. ; Jimenez, M.G.S. ; Dominguez, C.M. ; Negrete, J.R. ; Campuzano, P.N. ; Mogrovejo, D.L. ; Armas, M.J. ; Arboleda-Bustan, J.E. ; Lincango-Naranjo, E.P. ; El-Kassas, M. ; Awad, A.K. ; Alazab, E. ; Abdulmaseh, K.G. ; Diab, S. ; El Wahab, M.H. ; Darwesh, A. ; Mostafa, B.E. ; Abdelgalil, M.S. ; Elbadawy, M.A. ; Reda, A.M. ; Asla, A.F. ; Fayed, N.M. ; Ahmed, M.S. ; Elsadek, M.A. ; Gad, D.E. ; El Saadany, A.G. ; Elsadek, A.M. ; Sayed, A.E. ; Naeem, A. ; Al-Mallah, A. ; Abdelsamed, A.A. ; Ewedah, M. ; Soliman, M.O. ; Tanas, Y. ; Hamouda, M. ; Mahfouz, M.H. ; Abdo, M.E. ; Dean, Y.E. ; Lka, K. ; Abodeeb, A.O. ; Ashoush, F.M.F.B. ; Elsherbiny, R.R. ; Gadelkarim, M. ; Osman, N.A. ; MIbrahim, M. ; Youssef, N.G. ; Ibrahim, M.H. ; Soliman, A. ; Gadelkareem, R.A. ; Abbas, A.M. ; Mohamed Hussein, A.A. ; Abdelsattar, K. ; Maher, A. ; Elabd, M.M. ; Abdelazim, H. ; Ibraheem, M.H. ; Noureldin, Y.A. ; Elfiky, M. ; Ebrahim, M.A. ; Abdelrahman, A.S.M. ; Marei, M.M. ; Elkhalawy, A.M. ; Azzam, A.Y. ; Azab, M.A. ; Elmasry, A.H. ; Elgazar, A. ; Shalaby, M.M.M. ; Mahmoud, M.S. ; Qassem, M.G. ; Kinani, H. ; Wahba, A.M. ; Ezzat, R.H. ; Ahmed, M.H. ; Elshawy, M.E. ; Faragalla, H.M. ; Mahmoud, K.D. ; Nafea, A.M. ; Abdel-Maboud, M. ; Abozied, H. ; Moharam, M. ; Shehata, A.H. ; ElKafrawy, S.A. ; Tayiawi, M.M. ; Elghadban, H.M. ; Emara, M.M. ; Shehta, A. ; Saqr, A.M. ; Abdelelsalm, W.M. ; Elshennawy, E.M. ; Radwan, S.T. ; Awad, S.S. ; Emile, S.H. ; Aldosoky, W.A. ; Elfeki, H. ; Gendi, S.N. ; Abdelsalam, H.A. ; Hammad, M. ; Shalaby, M. ; Sakr, A.H. ; Abdelmaksoud, M.A. ; Alawady, M. ; Omran, A.A. ; Allam, A.R. ; Ismail, Z. ; Gaballah, K.M. ; AlGady, M.F.M. ; Raslan, A.M. ; Gharbia, K. ; Nuser, A.A. ; Sayed, A.K. ; Elshahawy, M.A. ; Ghaly, G. ; Sherif, A.E. ; Makram, A.M. ; Makram, O.M. ; Ahmed, O. ; Helmy, A.R.M.A. ; Abdelwahab, K.M. ; Abdelkhalek, M. ; Metwally, I.H. ; Shetiwy, M.S. ; Zuhdy, M. ; Ramadan, S.I. ; Abdelghany, M. ; Omar, M.A. ; Soliman, Z.A. ; Ali, H.T. ; Elnoamany, S. ; Ghozy, S. ; Abbas, A.S. ; Shehata, M.A. ; Mahmoud, S.A. ; Elsaman, M.A. ; Fayad, E.A. ; Radwan, A. ; El-Sakka, A.I. ; Sallam, A. ; Elbahnasawy, M.G. ; Esmail, E.S. ; Hawila, A.M. ; Hamada, M.K. ; Motawea, S.H. ; Morsy, M.S. ; El-Sheemy, H.R. ; Ebada, M.A. ; Khedr, A.H. ; Gad, A. ; Elmandouh, O. ; Elmandouh, R. ; Alkanj, S. ; Youssef, M.G. ; Awad, K. ; Mohammed, M. ; Elsayad, A.H. ; Rätsep, T. ; Wolle, M.A. ; Negussie, A.G. ; Adimass, M.A. ; Misganaw, B.T. ; Bezabih, Y.S. ; Assefa, B.Z. ; Shumye, G.W. ; Mengesha, M.G. ; Gechera, D.Y. ; Mohammed, A.A. ; Mulugeta, G.A. ; Metaferia, Y.Y. ; Kifetew, A.B. ; Degefa, E.A. ; Deressa, Y.M. ; Gonfa, K.B. ; Bedane, Z.G. ; Ayalew, A.M. ; Ayele, H.T. ; Abebe, E. ; Worku, B.A. ; Sisay, M.M. ; Kassa, D.W. ; Awedew, A.F. ; Bayable, A.C. ; Tiruneh, A.G. ; Hailu, S. ; Numaro, Y.T. ; Ademe, Y. ; Baleh, A.S. ; Megerssa, T.B. ; Kejela, S. ; Derilo, H.T. ; Akililu, Y.B. ; Lebbe, I. ; Sarjanoja, E.K. ; Kauppila, J.H. ; Sinikumpu, J.J. ; Giordano, S. ; Kantor, E. ; Soussan, R. ; Tommaso, C.M. ; Nappi, F. ; Morichau-Beauchant, T. ; Nahum, J. ; Maillet, J.M. ; Godement, M. ; Jouffret, L. ; Migliorelli, F. ; De Simone, B. ; Brunaud, L. ; Fuchs-Buder, T. ; Testelin, S. ; Bin, K. ; Boucher, S. ; Schmitt, F. ; Lakkis, Z. ; Harper, L. ; Slim, K. ; Piessen, G. ; Eveno, C. ; Ballouhey, Q. ; Taibi, A. ; Crenn, V. ; Duchalais, E. ; Azzis, O. ; Tuech, J.J. ; Vaysse, C. ; Weyl, A. ; Vergriete, K. ; Charbonneau, H. ; Ezanno, A.C. ; Malgras, B. ; Basso, C.D. ; Duquesne, I. ; Bernabei, F. ; Rothschild, P.R. ; Abbo, O. ; Manceau, G. ; Chamouni, A. ; Crétolle, C. ; Arnalsteen, L. ; Mikhael, E. ; Police, A. ; Montero-Macias, R. ; Villefranque, V. ; Maisonneuve, E. ; Langlais, T. ; Seeliger, B. ; Pessaux, P. ; Gonzalez, C.A. ; D'Urso, A. ; Angeles, M.A. ; Seguin-Givelet, A. ; Des Deserts, M.D. ; Gaujoux, S. ; de Ponthaud, C. ; Chartier-Kastler, E.J. ; Ali, L. ; Peycelon, M. ; Mege, D. ; Demetrashvili, Z. ; Stoleriu, M.G. ; Keppler, L. ; Saier, T. ; Konrads, C. ; Tapking, C. ; Kamphues, C. ; Bulian, D.R. ; Schmedding, A. ; Doerner, J. ; Gut, A.E. ; Rolinger, J. ; Kirschniak, A. ; Schröder, L. ; Reim, D. ; Safi, S. ; Fichter, A.M. ; Wagner, A. ; Meyer, B. ; Gempt, J. ; Sablotzki, A.R. ; Herzberg, J. ; Altenburg, M. ; Yenilmez, F. ; Meins, J. ; Aghwan, L.A. ; Börner, N. ; Keppler, A.M. ; Seyfried, S. ; Rassweiler-Seyfried, M.C. ; Kriegmair, M. ; Kowalewski, K.F. ; Gousias, K. ; Strotmann, J.J. ; Höhn, P. ; Horn, J. ; Knipschild, J.M. ; Siemen, L. ; Luu, A.M. ; Horch, R.E. ; McLean, A.L. ; Lindert, J.A.T. ; Ziemann, S. ; Modabber, A. ; Winnand, P. ; Hölzle, F. ; Sommer, B. ; Wolf, S. ; Shiban, E. ; Recker, F. ; Güresir, E. ; Randau, T.M. ; Güresir, A. ; Velten, M. ; Vilz, T.O. ; Wittmann, M. ; Willis, M.A. ; Glowka, T.R. ; Bork, U. ; Hecker, M. ; Hecker, A. ; Reichert, M. ; Miller, C. ; Nemeth, M. ; Ronellenfitsch, U. ; Kleeff, J. ; Lorenz, K. ; Kisser, U. ; Schneider, R. ; Seiwerth, I. ; Osterhoff, G. ; Linz, V.C. ; Mallmann, M.R. ; Rokohl, A.C. ; Heindl, L.M. ; Wawer Matos, P.A. ; Cursiefen, C. ; Mallmann, C.A. ; Domroese, C.M. ; Königsrainer, A. ; Yurttas, C. ; Thiel, K. ; Vahl, J.M. ; Wiegering, A. ; Lock, J.F. ; Heuer, A. ; Reiter, A. ; Stangenberg, M. ; Böttcher, A. ; Kaemmerer, D. ; Mensah, K.T. ; Gyamfi, F.E. ; Opandoh, I.N.M. ; Ofori, E.O. ; Baidoo, E.I. ; Baidoo, R.O. ; Azize, D.A. ; Appiah-Thompson, P. ; Agbeno, E.K. ; Ken-Amoah, S. ; Rahman, G.A. ; Kpangkpari, R. ; Aniakwo, L.A. ; Nortey, M. ; Agyapong, M.M. ; Boakye, B. ; Mensah, P. ; Agyen-Mensah, K. ; Amoako-Boateng, M.P. ; Mensah, S. ; Debrah, S. ; Yakubu, M. ; Adam-Zakariah, L.I. ; Davor, A. ; Arthur, J. ; Dzogbefia, M. ; Konney, A. ; Konney, T.O. ; Amoah, M. ; Barnor, I. ; Issahalq, M.D. ; Hoyte- Williams, P.E. ; Awortwi, W.S. ; Hammond, B. ; Awoonor-Williams, R. ; Naabo, N.N.H. ; Appiah-Kubi, A. ; Adanu, K.K. ; Clegg-Lamptey, J.N.A. ; Adae, J.O. ; Adjeso, T.T.K. ; Yahaya, M. ; Ansah-Agyei, D.A. ; Charadan, A.M.S. ; Labrada, M.R. ; Issaka, A. ; Yabasin, I.B. ; Antwi, D.A. ; Manan, L. ; Bukari, M.I.S. ; Buunaaim, A.D.B. ; Alatiiga, J.A. ; Sheriff, M. ; Kumi, E.O. ; Bonsaana, G.B. ; Micha, G. ; Kiriakopoulos, N. ; Stroumpoulis, K. ; Kalopita, K. ; Grypiotis, I. ; Psarianos, K.A. ; Aslanidis, T. ; Korkolis, D.P. ; Fradelos, E. ; Arvanitaki, A. ; Prodromidou, A. ; Thomakos, N. ; Theofanakis, C. ; Angelou, K. ; Haidopoulos, D. ; Diakosavvas, M. ; Chardalias, L. ; Papaconstantinou, I. ; Antonakis, P.T. ; Politis, D. ; Dellaportas, D. ; Kontopoulou, C.I. ; Memos, N.A. ; Gklavas, A. ; Bramis, K. ; Pappas, P. ; Petropoulou, T. ; Ioannidis, A. ; Ntourakis, D. ; Papageorgiou, D. ; Manatakis, D.K. ; Barkolias, C.G. ; Balalis, D. ; Tasis, N.P. ; Sidiropoulos, T.A. ; Michalopoulos, N.V. ; Papadoliopoulou, M. ; Parasyris, S. ; Danias, N. ; Vassiliu, P. ; Petropoulou, Z. ; Margaris, I. ; Kefalidid, E. ; Papaconstantinou, D. ; Paraskevas, K.I. ; Nikova, A.S. ; Kalamatianos, T. ; Stamatis, K. ; Sotiropoulou, M. ; Stylianidis, G. ; Kouraklis, G.P. ; Paspala, A. ; Nastos, C. ; Sfoungaris, D. ; Valioulis, I.A. ; Raptis, D. ; Tsakiridis, N. ; Tsakiridis, K.A. ; Arvanitakis, K. ; Kalfountzos, C. ; Koukoulis, G.D. ; Bouliaris, K. ; Lachanas, V.A. ; Doudakmanis, C.A. ; Chouliaras, C. ; Papadopoulos, A. ; Ntalouka, M.P. ; Magouliotis, D. ; Fergadi, M. ; Samara, A.A. ; Christodoulidis, G. ; Bareka, M. ; Athanasiou, T. ; Arnaoutoglou, E.M. ; Hajiioannou, J. ; Perivoliotis, K. ; Baloyiannis, I. ; Angelis, F.A. ; Stamoulis, K.G. ; Symeonidis, D. ; Korais, C. ; Gkrinia, E. ; Ntziovara, A.M. ; Mulita, F. ; Bouchagier, K. ; Verras, G.I. ; Argentou, M.I. ; Vailas, M. ; Germanos, S. ; Tavlas, P. ; Tatsis, D. ; Astreidis, I.T. ; Louizakis, A. ; Antoniou, A. ; Paraskevopoulos, K. ; Chrysovitsiotis, G. ; Frountzas, M. ; Toutouzas, K.G. ; Chrysovergis, A. ; Potamianos, S. ; Kyrodimos, E. ; Papanikolaou, V. ; Theodoropoulos, G. ; Triantafyllou, T. ; Larentzakis, A. ; Kimpizi, A.D. ; Tsakiridis, I. ; Kapetanios, G. ; Dagklis, T. ; Petousis, S. ; Margioula-Siarkou, C. ; Baili, E. ; Tampaki, E.C. ; Lostoridis, E. ; Avramidis, E.C. ; Efstathiou, A.P. ; Babis, G.C. ; Roditis, K. ; Tsiantoula, P.V. ; Machairas, N. ; Schizas, D. ; Kykalos, S. ; Dorovinis, P.I. ; Stamopoulos, P. ; Charalabopoulos, A.K. ; Liakakos, T. ; Koziakas, E. ; Karavokyros, I. ; Skotsimara, A. ; Syllaios, A. ; Tsourouflis, G.S. ; Tomara, N.K. ; Dimas, A. ; Apostolou, K.G. ; Tsouknidas, I. ; Samara, E. ; Papakonstantinou, N.A. ; Falara, A. ; Papavasiliou, K. ; Siasios, I.D. ; Kaselas, C. ; Anthoulakis, C. ; Tigkiropoulos, K. ; Spartalis, E. ; Mourmouris, P. ; Tsekouras, K. ; Tzelves, L. ; Dedemadi, G. ; Gaitanakis, S. ; Marinis, A. ; Stamatiou, K. ; Vlotinou, P.D. ; Xenaki, S. ; Lasithiotakis, K. ; Nikolouzakis, T.K. ; Karakosta, A. ; Tzimas, P. ; Charatsaris, P. ; Recinos, G. ; Vega, M.D. ; Aguilera, M.L. ; Rivera, P.J. ; Sosa, D.A. ; Salazar, T.A. ; Ybarra, N.I. ; Morataya, E.E. ; Brolo, E.J. ; Lowey, A.M. ; Paiz, J.R. ; Wong, G.K. ; Ling, S.K. ; Ng, C.S. ; Lau, R.W. ; Futaba, K. ; Toth, D. ; Zaránd, A. ; Piros, L. ; Santoshi, J.A. ; Nagar, M. ; Shrivastava, A. ; Ahmad, Z. ; Behera, P. ; Gautam, M. ; Bagaria, D. ; Kabra, A.P. ; Mittal, S. ; Ranjan, P. ; Sharma, S. ; Trikha, V. ; Bagaria, D.K. ; Alam, J. ; Goel, P. ; Dube, S.K. ; Choudhary, N. ; Menon, R.P. ; Seenivasagam, R.K. ; Agrawal, A. ; Majumdar, K.S. ; Sharma, P. ; Gupta, A. ; Arora, R.K. ; Arora, P. ; Basu, S. ; Huda, F. ; David, L.E. ; Goswami, A.G. ; Piplani, R. ; Sultania, M. ; Tripathy, S.K. ; Mishra, Tushar S. ; Muduly, D.K. ; Jena, S.K. ; Mishra, Abhijeet ; Mitra, J.K. ; Singh, S. ; Sahu, R.K. ; Mohanty, C.R. ; Jena, S.K. ; Panda, R. ; Boyina, K.K. ; Dasukil, S. ; Gahlot, N. ; Khatri, N.P. ; Kaur, A. ; Vishnoi, J.R. ; Sharma, N. ; Chugh, A. ; singh, M. ; Chakraborty, S.S. ; Rajanbabu, A. ; Hunain, R. ; Raut, M.S. ; Pandey, D. ; Srivastava, R. ; Saksena, A.R. ; Garod, M. ; Budihal, B.R. ; Kashyap, S. ; Agarwal, P.B. ; Chhatrapati, S. ; Deshpande, C. ; Baliarsing, L.A. ; balakrishnan, K. ; Tanweer, A.S. ; Haque, P.D. ; Chitresh, S.D.A. ; Daniel, S. ; Dutta, R. ; Dutt, U.K. ; Garg, K. ; Garg, M. ; George, C. ; Gupta, P. ; Jain, R. ; Kalyanapu, J.A. ; Kaur, S. ; Khurana, A. ; Khurana, S. ; Kumar, J. ; Liddle, D. ; Mahajan, A.V. ; Pawar, P. ; Pradeep, K.S.P. ; Ranadive, R.R. ; Rajkumar, A. ; Sam, V.D. ; Sam, J.R. ; Samuel, H.T. ; Samuel, S. ; Sahi, P. ; Sood, A. ; Srivastava, N. ; Thomas, A.J. ; Thomas, N.J. ; Varkey, J.K. ; Vazhakalayil, V.G. ; William, R. ; Mittal, R. ; Devarakonda, S. ; Riju, J. ; Thomas, V. ; Sivakumar, M.V. ; Sridhar, R.P. ; Jebakumar, G.S. ; Paul, N. ; Kota, A.A. ; Kumari, P. ; Surendran, S. ; Suraj, R. ; Victor, N.S. ; Kathir Joyson, D.R. ; Konduru, V. ; Malhotra, K. ; Rammohan, A. ; Rela, M. ; Jain, V. ; Jakhetiya, A. ; Patel, V.K. ; Pendyala, K.S. ; Aggarwal, M. ; Gupta, S.K. ; Kumar, A. ; Bindra, M.S. ; Yadev, I. ; Chisthi, M.M. ; Soumya, S. ; Anand, S. ; Rani, J. ; Sharma, K. ; Ghosh, I. ; Sundaraju, S. ; Penumadu, P. ; Govindarajan, K.K. ; Manikandan, R. ; Kavalakat, A.J. ; Phadnis, A. ; Jadhao, P. ; Subbarayan, S. ; Rodrigues, G. ; Ibrahim, S. ; Hameed, Z.B. ; Zachariah, S.K. ; Madabhavi, I.V. ; Bansal, V.V. ; Rajan, S. ; Ozair, A. ; Chaurasia, A. ; Ramakant, P. ; Verma, M.L. ; Shukla, A. ; Agarwal, A. ; Bajaj, A. ; Jaiswal, S. ; Mishra, B. ; Thyavihally, Y. ; Waigankar, S.S. ; Hegde, S. ; Alexander, P.V. ; Sharma, R.D. ; Sodhai, V.M. ; Kishore, K. ; Vishweshwara, R.M. ; Bains, L. ; Kumar, S. ; Malik, A. ; Shaikh, Z.H. ; Kumari, P. ; Thomas, J.J. ; Yadav, S.K. ; Dhurwe, R. ; Nath, U. ; Chopra, H. ; Kumar, V. ; Kaman, L. ; Karthigeyan, M. ; Tripathi, M. ; Mohindra, S. ; Salunke, P. ; Singh, K. ; Rangasamy, K. ; Gopinathan, N.R. ; Siroliya, A. ; Bangal, V.B. ; Gupta, A. ; Kannaiyan, L. ; Kulkarni, A.A. ; Panda, B.B. ; Mittal, A. ; Ghodke, R.J. ; Kale, S.Y. ; Dhar, S. ; Agarwal, G. ; Mishra, A. ; Upadhyaya, V.D. ; Kumar, B. ; Jeyaraman, M. ; Mehraj, A. ; Parray, F.Q. ; Amin, S.G. ; Mankad, S.P. ; Thakore, K.V. ; Singh, R. ; Garg, P.K. ; Majmudar, H.P. ; Sharma, T.S. ; Chowdappa, R.G. ; Maniar, S.S. ; Thakar, S. ; Jain, K. ; Patel, T. ; Gupta, R.A. ; Aggarwal, G. ; Gupta, S. ; Agrawal, S.K. ; Sharma, A. ; Jain, P. ; Ghosh, A. ; Pipara, A. ; Pramesh, C.S. ; Patkar, S. ; Patil, V.P. ; Divatia, J.V. ; Puri, A. ; Kumar, A. ; Bhardwaj, R. ; Venkatappa, S.K. ; Manangi, M. ; Prabhu, P.J. ; Anwar, S.L. ; Sari, D. ; Tantri, A.R. ; Chandra, S. ; Manggala, S.K. ; Auerkari, A.N. ; Zahra, R. ; Soenarto, R.F. ; Ramlan, A.A.W. ; Billy, M. ; Harzif, A.K. ; Surya, I.U. ; Lestari, M.I. ; Damara, F.A. ; Aryananda, R.A. ; Aji, Y.K. ; Hadipranata, T. ; Lie, W. ; Kembuan, G.J. ; Cindryani, M. ; Senapathi, T.G.A. ; Ryalino, C. ; Hosseini, E. ; Hosseini, A. ; Medhati, P. ; Erfanian, R. ; Firouzifar, M. ; Anari, M.R. ; Irani, S. ; Rahim, F. ; Kandevani, N.Y. ; Kabiri, F.S. ; Motahaver, N.N. ; Hosseinpoor, M. ; Rajati, M. ; Assadi, R. ; Haqgou, M. ; Javadi, S.A. ; Karimian, F. ; Asadi, M. ; Alizadeh, N. ; Heidari, M. ; Hejazi, S.F. ; Bazyari, V. ; Ahmadi, S. ; Yusefi, H. ; Attar, M.K. ; Zanjani, L.O. ; Nabian, M.H. ; Yahyazadeh, S.R. ; Manesh, H.F. ; Sotudeh, M. ; Akhavizadegan, H. ; Shafiei, S.H. ; Aldawoody, H.I. ; Almusawi, A.A. ; Al-Isawi, A. ; Al-Hajjaj, A.B.A. ; Zwain, Y.A. ; Alwash, M.J. ; Hadi, N.R. ; Maala, R. ; Adil, A.A. ; Hashim, H.T. ; Al-Salihi, N.W. ; Al-hasani, F.M.Y. ; Rashed, P.A. ; Muhamed, P.A. ; Hilmi, A.A. ; Akhtyare, M.M.A. ; Hussein, R.A. ; Aljohmani, L. ; Crotty, F.E. ; Elliott, J.A. ; Javadpour, M. ; Davis, N.F. ; Ryan, J.P. ; Aremu, M. ; O'Brien, S.J. ; Wong, B.N.X. ; Hsiao, M.M. ; Andrews, E. ; Pretorius, J. ; Azeem, I. ; Ikele, H. ; McCarthy, C.M. ; Salameh, F.T. ; O'Connor, D.B. ; O'Connor, C. ; Sheahan, P. ; Barry, C.P. ; Kavanagh, F.G. ; Callanan, D. ; James, D.L. ; Clancy, C. ; Croghan, S.M. ; Aherne, T.M. ; Kiernan, A. ; Owens, P.W. ; Creavin, B. ; Mekki, H. ; Walsh, S.R. ; Carroll, P.A. ; Oh, K.E. ; Lowery, A.J. ; Bala, M. ; Shussman, N. ; Demma, J.A. ; Marom, G. ; Fishman, Y. ; Zmora, O. ; Kalmovich, L.M. ; Horesh, N. ; Anteby, R. ; Papa, M.V. ; Argenio, G. ; Sozzi, G. ; Amatucci, C. ; Segalini, E. ; Pesenti, G. ; Giani, A. ; Mazzola, M. ; Lombardi, P.M. ; Saibene, A.M. ; Mariani, N.M. ; Zanin, L. ; Andreuccetti, J. ; Ferrari, F. ; Baiocchi, G.L. ; Frontali, A. ; Granieri, S. ; Cotsoglou, C. ; Scarpa, M. ; Colasanti, R. ; Schiavone, D. ; Castaldi, A. ; Antropoli, C. ; Colò, G. ; Fiume, I. ; Poillucci, G. ; Fortuna, L. ; Locatello, L.G. ; Gallo, O. ; Maggiore, G. ; Bottari, A. ; Bruno, C. ; Barbato, G. ; Di Bella, A. ; Taddei, A. ; De Pastena, M. ; Campagnaro, T. ; Malleo, G. ; Paiella, S. ; Balduzzi, A. ; Capozzi, V.A. ; Carretta, A. ; Bertolini, G. ; Dalmonte, G. ; Giuffrida, M. ; Andriola, V. ; Martines, G. ; Picciariello, A. ; Pattacini, G.C. ; Di Bartolomeo, M. ; Anesi, A. ; Nikaj, H. ; Gentilli, S. ; Reitano, E. ; Fiacchini, G. ; Di Franco, G. ; Morelli, L. ; Andreani, L. ; Tartaglia, D. ; Balestri, R. ; Coccolini, F. ; Chiarugi, M. ; Puccini, M. ; Fusario, D. ; Samorani, O.C. ; Marano, L. ; Carbone, L. ; Roviello, F. ; Restaino, V. ; Pesce, A.L. ; Resca, L. ; Piccioni, S.A. ; Veroux, M. ; Sarpietro, G. ; Matarazzo, M.G. ; Cianci, A. ; Morini, A. ; Zizzo, M. ; Mastrofilippo, V. ; Mandato, V.D. ; Aguzzoli, L. ; Sarnari, J. ; Nita, G.E. ; Fabbri, N. ; Rubbini, M. ; Tutino, R. ; Podda, M. ; Canu, G.L. ; Peiretti, E. ; Trungu, S. ; D'Oria, M. ; Lauretta, A. ; Marro, M. ; Guerrera, F. ; Santarelli, M. ; Salizzoni, S. ; Iocca, O. ; Di Maio, P. ; Perra, T. ; Porcu, A. ; Scanu, A.M. ; Pirozzolo, G. ; Toia, F. ; Dinoto, E. ; Cammarata, E. ; Franza, M. ; Rosatti, F. ; Cipolla, C. ; Di Grazia, N. ; Milia, W.R. ; Pecoraro, F. ; Virgilio, E. ; Barberis, A. ; Bàmbina, F. ; Lavalle, L. ; Sinibaldi, G. ; Licari, L. ; Tropeano, F.P. ; Luglio, G. ; Pagano, G. ; Tropeano, F.P. ; Peltrini, R. ; Nuzzo, M.M.D. ; Bracale, Umberto ; Indini, A. ; Bissacco, D. ; Domanin, M. ; Torretta, S. ; Bogani, G. ; Martinelli, F. ; Sala, L. ; Cortinovis, U. ; Zingarello, V. ; Bertolina, F. ; Hilal, M.A. ; Fransvea, P. ; Marra, A.A. ; Rosa, F. ; Litta, F. ; Ratto, C. ; Parello, A. ; Tedesco, S. ; Ferracci, F. ; Pitoni, S. ; D'Archi, S. ; Franceschini, G. ; Scardina, L. ; Gravante, G. ; Conti, L. ; Baldini, E. ; Maniscalco, P. ; Ciatti, C. ; Spriano, G. ; Mercante, G. ; Gaino, F. ; Milana, F. ; Ferreli, F. ; De Virgilio, A. ; Di Bari, M. ; Aquilino, F. ; Marino, F. ; Pellini, R. ; Campo, F. ; Moretto, S. ; Mazzola, F. ; Petruzzi, G. ; Mastroianni, R. ; Simone, G. ; Rottoli, M. ; Russo, I.S. ; Raimondo, D. ; Fernandez, I.J. ; Raffone, A. ; Bertoglio, P. ; Ravaioli, M. ; Germinario, G. ; Bernante, P. ; Casadio, P. ; Seracchioli, R. ; Droghetti, M. ; Schiavina, R. ; Ricotta, F. ; Tarsitano, A. ; Arena, A. ; Della Gatta, A.N. ; Violante, T. ; Pellegrini, A. ; Bolognesi, F. ; Solli, P. ; Ricciardi, S. ; Cipolli, A. ; Maletta, M. ; La Porta, M. ; Lauretta, M.P. ; Melotti, R.M. ; Daddi, N. ; Parri, S.N.F. ; Garelli, E. ; Perrone, A.M. ; Lombardi, R. ; Pinto, V. ; Pignatti, M. ; Tonini, V. ; Copelli, C. ; Giordano, A.N. ; Palai, V. ; Aspide, R. ; La Corte, E. ; Lucchini, S. ; Castagnini, F. ; Pardo, F. ; Di Liddo, M. ; Caternicchia, F. ; Donati, D. ; Cavalieri, B. ; Frisoni, T. ; Rotini, M. ; Scabini, S. ; Vagge, A. ; Desideri, L.F. ; Barra, F. ; Sparavigna, M. ; Fregatti, P. ; Luzzi, A.P. ; Costantini, S. ; Ferrero, S. ; Gustavino, C. ; Paratore, M. ; Perrone, U. ; Centurioni, M.G. ; Alessandri, F. ; Ferraiolo, A. ; Rosato, F.P. ; Ball, Lorenzo ; Ascari, F. ; Barugola, G. ; Lovece, A. ; Milito, P. ; Siboni, S. ; Bonavina, L. ; Aiolfi, A. ; Bona, D. ; Micheletto, G. ; Bertolaccini, L. ; Sedda, G. ; Spaggiari, L. ; Tagliabue, M. ; De Berardinis, R. ; Pietrobon, G. ; Chu, F. ; reAnsarin, M. ; Garbi, A. ; Patrone, R. ; Belli, A. ; Cianci, P. ; Raimondo, I. ; Ferrero, A. ; Pacilio, C.A. ; Bocchino, A. ; Solaini, L. ; D'Acapito, F. ; Di Stefano, B. ; Corso, R.M. ; Vitale, M. ; Rotunno, G. ; Lenzi, R. ; Migliorino, E. ; Grossi, U. ; Novello, S. ; Romano, M. ; Rossi, S. ; Zanus, G. ; Epifani, A.G. ; Broglia, A. ; Santoliquido, M. ; Clementi, M. ; Marafante, C. ; Carrano, F.M. ; Fleres, F. ; Clarizia, G. ; Coretti, G. ; Ferrario, L. ; Guerci, C. ; Maffioli, A. ; D'Andrea, M. ; Zanini, N. ; Bertelli, R. ; Vallicelli, C. ; Catena, F. ; Prucher, G.M. ; Conti, A. ; Moretto, G. ; Inama, M. ; Grivon, M. ; Sambucci, D. ; Pirola, G.M. ; Gubbiotti, M. ; Sagnotta, A. ; Ornaghi, S. ; Fruscio, R. ; Tamini, N. ; Ceresoli, M. ; Gianotti, L. ; Masciello, F. ; Nelli, T. ; Canonico, G. ; Anastasi, A. ; Malerba, M. ; Abate, E. ; Lizzi, V. ; Sarni, A.L. ; Tartaglia, N. ; Montagna, M. ; D'Ugo, S. ; Depalma, N. ; Spampinato, M. ; Pizzini, P. ; Magnone, S. ; Migliore, M. ; Volpicelli, A. ; Gioco, R. ; Russo, G.I. ; Bozzani, A. ; Cobianchi, L. ; Calabretto, F. ; Pinotti, E. ; Barone, M. ; Campanelli, M. ; Bagaglini, G. ; Siragusa, L. ; Orecchia, L. ; Franceschilli, M. ; Angelico, R. ; Sensi, B. ; Manzia, T.M. ; Petagna, L. ; Bacchiocchi, G. ; Sica, G.S. ; Lapolla, P. ; Picchetto, A. ; Bruzzaniti, P. ; Marruzzo, G. ; Sterpetti, A.V. ; Mingoli, A. ; Sapienza, P. ; Scafa, A.K. ; Zancana, G. ; Brachini, G. ; Ribuffo, D. ; Cirillo, B. ; Meneghini, S. ; Cicerchia, P.M. ; Zambon, M. ; D'Andrea, V. ; D'Amico, A. ; Familiari, P. ; Cassoni, A. ; Pucci, R. ; De Felice, F. ; Pascarella, G. ; Strumia, A. ; Coppola, A. ; Zampogna, B. ; Papalia, R. ; Capolupo, G.T. ; Caricato, M. ; Nenna, A. ; Dominici, C. ; Caffo, M. ; Badessi, G. ; Mazzeo, C. ; Caruso, G. ; Bellio, G. ; Guaitoli, E. ; Rimonda, R. ; Fusini, F. ; Giacometti, M. ; Baldi, C. ; Ferrara, F. ; Chessa, A. ; Accarino, G. ; Monteleone, M. ; Riva, C. ; Balconi, A. ; Markovic, M. ; Barone, G. ; Locatelli, A. ; Olmetti, S. ; Costanzi, A. ; Uccelli, M. ; Galleano, R. ; Balla, A. ; De Carlo, A. ; Ceretti, A.P. ; Bertoglio, L. ; Grandi, A. ; Apruzzi, L. ; Melloni, A. ; Spartalis, M. ; Spina, A. ; De Nardi, P. ; Bonavina, G. ; Candiani, M. ; Piloni, M. ; Nocera, G. ; Gagliardi, F. ; Turi, S. ; De Nunzio, C. ; Petrucciani, N. ; Fiorelli, S. ; Laracca, G.G. ; Menna, C. ; Lisi, G. ; Brolese, A. ; Ciarleglio, F.A. ; Sasia, D. ; Giraudo, G. ; Testa, V. ; Giuffrida, M.C. ; Chiarpenello, R. ; Dalmasso, E. ; Cianflocca, D. ; Calini, G. ; Cillara, N. ; Armatura, G. ; Turati, L. ; Menna, M.P. ; Iovino, C. ; Rossi, S. ; Simonelli, F. ; Baccellieri, D. ; Gozzini, L. ; Elmore, U. ; Rosati, R. ; Giannaccare, G. ; Cristofaro, M.G. ; Barca, I. ; Carnevali, A. ; Consorti, G. ; Laganà, A.S. ; Pontini, A. ; Salvador, R. ; Di Marzo, F. ; Turri, G. ; Saito, J. ; Kochiyama, T. ; Hashimoto, D. ; Yoshimatsu, K. ; Namikawa, T. ; Kuriyama, A. ; Sunami, E. ; Takeda, a.C. ; Shiota, M. ; Toyama, S. ; Ishitobi, M. ; Kawasaki, Y. ; Kawaguchi, M. ; Ida, M. ; Iwasaki, M. ; Mase, H. ; Fujimoto, Y. ; Chaki, T. ; Tachibana, S. ; Kazuma, S. ; Kuroda, N. ; Matsuki, Y. ; Kamizato, K. ; Omari, R.Y. ; Salim, M.A.J.E. ; Alwarawrah, Z. ; AAbdulrahmanlarood, S.A. ; Alnaser, A.R. ; Alhusseini, R.T. ; Qasem, A.G. ; Eid, A.M. ; Theab, M.A. ; Ghayada, I. ; Guboug, A. ; Alqedrh, M.F. ; Al-banna, M.E. ; Abuleil, A. ; Asassfeh, Y.M. ; ali, Z.M.A.s. ; Eid, A.A. ; AbuSalah, R.G. ; Hijazeen, R.G. ; Awadi, S. ; Mansour, O.S. ; Khamees, A. ; Alrayes, B. ; Hassan, M. ; Qandeel, M.W.M. ; Ibrahim, Z.O. ; Salah, M.M.S. ; Alnatour, H.Z. ; Saleh, M.H.S. ; Suradi, H.H. ; Abu Serhan, H.A. ; Abu Za'nouneh, F.J. ; Alheji, H.R. ; Al-Shami, K. ; Mousa, A.A.d.T. ; Bsisu, I.K. ; Bsisu, R. ; Abuzenah, M.I.A. ; Kalaji, Z.H. ; Jabaiti, S. ; Omeish, H.A. ; Almuhtaseb, A.Y. ; Abuleil, A.M. ; Theab, R.A. ; Sheyyab, A.A. ; Hamouri, S. ; Ababneh, Hazim (Harvard Medical School (Boston, United States)) ; Amarin, Z. ; Bahhour, M.Y. ; Abu-Mehsen, M.K. ; Al-howthi, M.A. ; Wafi, O.S.S. ; Sawadi, T.R.M. ; Albustami, I.S. ; Masadeh, M.O. ; Al Khassawneh, A. ; Amarin, J.Z. ; Irshaidat, S.S. ; Abou Chaar, M.K. ; Zaghlol, L.Y. ; Mansour, R. ; Shahait, M. ; Qandeel, H. ; Abd Almonem, B. ; Hawasly, L. ; Alsabbagh, G. ; Al-Dabaa, T.M. ; Amer, Q.M.B. ; Abu-Ismail, L. ; Shaout, D.M. ; Abu-shadouf, T.H. ; Bolatbekova, R. ; Issayev, N. ; Kulimbet, M.B. ; Kiyabayev, A.M. ; Ospanova, D. ; Zhumatayev, D. ; Baimakhanov, A. ; Fakhradiyev, I. ; Tanabayeva, S. ; Saliev, T. ; Kaidarova, D. ; Cheserem, B. ; Hamdun, I.H.S. ; Munubi, A.Z. ; Siboe, M.M.W. ; Wachera, S.W. ; Parker, R.K. ; Mwachiro, M.M. ; Mwangi, V.P. ; Jafar, Y.M. ; Al-Shaiji, T.F. ; PÄolkins, A. ; Apse, I.A. ; Sheth, H.D. ; Pāvulāns, J. ; Karout, S. ; Farfour, I.A. ; Safar, A.O. ; Lichaa, A. ; Ismail, S.H. ; Kassab, M.B. ; Abou-Abbass, H. ; Awad, R.F. ; El Assaad, H. ; Serhan, F.G. ; Karout, L. ; Chowdhary, A. ; Itani, R. ; Abu Hamrah, A.A.A. ; Bellah, A. ; Algatanesh, N.S. ; Duwebi, M.A. ; Alkouba, E.T. ; Algehani, H.M. ; Alsharif, M. ; Al-maadany, F.S. ; Elkhafeefi, F.S. ; Buimsaedah, A.M. ; Ghazal, S.M. ; Amnaina, M.G. ; Yagoub, G.Y. ; yahia, H.R.b. ; Bareig, E.H. ; BenHamida, B. ; Alkimeeshi, N. ; Marwan, M. ; Muhammed, N.A. ; Benamer, E.M. ; Othman, R.H. ; Momen, A.A. ; Ayad, K.A. ; Aldokali, N. ; Mohammed, A.A.K. ; Sanousi, E.F. ; Aboubakr, S.J. ; Aboubakr, I.F. ; Alttaira, A. ; Benatiga, S.A. ; Alteerah, I.A. ; Aldressi, W. ; Elhwety, M.O. ; Kalifa, M.F. ; Glessa, M.A. ; Abubaker, T. ; Shembesh, H.A. ; Alansari, A. ; Alkaseek, A.M. ; Abusannuga, M.M. ; Alawami, M.A. ; Elhajdawe, F.A. ; Benamwor, A.S. ; Aween, H.M. ; Kriem, E. ; Al Islam Benjouira, R. ; Shagour, S.M. ; Ali, H.A. ; Awrayit, A.I. ; Matoug, S.I. ; Abdesalam, R.I. ; Ouakouak, I.M. ; Aldarraji, A.H. ; Elmahdi, A.F. ; Mohamed, Z. ; Khan, S.M. ; Gerwash, A.A. ; Aboubeirah, M.K. ; Drera, N.J. ; Sinan, M.A. ; Abujrad, E.A. ; Biala, M. ; Gidiem, D.A. ; Aljamal, S.A. ; Hamuda, E.M. ; Manhus, H.A. ; Binnawara, M.H. ; Msherghi, A.A. ; Ajala, M. ; Shetty, N.D. ; Kanna, S.S. ; Said, M.H. ; Elghazal, M.M. ; Alwarfalli, M.M. ; Alharari, M.A. ; Etayeb, E. ; Abozid, A.M. ; Rdadi, K. ; Alferis, T. ; Ellojli, I.A. ; Abuhallalah, M.F. ; Jahan, A.M. ; Alhadi, A. ; dra, M.A. ; Abdalhamed, N.M. ; Saleh, I.A. ; Albakosh, B.A. ; Hasan, N.B. ; Bin Wali, S.S. ; Hasan, H.B. ; Yahya, H.B. ; Ambrazevicius, M. ; Samalavicius, N.E. ; Venskutonis, D. ; Dauksa, A. ; Dambrauskas, Z. ; Gudaityte, R. ; Dulskas, A. ; Januška, G. ; Strupas, K. ; Poskus, T. ; Gulla, A. ; Caruana, R. ; Patel, P.K. ; Ong, E.C. ; Ahmed, S. ; Yusoff, A.R. ; Abdullah, B. ; Miswan, M.F.M. ; Wong, S.W. ; Jailani, R.F. ; Hakim, N.A. ; Tai, H.A. ; Yee, L.F. ; Yahaya, A.S. ; Fathi, N.Q. ; Voon, K. ; Hung, W.P. ; Noor, R. ; Salleh, S.A. ; Ismail, M.I. ; Huei, T.J. ; Ramely, R.b. ; Zakaria, A.D. ; Mohamad, I.S. ; Hashim, M.N.M. ; MahboobAli, M.S. ; Ab Rahman, N. ; Othman, A.F. ; Sarif, M.S. ; Chai, F.Y. ; Liang, L.S. ; Rahim, R. ; Subramaniam, S. ; Mah, J.J. ; Hayati, F. ; Ibrahim, A.F. ; Kuan, Y.C. ; Mahendran, H.A. ; Nazimi, A.J. ; Imran, F.H. ; Ramli, R. ; Din, N.M. ; Fai, T.S. ; Nabil, S. ; Bastion, M.L.C. ; Chik, I. ; Nah, S.A. ; Krishnasamy, S. ; Koh, P.S. ; Teoh, L.Y. ; See, M.H. ; Wong, W.J. ; Liew, Y.T. ; Fadzli, A.N. ; Baig, A.A. ; Chircop, F. ; Chircop, K.L. ; Psaila, J. ; Reyes, G.Y. ; Orozco-Perez, J. ; Santana-Ortiz, R. ; Peña-Balboa, L.G. ; Trujillo-Ponce, S.A. ; Miranda, R.A. ; Lara, L.A. ; Beristain-Hernandez, J.L. ; Cisneros, J.R.T. ; López, S. ; Arceo-Olaiz, R. ; Anaya, E. ; Ochoa C, F.J. ; Gutierreaz-Sougarret, B.J. ; Soulé-Martínez, C.E. ; Lupián-Angulo, A.I. ; Sanchez-Valdivieso, E.A. ; Noguez-Castillo, M. ; Mellado, D.H. ; Núñez González, R.A. ; Ortega Jiménez, J.A. ; Pérez-Navarro, J.V. ; González-Ojeda, A. ; Barbosa-Camacho, F.J. ; Flores-Becerril, P. ; Esparza-Estrada, I. ; Guzman-Barba, J.A. ; Reyes-Elizalde, E.A. ; Bernal-Hernandez, A. ; Ibarrola-Peña, J.C. ; Moran-Galaviz, R.E. ; Pacheco-Vallejo, L.R. ; Guzmán-Ramírez, B.G. ; Castillo-Cardiel, G. ; RRamirez-González, L. ; Govea-Camacho, L.H. ; Trejo-Avila, M. ; Sosa Duran, E.E. ; Pinto Angulo, V.M. ; Visag-Castillo, V. ; Soto-Carvajal, A.A. ; Izaguirre, A.F. ; Martinez-Mier, G. ; Miguelena, L.H. ; Hernandez, E.E.L. ; García, F.C.B. ; Melchor-Ruan, J. ; Salgado-Nesme, N. ; Garay-Lechuga, D. ; Vergara-Fernandez, O. ; Ambriz-González, G. ; Peón, A.N. ; Durán-Méndez, A. ; Ortega, E.N. ; Pérez, D. ; Salgado-Garza, G. ; Rodriguez, H.A. ; Rojnoveanu, G.A. ; Vozian, M.G. ; Gurghis, R.I. ; Caraja, P. ; Erdene, S. ; Sandag, E. ; Orsoo, S. ; Orgoi, S. ; Kinany, A. ; Bakali, Y. ; Aziz, S. ; Bijou, W. ; Guechati, H. ; Boualila, L. ; Othmane, B. ; Sefrioui, T.I. ; El Azzouzi, R.B. ; Oudrhiri, M.Y. ; Bechri, H. ; Elkoundi, A. ; Souadka, A. ; Benkabbou, A. ; Majbar, M.A. ; ElBahaoui, N. ; Mohsine, R. ; El Mohafide, G. ; El Ahmadi, B. ; Ghannam, A. ; Belkhadir, Z.H. ; Khatri, A. ; Tripathi, P. ; Bhusal, S. ; Munakomi, S. ; Bloemers, F.W. ; Bakx, R. ; van Berge Henegouwen, M.I. ; Gisbertz, S.S. ; Goudsmit, B.F. ; Leclercq, W.K. ; Spaans, L.N. ; Harlaar, N.J. ; Sansoni, G.A. ; Harlianto, N.I. ; Konsten, J.L. ; den Boer, F.C. ; Dekker, N.A. ; Schweitzer, D. ; Chu, M.J. ; Allen, N. ; Wang, J.H.S. ; Lyons, O. ; Carey, F.J. ; Wright, D.M. ; Lightfoot, N.J. ; Oliver, T.C. ; Wen, D.D. ; Singh, V. ; Kieser, D.C. ; Wilson, N.C. ; Varghese, C. ; Fagan, P.V.B. ; McGuinness, M.J. ; Harmston, C. ; Gómez, Néstor Javier Pavón ; Adamou, H. ; Kirfi, A.M. ; Abdull, D.M.M. ; Adamu, A. ; Liman, H.U. ; Umar, B.S. ; Adeyeye, A. ; Ifoto, O.S. ; Akinmade, A. ; Musa, K.M. ; Oyelowo, N. ; Tolani, M.A. ; Sholadoye, T.T. ; Yakubu, A. ; Ajagha, O.M. ; Fidelis, L. ; Ogunsua, O.O. ; Daniyan, M. ; Ahmad, J.I. ; Garzali, I.U. ; Kurawa, M.S. ; Mohammad, M.A. ; Hassan, S. ; Muhammad, S. ; Abdullah, L.B. ; Takai, I.U. ; Aliyu, M.S. ; Habib, S.G. ; Ahmad, M.H. ; Aji, S.A. ; Ajiya, A. ; Adumah, C.C. ; Salami, O.F. ; Mohammed-Durosinlorun, A. ; Kache, S.A. ; Taingson, M.C. ; Adze, J.A. ; Abiola, O.O. ; Olaogun, J.G. ; Akinruli, O.A. ; Abolanle, P.O. ; Eze, E.I. ; Sale, D. ; Alayande, B.T. ; Ekwunife, C.N. ; Okereke, C.E. ; Ekpemiro, C.U. ; Afolabi, A.I. ; Olubayo, O.O. ; Ige, O.E. ; Adebayo, O.O. ; Adebanjo, A.T. ; Nwahiri, N. ; Okunlola, A.I. ; Babalola, O.F. ; Ojo, O.D. ; Dele, O.D. ; Adebara, I. ; Orewole, T.O. ; Abiola, P.O. ; Henry, A.O. ; Chukwu, I.M. ; Idowu, O.E. ; Njokanma, I.G. ; Ayodele, O.A. ; Williams, O.M. ; Faboya, O.M. ; Olajide, T.O. ; Salawu, A.A. ; Ugwu, A.O. ; Ladipo-Ajayi, O.A. ; Belie, O. ; Rabiu, T.B. ; Olaomi, O.O. ; Okoye, O.G. ; Arojuraye, S.A. ; Jones, G.E. ; Ekwunife, O.H. ; Egwuonwu, O.A. ; Emegoakor, C.D. ; Modekwe, V.I. ; Ojo, O.O. ; Balogun, S.A. ; Ajekwu, T.O. ; Omon, H.E. ; Anele, C.O. ; Adesunkanmi, A.O. ; Ijarotimi, O.A. ; Komolafe, E.O. ; Ajekwu, S.C. ; Adisa, A.O. ; Wuraola, F.O. ; Olugbami, A.M. ; Aderounmu, A.A. ; Allen, O.O. ; Adeleke, A.A. ; Lawal, A.O. ; Nana, F.O. ; Fadare, O.O. ; Maigana, M. ; Ubom, A.E. ; Mohammed, T.O. ; Adeleye, A.O. ; Baiyewu, L.A. ; Balogun, J.A. ; Omigbodun, A.O. ; Aladelusi, T.O. ; Ugwu, E.O. ; Ogundoyin, O.A. ; Michael, A.I. ; Ogunrewo, T.O. ; Ojediran, O.T. ; Egbuchulem, I.K. ; Okoh, N.U. ; Ogundoyin, O.O. ; Odeyemi, O.E. ; Eyitayo, J.O. ; Olawoye, O.A. ; Lawal, T.A. ; Akinmoju, O.D. ; Abdus-Salam, R.A. ; Ezeme, C. ; Williams, S.Y. ; Oladiran, A.B. ; Oladejo, S.T. ; Obadan, I.O. ; Nwachukwu, G.A. ; Ademola, S.A. ; Ulasi, I.B. ; Ikwu, C.K.A. ; Lawal, F.B. ; Okere, O.E. ; Afolabi, A.O. ; Abayomi, O.O. ; Gbolahan, O.O. ; Fakoya, A.J. ; Adeyemo, A.A. ; Ayodeji, O.S. ; Abdullahi, H.I. ; Sani, S.A. ; Garba, S.E. ; Sulaiman, B. ; Olori, S. ; Akaba, G.O. ; Egbor, E.P. ; Odai, E.D. ; Ezeanochie, M.C. ; Irowa, O.O. ; Agbonrofo, P.I. ; Okhakhu, A.L. ; Onyeagwara, N.C. ; Nwashilli, N.J. ; Ezenwa, E.V. ; Echieh, C.P. ; Raji, H.O. ; Bello, J.O. ; Nasir, A.A. ; Abdur-Rahman, L.O. ; Popoola, A.A. ; Kumolalo, F.O. ; Ezomike, U.O. ; Onyemaechi, N.O. ; Akanni, B.A. ; Enemuo, V.C. ; Nwafor, I.A. ; Nnadozie, U.U. ; Ogu, R.N. ; Ikimalo, J.I. ; Okonta, K.E. ; Buowari, D.Y. ; Banipal, G.S. ; Massoud, J. ; Al Ismaili, A. ; Al Balushi, Z.N. ; Alward, M.M. ; Al Sabti, H.A. ; Al-Mujaini, A.S. ; Ghosh, D.N. ; Ali, F. ; Dawud, B.A. ; AlSibai, S. ; Martins, R.S. ; Vohra, L.M. ; Muhammad, S. ; Sarfraz, A. ; Siddiqui, M.T.H. ; Pervaiz, A. ; Abidi, S.S. ; Thada, P.K. ; Aleem, S. ; Choudhry, S.J. ; Yaqoob, E. ; Kerawala, A.A. ; Chaudhary, M.H. ; Chaudhary, M.A. ; Ali, M.Z. ; Mazhar, I. ; Khalid, O.B. ; Kausar, N. ; Khokhar, M.I. ; Nawaz, A. ; Malik, M.U. ; Butt, A.U.A. ; Rehman, A. ; Ghufran, M.A. ; Rai, L. ; Qureshi, S. ; Saeed, Saeed ; Maqsood, A. ; Samo, K.A. ; Sarfraz, Z. ; Jamil, M. ; Javed, S. ; Khan, T.M. ; Khan, M.S. ; Khalid, A. ; Khan, S.A. ; Javed, A. ; Khan, M.M. ; Zaki, F. ; Malik, S. ; Manzoor, S. ; Anwer, M. ; Mabood, W. ; Aaghar, M.S. ; Mehmood, Q. ; Waqar, H. ; Janjua, A. ; Manzoor, S. ; Khan, E.A. ; Murtaza, S. ; Anjum, M.A. ; Farooq, M.S. ; Munir, M.K. ; Akhtar, M.S. ; Bukhari, S.I. ; Rehman, S.U. ; Shah, F.A. ; Malik, A.A. ; Syed, S.A. ; Saqib, I.u.d. ; Mushtaq, H. ; Mahesar, K.Z. ; Tariq, M. ; Ali, A. ; Ahmad, A. ; Maria, N.U.H. ; Iqbal, A. ; Rehman, A. ; Qureshi, A.U. ; Butt, Usman Ismat ; Islam, A. ; Danish, R. ; Waqas, A. ; Javed, M.A. ; Zahra, D.e. ; Ali, S. ; Majid, H.J. ; Irshad, A. ; Naseer, M.A. ; Nasir, I.I. ; Bangash, A.H. ; Altaf, H.N. ; Bukhari, S.M.A. ; Ali, J.F. ; Asif, M. ; Niazi, S.K. ; Tahir, W. ; Aziz, M.U. ; Talat, N. ; Khaliq, T. ; Irshad, A. ; Ahsan, M.F. ; Waqar, S.H. ; Mustafa, F. ; Banat, M.A. ; Albaradiyyah, B.G. ; Shahin, F.B. ; Abu-Arish, H. ; Misk, R.A. ; Titi, R. ; Abuzaina, K.N. ; Awad, B.Y. ; Awad, M.Y. ; Aljunaidi, R.M. ; Hasani, A.K. ; Pujee, B.K. ; Jibreel, M.Y. ; Abusabha, O.M. ; Abusabha, S.E. ; Eid, H.I. ; Wishah, A.A.K. ; AbuJlambo, A.I. ; Darweesh, M.D. ; Shehada, A.k. ; Altallaa, M.I. ; Hilles, M.M.Y. ; Alwali, A.M. ; Elejla, S.A. ; Aljuba, A.A. ; Manasra, M.R. ; Awad, H.I. ; Karkour, S.y. ; Shawabka, A.M. ; AbuIrayyeh, B.M. ; Mousa, O.A. ; Amro, S. ; Aburayyan, F.I. ; Alzughayyar, T.Z. ; Zalloum, J.S. ; Abu-Arish, H.J. ; Hussien-Al-Ali, F.K. ; Asafrah, T.S. ; Jabari, S.D. ; Heih, O.Q. ; Muhtaseb, R.H. ; Hasani, A.K. ; Alsarahna, O.K. ; Alwali, A.M. ; Albelbeisi, A.H. ; Abu Jayyab, M.A. ; Salloum, O.H. ; Yangüez, A. ; Beron, R.I. ; Hurtado, M.G. ; Gomez, H.A. ; Corrales, F. ; Matsumura, K. ; Arévalo, A. ; Martínez, M.J. ; Pedrozo, B.D. ; Sánchez, R.I. ; Añazco, D. ; Chavez, C. ; Sisa, C.G. ; Segovia-Lohse, H.R. ; Segovia-Lohse, H.A. ; Santacruz, E.R. ; Leiva, A.G. ; Cano, C.A. ; Lozano, C.M. ; Borda-Luque, G. ; Torres-Gomez, L. ; Arones, R. ; Cubas, W.S. ; Shiraishi-Zapata, C.J. ; Mendiola, G.C. ; Sánchez, J.J. ; Berrospi, F.E. ; Falcon, G.M. ; Moreno, A.A. ; Nacion, A.J.D. ; Roxas, A.B. ; Turingan, H.Z. ; Lapitan, M.C.M. ; Lukban, C.R.B. ; Sacdalan, M.D.P. ; Salud, J.A.M. ; Reyes, J.A.S.R. ; Castro, M.M. ; Rivera, R.D. ; Choudry, M.J. ; Salvador, N.G.A. ; Szyluk, K. ; Bobiński, M. ; Rasoul-Pelińska, K. ; Rymarowicz, J. ; Miotla, P. ; Futyma, K. ; Walędziak, M. ; Reis, S.G. ; Oliveira, J.T. ; Santos, M.D. ; Rocha-Neves, J. ; Pereira-Neves, A. ; Gomes, F. ; Nogueiro, J.P.M. ; Rodrigues, S.C. ; Santos, P.C. ; de Araújo Pereira, A. ; Barbosa-Breda, J. ; Monteiro, D.D. ; Duarte-Gamas, L. ; Nóbrega, L. ; Dias, L.R. ; Ramos, C. ; Branquinho, R.G. ; Silva, N.J. ; Deus, A.C.M. ; Serralheiro, P.A. ; Soares, A.P. ; Henriques, S.A. ; Botelho, P. ; Cismasiu, B. ; Barreira, A.L. ; Romero, M.Á.F. ; Santos-Costa, P. ; Costeira, C. ; Carvas, J.M. ; Omran, F.M.B. ; Latif, E.A. ; Toffaha, A.T. ; Sameer, M. ; Qabbani, A.S. ; Elmelliti, H.E. ; El Baba, H. ; Khalifa, M.T. ; Badran, S. ; Ghali, M.S. ; Konjanoska, M. ; Kavain, S.B. ; Kuzmanovska, B. ; Lleshi, A. ; Kokareva, A. ; Kiprijanovska, B.T. ; Trajkovska, V. ; Nicevska, M.T. ; Gavrilovska-Brzanov, A. ; Burmuzoska, M. ; Davitkovska, T. ; Jakimovski, A. ; Kostovski, F. ; Eftimova, B. ; Trpeski, S. ; Korunoska-Merdjanoski, B.R. ; Shuntov, B.T. ; Filipce, V. ; Rendevski, V. ; Fileva, A. ; Risteski, T. ; Pejkova, S. ; Georgieva, G. ; Srbov, B. ; Nikolovska, B. ; Sotir, S.A. ; Kasapinova, K. ; Florian, I.A. ; Drasovean, R. ; Muresan, M.S.M. ; Grama, F. ; Chitul, A. ; Bezede, C. ; Ciofic, E. ; Cristian, D. ; Toma, E.A. ; Calu, V. ; Miron, A. ; Enciu, O. ; Diaconescu, I.B. ; Stoica, B. ; Stefan, M.G. ; Valeanu, L. ; Radulescu, R.B. ; Bacalbasa, N.G. ; Motas, N. ; Iliescu, M.C. ; Manolache, V. ; Davidescu, M. ; Serban, A.M. ; Ionescu, S.N. ; Bonci, E.A. ; Pasca, A. ; Coman, R.A. ; Vlad, I.C. ; Lunca, S. ; Musina, A.M. ; Velenciuc, N. ; Dimofte, G. ; Ginghina, O. ; Mirica, R. ; Iosifescu, R. ; Vacarasu, A.B. ; Mardare, M. ; Spanu, A. ; Makkai-Popa, S.T. ; Porumb, V.V. ; Mogoanta, S.S. ; Zarnescu, N.O. ; Costea, R.V. ; Zarnescu, E.C. ; Kaldarov, A. ; Kaleda, V.I. ; Kremenchugskaya, T.A. ; Efetov, S.K. ; Balaban, V.V. ; Burlov, N.N. ; Khrykov, G. ; Butyrskii, A.G. ; Dzhumabaev, K.E. ; Pravosudov, I.V. ; Ermolaev, P.A. ; Bedzhanyan, A.L. ; Frolova, Y.V. ; Kudryavcev, Y. ; Kim, K. ; Mikhaylova, T. ; Ten, V. ; Yanishev, A. ; Novikova, A. ; Pavlov, R. ; Kim, G. ; Shmatov, D. ; Stolyarov, M. ; Drozdov, E.S. ; Chavkin, P.M. ; Gachabayov, M. ; Niyongombwa, I. ; Bennett, S.P. ; Mpirimbanyi, C. ; Katabogama, J.B. ; Dieudonne, H.A. ; Byiringiro, F. ; Muneza, E. ; Liliane, N. ; Olivier, K. ; Muneza, S. ; Lai, L.M. ; Ali, A.M. ; Baradwan, S. ; Alam, M.K. ; Alzerwi, N.A.N. ; Hussain, A. ; Bakhsh, U.R. ; Alkhayal, A. ; Alnasser, M.H. ; Rajendram, R. ; Syed, Y. ; Dagestani, H.F. ; Eissa, A.T. ; Al Suwailem, M.A. ; Farsi, A.H. ; Farsi, D. ; Malibary, N. ; Altaf, A. ; Basendowah, M. ; Baeesa, S.S. ; Akeel, N.Y. ; Trabulsi, N.H. ; Bahakim, A.M. ; Bajunaid, K. ; Bangash, M.H. ; Alharthi, M. ; Aljiffry, M. ; Sabbagh, A.J. ; Bustangi, N.M. ; Altuwayjiri, B.S. ; Alhaddad, A.m. ; Ghunaim, M.A. ; Samkari, A.A. ; Elzain, M.A. ; AlAmeer, A.Y. ; Bawa, D. ; Ghunaim, H.A. ; Ghunaim, A.A. ; Mousa, H.W.M. ; Almulhim, A.S. ; Alshammari, A.M. ; Abuzaid, M. ; Al Absi, E.J. ; Al Duhileb, M.A. ; Duhileb, A. ; Almana, N.E. ; Alzahir, A.A. ; Aldulaijan, F.A. ; Madkhali, T. ; Alshammari, T.F. ; Almatar, B.M. ; Ghazwani, S.M. ; Hamid, A.A. ; Ghedan, S.F. ; Alhefdhi, A. ; Alomar, O. ; Al-Badawi, I. ; Salem, H. ; Abu-Zaid, A. ; Nazer, A. ; Alnemare, A.K. ; Rayzah, M.F. ; Alzahrani, A.M. ; Alqahtani, S.M. ; Hasson Alnajjar, A.A. ; Alyami, M. ; Elawad, A.F. ; Alqannas, M.H. ; Cortes-Guiral, D. ; Alalawi, Y.S. ; Alayed, A.S. ; Alishi, Y.A. ; Chowdhury, S. ; Almannie, R. ; Nouh, T. ; AlAli, M.N. ; Almalki, A.M. ; Ahmed, K. ; Kattan, A.E. ; Ayoub, A.H. ; Al-Kharashi, E.I. ; Aljaber, F.K. ; Alghamdi, A.H. ; Al Hasan, I. ; Badahdah, Fatima Ahmed (Prince Sultan Military Medical City (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)) ; Al Faifi, J.J. ; Albarrak, A.A. ; Niasse, A. ; Ndong, A. ; Slijepcevic, N. ; Paunovic, I. ; Zivaljevic, V. ; Kmezic, S. ; Sekulic, A.M. ; Jelenkovic, J.R. ; Dimitrijevic, I.B. ; Barisic, G.I. ; Miladinov, M.M. ; Grubac, Z.Z. ; Tadic, B.S. ; Grubor, N. ; Pavlovic, I. ; Reljic, M. ; Mitrovic, M.D. ; Micic, D. ; Loncar, Z. ; Gregoric, P. ; Karanikolic, A. ; Perovic, M.D. ; Jelovac, D. ; Ilic, R.V. ; Miljković, A.D. ; Bogdanovic, I. ; Jotic, A.D. ; Davidovic, L. ; Bumbasirevic, U. ; Prijović, N.J. ; Santric, V. ; Stankovic, B.M. ; Stevanovic, D.D. ; Lazic, A.V. ; Mitrovic, N.D. ; Zivkovic, D.D. ; Markovic, I.Z. ; Buta, M.N. ; Goran, M.R. ; Radovanovic, D.R. ; Radovanovic, Z. ; Zahorjanski, S. ; Protic, A.D.M. ; Kresoja-Ignjatović, M. ; Djurić, M. ; Lazovic, M.R. ; Ducic, S.V. ; Kovacevic, B.M. ; Bojicic, J.M. ; Juloski, J.T. ; Krdzic, I. ; Milutinovic, V.Z. ; Mok, C.W. ; Dimatatac, D.M. ; Tan, K.K. ; Lieske, B. ; Lin, S. ; Oh, H.B. ; Ngaserin, S. ; Koh, F.H. ; Leong, F.Q.H. ; Kabir, T. ; Leow, J.J. ; Tan, M.N.A. ; Ang, W.W. ; Shelat, V.G. ; MorochoviÄ, R. ; šimko, K. ; Czako, L. ; Gális, B. ; Vavro, M. ; Dvoranová, B. ; Soviš, M. ; Vidová, I. ; Rems, M. ; Kosir, J.A. ; Tomazic, A. ; Grosek, J. ; Bozic, T.K. ; Hersi, I.M. ; Ali, A.D. ; Aidid, A.A. ; Farah, A.A. ; sh Ahmed, A.M. ; Lack, V. ; Kloppers, C. ; Almgla, N. ; Panieri, E. ; Malherbe, F. ; Hardcastle, T.C. ; Swart, R. ; Noel, C.B. ; Malan, A.F. ; Nel, C.P. ; Lugo, C. ; Lagares, A. ; Ojeda-Thies, C. ; García-Señoráns, M.P. ; Vigorita, V. ; Fernández, L.R. ; Cano-Valderrama, O. ; Salido, A.J. ; Gonzalez, L.A.S. ; Suarez, S.B. ; Hevia, M. ; de Arriba Alonso, M. ; Villar, T.R. ; González, I.V.G. ; Trebol, J. ; Mayo-Yáñez, M. ; López, C.B. ; Mozo, A.S. ; Arencibia-Sanchez, Octavio ; Garcia-Cano, D.G. ; Viana, L.G. ; Paniagua, L.C. ; Martinez-Perez, C. ; Abellán, A.M. ; Romero, C.S. ; Catalá, J.C. ; Núñez-García, B. ; Gaibar, A.G. ; García, N.Á. ; Muñoz Vives, J.M. ; Calero-Lillo, A. ; Villacampa, J.M. ; Domínguez-Prieto, V. ; Carneros, V.J. ; Alonso-Lamberti, L. ; Manuel-Vazquez, A. ; Rubio, A.V. ; Domenech, J. ; Miranda, I. ; Chrzanowska, H.P. ; Marquez, L. ; Baduell, A. ; Balaguer Castro, Mariano ; Carrasco, P.C. ; Vallejo, M.C. ; Bitterling, B.C. ; Carreras-Castañer, A. ; Claret, G. ; Cuesta-González, F.J. ; Di Somma, A. ; Nora, J.E. ; Fabregas, N. ; Fuertes, A.F. ; Ferrés, A. ; Ginesta, C. ; Gonzalez Sanchez, J.J. ; Gracia, I. ; Hoyos Castro, J.A. ; Jornet-Gibert, M. ; Morales, X. ; Mosteiro-Cadaval, A. ; Pedrosa, L. ; Carrizo, J.P. ; Renau-Cerrillo, M. ; Reyes Figueroa, L.A. ; Ramos, P.R. ; Arboix, J.R. ; Sabater-Martos, M. ; Sieira-Gil, R. ; Topczewski, T.E. ; Torales, J. ; Torné, R. ; Torner, Pere ; Turrado-Rodriguez, V. ; Valero, R. ; Vives-Barquiel, M. ; Campanales, M.S. ; Aguilar, R.J. ; Bravo, A. ; Giles, S. ; Barreda, D.M. ; Ferrer, M. ; López, L.G. ; Peraza Godoy, M.F. ; Muncunill, R.P. ; Medina, D.G. ; Postnikov, Y. ; Petralanda, A.A. ; Monfort-Mira, M. ; Carreras-Castañer, X. ; Ramirez, L.J. ; Torroella-Vallejo, A. ; de Lacy, B. ; Pigrau, C.C. ; Diez, E.G. ; Pagès, C.M. ; Sobrino, R.G. ; Vargas, C. ; Segura Nebot, É.A. ; Narvaez, J.D. ; Ares, O. ; Zumbado, A. ; Madariaga, S.E. ; Llompart Coll, M.M. ; Iñiguez, L.T. ; González, C. ; Gómez, J. ; Dominguez, P. ; Montoya, C. ; Balart, M. ; Pino, M.d. ; Lillo, O.G. ; Ostilla, R. ; Palomino-Chulla, S. ; López-Baamonde, M. ; Burgos-Blasco, B. ; Dziakova, J. ; de Alarcon, J.R. ; Vidal-Villegas, B. ; Cristóbal, I. ; Martinez-de-la-Casa, J.M. ; Badenes, R. ; Moro-Valdezate, D. ; Andrés-Asenjo, B.D. ; Bustamante-Munguira, Juan ; Aguado, H.J. ; Ruiz-Lopez, N. ; Pereda-Manso, A. ; Carrascal, Y. ; González, M. B. ; Álvarez, E.M. ; Cuadrado, J.B. ; Valladares, S.C. ; Méndez, B.S. ; Simon-Perez, C. ; Garcia-Virto, V. ; Alvarez-Ramos, B.A. ; Cervera, M.C. ; Plata, M. ; Zabalza, A. ; Labrador Hernández, G.d.J. ; Trujillo-Díaz, J. ; Arribas, D. ; Vitiello, G. ; Sánchez-Cabús, Santiago (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Llaquet-Bayo, H. ; Martin-Villares, C. ; Medina, M. ; Gonzalez, E. ; Sánchez-Gollarte, A. ; Perez, A.G. ; Marín, M.R. ; Bobadilla Romero, E.R. ; Prats, M.C. ; Giménez-Francés, C. ; Gonzalez, R. ; Arroyo-Domingo, M.M. ; Marínez-Alonso, J.A. ; Maquilón, A.J. ; Guillamon-Vivancos, L. ; Camarena, A.I.A. ; Capitan, A. ; Rodriguez, E.V. ; Marco-Garrido, A. ; Golet, M.R. ; Estaire-Gómez, M. ; Calvo, F.J.R. ; Sánchez-Guillén, L. ; Soler-Silva, Á. ; Mateo-Sierra, O. ; Quintana-Villamandos, B. ; Tousidonis, M. ; Marin, F.M. ; Garcia, P.R. ; Freiria Eiras, M.A. ; Vallve-Bernal, M. ; Bleda, S. ; De Haro, J. ; Troncoso, P. ; Martín del Olmo, J.C. ; Gómez-López, J.R. ; Domínguez, M.G. ; Morales-Puebla, J.M. ; López-García, I. ; Escartin, J. ; El-Abur, I.T. ; Aguilera, D.G. ; Martin-Sole, O. ; Pérez-Bertólez, S. ; de Haro Jorge, I. ; Corres, O.I. ; Mora-Guzmán, I. ; Oliver Guillen, J.R. ; de-Fernandez, A.L. ; San-Jose, B.F.V. ; Bergkvist, D.J. ; Ruiz-Villa, L. ; Marín, E.G. ; Melero, A.V. ; Varela, L. ; Calvo, M.P. ; Ateca, I.V. ; Perfecto, A. ; Carnicero, P.A. ; Aranda, E. ; Martin-Playa, P. ; Elizalde, L.A. ; Galvañ, Y. ; Plata-Bello, J. ; Fernández-Fernández, J. ; Rahy-Martín, A.C. ; Rosas-Bermúdez, C. ; Pelloni, M. ; Di Martino, M. ; Pendolero, J.P. ; Pérez, D.D. ; Losada, M. ; García-Conde, M. ; Diéguez, B. ; Hernandez-Garcia, M. ; Vidal, F.R. ; Zabaleta, J. ; Barrueco, A.S. ; Beltran-Miranda, P. ; Guevara-Martínez, J. ; Arteaga Asensio, P.C. ; Saudí, S. ; Jariod-Ferrer, U.M. ; Duque-Mallén, M.V. ; Dobon, M.A. ; Gracia-Roche, C. ; Mendoza-Moreno, F. ; Palacios, N.M. ; Diez-Alonso, M. ; Matías-García, B. ; Diego, L. ; Blázquez-Martin, A. ; Burgos-Blasco, P. ; Ramos, D. ; Berna-Rico, E. ; Ley, L. ; Sánchez-Fernández, F. ; Río-Arroyo, L.D. ; Barberá, R. ; Sánchez, A.C. ; Barranquero, A.G. ; Montes-Jovellar, L. ; Tejero-Pintor, F.J. ; Estévez, J.M. ; Colás-Ruiz, E. ; Gomez-Perez, B. ; Moya-Angeler, J. ; Delegido, A. ; Vázquez, P.J.G. ; Alconchel, F. ; León-Muñoz, V.J. ; López, T.N. ; Pintor-Tortolero, J. ; Tallon-Aguilar, L. ; Dios-Barbeito, S. ; Capitán, L.C. ; Gomez-Rosado, J.C. ; Capitán-Morales, L.C. ; Landaluce-Olavarria, A. ; Ripollés-Melchor, J. ; Abad-Motos, A. ; Sáez-Ruiz, E. ; Ruiz-de-la-Hermosa, A. ; Perez-Ferrer, A. ; Moriche-Carretero, M. ; Revilla-Amores, R. ; de Colsa, D.S. ; Alcaide, B. ; Martín-Láez, R. ; Cano-Trigueros, E. ; Soria-Aledo, V. ; Aguado, N. ; González-Suárez, S. ; Espinosa-Bravo, M. ; Nuñez, J.H. ; Vilallonga, R. ; Gil-Moreno, A. ; Gil-Sala, D. ; Espin-Basany, E. ; Lopez, M. ; Micó, J.M. ; Basnayake, O. ; Wijekoon, N.S. ; Jayawardane, I.A. ; Subasinghe, D. ; Seneviratne, S.A. ; Wickramasinghe, D.P. ; Chandrasinghe, P. ; PBThalgaspitiya, S. ; Jayathilake, A.B. ; Wijenayake, W. ; Omer, I.A. ; Mustafa, E.E. ; Abdallah, A.Q.M.A. ; Ali, A.A. ; El Hunjul, G.N. ; Mukhtar, D.M.O. ; Hussein, M.M.A. ; Shogar, A. ; Abdallah, M.E. ; Shaar, A. ; shaar, M.N. ; kora, M.k. ; Muhmmed, K.A. ; Sarih, M.M. ; Omer, M.E.A. ; Idris, M.A. ; Osman, O.S. ; Alawad, E.M. ; Ebad, M.A.b. ; Ibrahim, A.M. ; Abass, K.A.B. ; Nour, A.B.Y.M. ; Hamid, H.K.S. ; Ahmed, K.A.H.M. ; Ibrahim, M.E.O. ; Yassin, A.M. ; Abdelrahman, S.E.M.E. ; Alnaser, A.A. ; Taha, T.M. ; Adam, M.E.A.E. ; AAhmed, A. ; Saadelnour, M.A.I. ; Adlan, A.M.A. ; Ismail, A. ; Alkhalifa, E. ; Abdalaal, I.A.M. ; Fadalla, T. ; Ibrahim, M.Y. ; Hamdoun Aziz, E.A. ; Mohammed, M.M.E.A. ; Mohamed, T.A. ; Alhag, A.A.A. ; Mohamed, R.I.H. ; Hamza, S.B. ; Ali, M.A.M. ; Ahmed, N.Y.A.A. ; Alhag, A.A.M. ; Saleh, M. ; Jawad, M. ; Thorell, A. ; Segelman, J. ; Hultgren, R. ; Elbe, P. ; Chew, M.S. ; Mohseni, S. ; Buchwald, P. ; Älgå, A. ; Sandblom, G. ; Nordberg, M. ; Nikberg, M. ; Mongelli, F. ; Di Giuseppe, M. ; Papadia, A. ; Gasparri, M.L. ; Antonilli, M. ; Popeskou, S.G. ; Colucci, N. ; Gialamas, E. ; Dwidar, O. ; Sauvain, M.O. ; Maurus, C.F. ; Kocher, G.J. ; Widmer, L.W. ; Mueller, S.A. ; Giger, R. ; Hool, S.L. ; Peros, G. ; Misirlic, M. ; Bächler, T. ; Schöni, D. ; Taha, A. ; Gass, J.M. ; Giesen, T. ; Gero, D. ; Däster, S. ; Soysal, S.D. ; Taha-Mehlitz, S. ; Tampakis, A. ; Hess, G.F. ; Nocera, F. ; Kollmar, O. ; Bolli, M. ; Mohammad, M.A. ; Bakdash, A.M. ; Aljasem, R.K. ; Rahhal, A.A. ; Shareeda, M.A. ; Nyno, A.O. ; kahawati, M.A. ; Yassien, B.A. ; Alsaid, B. ; Bnayan, R.M. ; Kouz, B.S. ; Takahji, M.E. ; Hasan, Z.F. ; Abduljalil, A. ; MAlhalabi, N. ; Al Jammal, M.B.A. ; Alia, D.N. ; Homsi, M. ; Masri, J. ; Masri, R.J. ; Toutounji, T. ; Al Aliwy, M. ; Kabbani, N. ; Kadoura, L. ; Sultan, D. ; Kassem, L.H. ; Al-Naeb, H.M. ; Al-Hajjaj, M.M. ; Alkhaleel, W. ; Swed, S. ; Naal, M.Y. ; Tfankji, S. ; Almohammed, M.H.R. ; Nabhan, M.H. ; Al-Mouakeh, A. ; Najjar, M.M. ; Alhashash, A. ; Ghazal, A. ; Alchallah, M.O. ; Alolabi, H. ; ElHomsi, M.O. ; Rayes, O. ; Naem, A. ; Al-Houssami, S.M.M. ; Gawrieh, B.S. ; Hamdan, A. ; Hassan, N.T. ; Hammed, A.M. ; Elias, E.G. ; Ahmad, A.A. ; Knifaty, M.A. ; Moussa, A.M. ; Yabasin, I.B. ; Roan, J.N. ; Shih, C.J. ; Chen, P.C. ; Lohsiriwat, V. ; Phupong, V. ; Techapongsatorn, S. ; Lalchan, A.M. ; Charles, S. ; Rim, B. ; Bouhani, M. ; Ghalleb, M. ; Chamakhi, A. ; Sebai, A. ; dahman, N.B.h. ; Ammar, H. ; Said, M.A. ; Kechiche, N. ; Aghayeva, A. ; Dülgeroğlu, O. ; Ozben, V. ; Aytac, E. ; Atasoy, D. ; Arikan, A.E. ; Kara, H. ; Dogan, N.U. ; Bostanci, A. ; Turhan, M. ; Ozkan, O. ; Dumlu, E.G. ; Menekşe, E. ; Oter, V. ; Piskin, E. ; Hasirci, I. ; Colakoglu, M.K. ; Bostanci, E.B. ; Ozgun, Y.M. ; Girgin, B. ; Erel, S. ; Demirel, S. ; Yanik, Ö. ; Gecim, I.E. ; Koc, M.A. ; Akyol, C. ; Güner, V. ; Konca, C. ; Batioğlu, F. ; Hakseven, M. ; Toptas, T. ; Aydin, Y. ; Ulas, A.B. ; Ince, I. ; Altinel, Y. ; Demirgan, S. ; Meric, S. ; Sevdi, M.S. ; Ercetin, C. ; Ferahman, S. ; Aydin, H. ; Dural, A.C. ; Sahbaz, N.A. ; Yalkin, O. ; Sen, M. ; Isik, O. ; Yilmazlar, A.T. ; Bisgin, T. ; Yigit, B. ; bayhan, H. ; Buldanli, M.Z. ; Gultekin, M. ; Cennet, O. ; Unal, E.U. ; Çakici, M.Ç. ; Iplikci, A. ; Yildirim, A. ; Ozgur, I. ; Sen, C. ; Dincer, M.B. ; Erginöz, E. ; Sanli, A.N. ; Turna, A. ; Askar, A. ; Uludağ, S.S. ; Guldogan, C.E. ; Ozmen, M.M. ; Bozkurt, M.A. ; özcan, A. ; Kara, Y. ; Kocataş, A. ; Guner, A. ; Sari, R. ; Memisoglu, E. ; Saracoglu, K.T. ; Tosun, Y. ; Çetin, K. ; Kalafat, E. ; Taskiran, C. ; Vatansever, D. ; Giray, B. ; Tatar, O.C. ; Köksal, H. ; Özkent, M.S. ; Ulutaş, M.E. ; Hamarat, M.B. ; Coskun, B. ; Abbasov, A. ; Altinsoy, E. ; Uprak, T.K. ; Saracoglu, A. ; Ugurlu, M.U. ; Kose, E. ; Ozgen, U. ; Sungurtekin, U. ; Gonullu, E. ; Bayhan, Z. ; Akin, E. ; Mantoglu, B. ; Çolak, E ; Kucuk, G.O. ; Yuksel, C. ; Aydin, F. ; Dogan, L. ; Culcu, S. ; Tufan, A.E. ; Citgez, B. ; Akpinar, G. ; Köksoy, Ü.C. ; Ulgur, H.S. ; Kalin, M. ; Ozkan, O.F. ; Yildirak, M.K. ; Atici, S.D. ; Salimoğlu, S. ; Abud, B. ; Calik, B. ; Kamer, E. ; Kebabci, E. ; Uylas, U. ; Teker, K. ; Cakmak, G.K. ; Gultekin, F.A. ; Xaviour, O.F. ; Isaac, O. ; Gaston, T. ; Asiimwe, D. ; Vahwere, B.M. ; Sikakulya, F.K. ; Lule, H. ; Lugobe, H.M. ; Lekuya, H.M. ; Namugenyi, C. ; Kiweewa, R. ; Bosco, M. ; Yovenko, I. ; Kopetskyi, V. ; Maksymenko, B. ; Khan, S.A. ; Padvi, A.V. ; Serour, M.A. ; Beigh, S.A. ; Elsayed, H.M. ; Mohamed, A.O. ; Basappanavar, V.S. ; Al-Wandi, A.S. ; Khalil, K.S. ; Younis, M.U. ; Al Saadi, H.S.A. ; Heidan, G.K. ; Trehan, R.K. ; Davies, J. ; Ashcroft, J. ; Georgiades, F. ; Durrani, A.J. ; Price, S.J. ; Wong, K.Y. ; Agrawal, A. ; Seah, M.K. ; Saad, M.M.E. ; Segaren, N. ; Ghobrial, M. ; Balakrishnan, A. ; Forouhi, P. ; Khan, W.S. ; Wheeler, J. ; Schache, A.G. ; Katsikostas, D.P. ; Angelou, D. ; Fell, A.J. ; Madani, R. ; Dindyal, S. ; Seraj, S.S. ; Sharavanan, P. ; Iqbal, M.R. ; Wong, N.J. ; Lo, W.B. ; Soon, W.C. ; Hammouche, D. ; Lee, J.D. ; Pachl, M.J. ; Alexander, D. ; Ahmad, S. ; Morley, H.L. ; Selwyn, D. ; Wareing, J. ; Oktseloglou, V. ; Bobak, P. ; Rampersad, L.S. ; Mohamed, M. ; Kaur, M. ; Athanasiou, A. ; Martin, B.P. ; Jichi, T.S. ; Batchelor, T.J. ; Rozwadowski, S. ; Maniarasu, S. ; Seyed-Safi, P.K. ; Kutuzov, V. ; Shah, H.B. ; Noton, T.M. ; Dela Cruz, N.J.M. ; Trehan, N. ; Tokidis, E. ; Byrne, Matthew HV. ; Winter, S.C. ; Pinto-Lopes, R. ; Pavithran, A. ; Khalifa, A.O. ; Eardley, N.J. ; Ashour, R. ; Steinke, J.D. ; Esmail, H.D. ; Bence, M.N. ; Walters, S.T. ; Akinyemi, T.O. ; Lakpriya, S. ; Moawad, N.N. ; Panahi, P. ; Lau, J. ; McAleer, S. ; Laoye, A. ; Hussain, A.A. ; Zafar, M. ; Elsheikh, M.H. ; Shaerf, D.A. ; Soggiu, F. ; Massoumi, A. ; Gareb, F. ; Yao, M.W. ; Qamar, M.A. ; Fang, C.E.H. ; Greenhalgh, M.S. ; Hunt, A. ; Oladeji, E.O. ; Benjamin, M.W. ; Beak, P. ; Rae, F.J. ; Aithie, J.M.S. ; Clarke, G.W.J. ; Veeramootoo, D. ; Ashman, A.J. ; Kahka, E.E. ; Rafe, T. ; PATEL, P.K. ; Albirnawi, H. ; Katory, M. ; Fisher, A. ; Amonkar, S.J. ; Rao, P.K.D. ; Holroyd, D.J. ; Gkikas, A. ; Newton, L.S. ; Kirk, A.J.B. ; Khalid, A. ; Ferguson, D. ; Stanier, P.B. ; Shah, V. ; El-Boghdadly, K. ; Schizas, A.M.P. ; ilyas, M. ; George, M.L. ; Gawad, M. ; Groom, W.D. ; Al-Azzawi, M. ; Ahluwalia, J.C. ; Punjabi, P.P. ; Cheung, F.Y. ; Wilson, M.D. ; Mitrofan, C.G. ; Malam, Y. ; Townson, A. ; Loubani, M. ; Yau, J.D. ; Seebah, K. ; Akowuah, E.F. ; Pushpoth, S.R. ; Viswanath, Y.K. ; ElSanhoury, K. ; Chew, M. ; Walker, T.E. ; Elhassan, A.B.E. ; Belcher, E. ; Goricar, M. ; majd, H.S. ; Knight, D. ; Ismail, L. ; McKinnon, C. ; Ganau, M. ; Prokopenko, M. ; Doshi, N.S. ; Gkorila, A. ; Sheikh, N.A. ; Helm, J.R. ; Low, M.K. ; Ogunfusika, O.H. ; Bisheet, G. ; Alhammali, T. ; Arnob, A.S. ; Singh, J. ; Allde, E.L. ; Sambhwani, S.H. ; Dube, M. ; Gemmill, E.H. ; John, J. ; Gerogiannis, I.N. ; Abuelgasim, M.A.A. ; Crate, G. ; Holme, T.J. ; Nguyen, A.T.V. ; Ho, M.W. ; Wade, R.G. ; Hussain, A. ; Andrzejowski, P. ; Omakobia, E. ; Eltayeb, M. ; Galabov, T.P. ; Lee, C.Y.V. ; Nazir, A. ; Siaw, O.L. ; Ashford, R.U. ; Boddy, A.P. ; Ashmore, C.D. ; Shah, S.M. ; Gowers, B.T.V. ; Thekkinkattil, D.K. ; Worku, D. ; Harky, A. ; Talwar, R. ; Sagoo, H.K. ; Jambulingam, P.S. ; Smart, C.J. ; Doherty, D.T. ; Mastoridis, S. ; Kumar, S. ; Mahmoud, R. ; Solari, F. ; Egan, R.J. ; Barry, J.D. ; Morrison, J. ; Davoudi, K. ; Hollyman, M. ; Kelly, A. ; Badenoch, T.F. ; pandanaboyana, s. ; Critchley, R.J. ; Sarodaya, V.R. ; Sinnerton, R.J.H. ; Manickavasagam, J. ; Lindsay, E.F. ; Arora, A. ; Hasan, R. ; Liew, I. ; Ozua, J. ; Kouritas, V. ; Collins, R.V. ; Lafford, G.H. ; Moret, C. ; Chean, C.S. ; Horgan, L.F. ; Aujayeb, A. ; Siddique, M.H. ; Navaratne, L. ; Kotecha, S. ; Bellato, V. ; Lewis, S.E. ; Ali, M.U. ; Marson, B.A. ; Craxford, S. ; Gajjar, K. ; Theophilidou, E. ; Aboelmagd, T. ; Khatkar, H. ; Awadallah, M.A. ; Blanco, José A. ; Chituku, T.G. ; Dixon, O.G. ; sarveswaran, J. ; Jones, I.S. ; Hammouche, S. ; Vijay, V. ; Ooi, R. ; Karmarkar, R. ; Khaleeq, T. ; Bhatia, M. ; Al-Khazaali, B.L. ; Daadipour, A. ; Mattar, A. ; Singhal, T. ; Mahmoud, M.I. ; Glasbey, J. ; Nankivell, P.C. ; Kalkat, M.S. ; Nour, S. ; Beggs, A.D. ; Yershov, D.Y. ; Chughtai, S.A. ; Youssef, H. ; Norrish, A.R. ; Mohammed, M.M. ; Gwozdz, A.M. ; Charalambous, M.P. ; Knight, S.R. ; McCaul, J.A. ; Bridgman, E.A. ; El Sheikh, M. ; Ogunbowale, A. ; Wright, E.O. ; Ahmed, U. ; Younus, H. ; Tincknell, L.G. ; Weixing-Ho, K. ; Demetriou, C. ; Hussei, M. ; Reilly, J.J. ; Hormis, A.P. ; Moug, S.J. ; Anazor, F.C. ; Horwell, E.A. ; Neal-Smith, G. ; McNamara, J.M. ; Baryeh, K.W. ; Bhatti, K.M. ; McKay, J.E. ; Cannoletta, M.G. ; Perkins, C.J. ; Gopalswamy, S. ; Sheldon, A.F. ; John, J.B. ; Mantle, M. ; Toia, B. ; Phillips, A.J. ; Al-Khyatt, W. ; Lund, J.N. ; Ammar, A.Y. ; Yim, G.H. ; Huntley, D.A. ; Daniels, I.R. ; Valverde, J. ; Lumley, E.D.J. ; Walton, T.J. ; Raptis, D.A. ; Dimitrokallis, N. ; Nathan, A. ; Motallebzadeh, R. ; Chowdhury, S. ; Ahmed, R.F.A. ; Mirnezami, R. ; Szakmany, T. ; Knight, D.J. ; Al-Azzani, W. ; Davies, H.R. ; Ooi, S.Z.Y. ; Oo, K.K. ; Cullis, P.S. ; Peng, E. ; Demetriades, A.K. ; Tambyraja, A.L. ; Poon, M.T. ; Brennan, P.M. ; Oikonomou, D. ; Newman, S.E. ; Le Blevec, L. ; Otify, M. ; Szatmary, P. ; Devkaran, B. ; Sochorova, D. ; Sohrabi, C. ; Sivaprakasam, R. ; Goh, M.A. ; Atkinson, K.V. ; Soares, D. ; Prce, D. ; Cann, J.P. ; Grobbelaar, A.C. ; Bradley, R. ; Strauss, H.J. ; Taha, A. ; Minicozzi, A. ; Thakur, B. ; Hanoun, A. ; Goru, P. ; Baumber, R.M. ; Sobti, A.S. ; Cross, G.W. ; Havenhand, T. ; Antoniou, G.A. ; Chauhan, G.S. ; Vokshi, I. ; Mahmud, A. ; Albanese, E. ; Evans, Daisy ; Madhuri, T.K. ; Horsnell, J.D. ; Zalmay, P. ; Davies, A.J. ; Aljanadi, F. ; Jeganathan, R. ; Jones, M. ; Kakos, C. ; El-Ghobashy, A. ; Habib, A.M. ; Reid, J.P. ; Rajgor, H.D. ; Ahmed, O. ; Branagan, G. ; Mohamedahmed, A.Y.Y. ; Al-Sabbagh, A. ; Chetty, G. ; Kelty, C.J. ; EL-Wajeh, Y.A.M. ; Tomlinson, J.E. ; Rominiyi, O. ; Sinha, S. ; Saad, S. ; Sahu, B. ; Charalampakis, V. ; Enemosah, I. ; Williams, S.J. ; Yaqoob, H.N. ; Laurent, E.P. ; Moreau, J.L. ; Frostick, R. ; Parwaiz, H. ; Aboelmagd, K. ; Pournaras, D.J. ; Hristova, K.H. ; Iyengar, K.P. ; Mohamed, M. ; Artioukh, D.Y. ; Anwar, S. ; Hussein, M.K.A. ; Omogbehin, T.S. ; Herron, J.B.T. ; Labib, A. ; Patel, P. ; Marsden, S.C. ; Mehdian, R. ; Santhirakumaran, G. ; Smelt, J. ; Agarwal, K. ; Lancerotto, L. ; Sahnan, K. ; Shalhoub, J. ; Donnelly, L.J. ; Erridge, S. ; Chidambaram, S. ; Luo, X. ; Bansal, S. ; Ryan, N.A. ; Smith, A.C.D. ; Flatman, M. ; Wafaie, I. ; Malik, M.I.K. ; Thumbadoo, R.P. ; Hussain, S.F. ; Henein, C. ; Hamad, Y.T. ; Belgaumkar, A.P. ; Bosanquet, D.C. ; Kolias, A.G. ; Choi, D. ; Marcus, H.J. ; Horsfall, H.R.L. ; Khan, D.Z. ; Sahni, A. ; Millward, C.P. ; Render, L. ; Truss, A. ; Elmoslemany, T. ; Parmar, C. ; Hanger, J. ; Sheen, J. ; Rait, J.S. ; Foreman, J. ; Marzouqa, N. ; Fontalis, A. ; Voulalas, G. ; CHEONG, R.C.T. ; Dindyal, S. ; Arumugam, S. ; Ward, T.R.W. ; Stephens, A.S. ; Douka, E. ; Abou-Foul, A.K. ; Kitchen, M.O. ; Rees-Stoner, O.D. ; Balasubramanya, S. ; Akhtar, M.A. ; Warwick, A.J. ; Pawar, S. ; Dubey, V. ; Al-Yaseen, M.W. ; Williams, C.Y. ; Laird, A. ; Krishna, K. ; Anyaugo, N.S. ; Wuraola, O.K. ; Odejinmi, F. ; Craven, J.M. ; West, C.L. ; Barter, R.A. ; Navaratnam, D.M. ; Malik, S.S. ; Mahendran, V. ; Zilvetti, M. ; Lovegrove, R.E. ; Board, T.N. ; Zeiton, M. ; Sarwar, S.A. ; Duff, S.E. ; Hsabo, E.A. ; Nugur, A.K. ; Morris, R.M. ; Lala, A.K. ; Kwan-Feinberg, R.O. ; Ross, S.W. ; Dressler, J.A. ; Evans, Faye M. ; Wason, S.E.L. ; Vogel, K.R. ; Wang, J.C. ; Sulciner, M.L. ; Hirji, S. ; Raoof, M. ; Wolff, C.J. ; kent, I. ; Turan, A. ; Teixeira, P.G. ; Olson, K.A. ; Patel, N.D. ; Krishnamoorthy, V. ; Moris, D. ; Rice, H.E. ; Gabr, H. ; Satoskar, S.R. ; Castater, C.A. ; Jmaileh, M. ; Payne, R.E. ; Kwon, D.S. ; Aarabi, S. ; Escobar, P.F. ; Kronenfeld, J.P. ; Dalton, M.K. ; Etchill, E.W. ; Haut, E.R. ; Vervoort, D. ; Dehal, A. ; McKenney, M. ; Elkbuli, A. ; Gosain, A. ; Abdelsattar, Z.M. ; Naunheim, M.R. ; Burks, C.A. ; Zhou, A.S. ; Heng, M. ; Abohashem, S. ; Lozano-Calderón, S.A. ; Reisenauer, J.S. ; Mouawad, N.J. ; Diehl, T.M. ; Eriksson, E.A. ; Marwaha, J.S. ; Schroeppel, T.J. ; LaRocca, C.J. ; Chang, G.H. ; Hassan, R. ; Nosanov, L.B. ; Rickard, J.L. ; Avraham, J.B. ; Petrone, P. ; Sferra, J.J. ; Hadaya, J. ; Mead, B.S. ; Hauptman, J.S. ; Ahmad, M. ; Meola, A. ; Chang, S.D. ; Ko, A. ; Specht, K.E. ; Choudhry, A. ; Encalada, R.Z. ; Poggio, J.L. ; Xing, H. ; Glass, Nina E. ; Hooker, Robert ; Martins, Paulo N. ; Scott, Erin M. ; Bankhead, Brittany K. ; Giorgakis, Emmanouil ; Nigh, Joe ; Osborn, Tamara A. (Saint Louis University School of Medicine) ; Tay-Lasso, Erika L. (University of California) ; Beswick, Daniel M. (University of California) ; Berndtson, Allison E. (University of California (San Diego, Estats Units)) ; Kaups, Krista L. (University of California (San Francisco, Estats Units)) ; Chen, Lee-Lynn (University of California (San Francisco, Estats Units)) ; Farrell, Michael Steven (University of California (San Francisco, Estats Units)) ; Boeck, Marissa A. (University of California (San Francisco, Estats Units)) ; Vaysburg, Dennis M. (University of Cincinnati) ; Kassam, Al-Faraaz (University of Cincinnati) ; Turner, Kevin M. ; Dyas, A.R. ; Coleman, J.R. ; Folsom, M. ; Lam, C.M. ; Kumer, S.C. ; Larson, K. ; Turner, S. ; Guidry, C. ; Reddy, M. ; Berbel, G. ; Findley, A. ; Beahm, D. ; Bur, A. ; Marlor, D. ; Houndschell, C. ; Carver, S. ; Ulrich, A. ; Bhutiani, N. ; DiChiacchio, L. ; Abdou, H. ; Napolitano, L.M. ; Ghebre, R. ; Bass, G.A. ; Kaplan, L.J. ; Martin, N.D. ; Duffy, C.C. ; Abdelhamid, S.S. ; Daley, B.J. ; Roland, C.L. ; Dumas, R.P. ; Ban, V.S. ; Rajesh, A. ; Davies, M.G. ; Purudappa, P.P. ; Walters, C.B. ; Lin, N. ; Ruzgar, N.M. ; Ullrich, S.J. ; Trostchansky, I. ; Bonilla-Cal, F. ; Castedo, F. ; Sobrero, H. ; Acuña, G. ; Álvarez, S.M. ; Tarigo, J. ; Carbajal, A.C. ; Carbajal, A. ; Reyes, A.R. ; Al-Eryani, F.A. ; Alqousi, N.N. ; Alattas, Z. ; Al-Saban, R.A. ; Al-Shehari, M.M. ; ALHammadi, N.T. ; Shream, S.A. ; Al-Naggar, H.M. ; Al-Qalisi, L.M. ; Nadeesh, A.E. ; Al-Samawi, H.H. ; Bajjah, H.M. ; AL-Ameri, S.A. ; Albably, J.F. ; Ghannam, R.A. ; Shamsan, A.H. ; Meead, A.A. ; Al- Zubaidi, R.Q. ; Zulait, M.A. ; Najeeb, H. ; Alsayadi, M.M. ; Al-Mashreqi, S.K. ; Al-Jomai, N.A. ; Alsayadi, R.A. ; Al-Naggar, M.M. ; Almarashi, H.A. ; Musaeed, H.M. ; Al-Raimi, I.M. ; Ghanem, H.N. ; Al-Zazay, K.A. ; AL-Mahdi, S.A. ; Almontaser, A.S. ; Savopoulos, V.A.S. ; Munthali, J. ; Kabongo, K.M.C. ; Mushiwokufa, W. ; Ngulube, A. ; Ntoto, C. ; Magama, P.T. ; Dzinotyiwei, D. ; Chivanga, S.K. ; Dube, N.S. ; Sanchez, E.C. ; Moyo, A.T. ; Chengahomwe, A. ; Chinyowa, S. ; Siamuchembu, M. ; Bondera, T. ; Mushawarima, T.
Background: The 2015 Lancet Commission on global surgery identified surgery and anaesthesia as indispensable parts of holistic health-care systems. However, COVID-19 exposed the fragility of planned surgical services around the world, which have also been neglected in pandemic recovery planning. [...]
2022 - 10.1016/S0140-6736(22)01846-3
The Lancet (British), Vol. 400 Núm. 10363 (may 2022) , p. 1607-1617  
14 p, 1.1 MB Extracorporeal membrane oxigenation in COVID-19 patients : Results of the ECMO-COVID Registry of the Spanish Society of Cardiovascular and Endovascular Surgery Oxigenación con membrana extracorpórea en el paciente COVID-19: resultados del Registro Español ECMO-COVID de la Sociedad Española de Cirugía Cardiovascular y Endovascular / Castaño-Ruiz, Mario (Hospital Universitario de León) ; Sbraga, Fabrizio (Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge) ; Pérez de la Sota, Enrique (Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre (Madrid)) ; Arribas, José M. (Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca (Múrcia)) ; Cámara, Maria-Luisa (Institut Germans Trias i Pujol. Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol) ; Voces, Roberto (Hospital Universitario de Cruces (Barakaldo, País Basc)) ; Donado, Alicia (Servicio de Cirugía Cardiaca. Hospital Universitario Rey Juan Carlos) ; Sandoval, Elena (Hospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona) ; Morales, Carlos A. (Servicio de Cirugía Cardiaca. Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias -Área de Gestión Clínica del Corazón) ; González-Santos, José M. (Servicio de Cirugía Cardiaca. Complejo Asistencial Universitario de Salamanca) ; Barquero-Alemán, Miguel (Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena (Sevilla, Andalusia)) ; Fletcher-San Feliu, Delfina (Hospital Universitari Son Espases (Palma de Mallorca, Balears)) ; Rodríguez-Roda, Jorge (Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal (Madrid)) ; Molina, Daniel (Hospital Álvaro Cunqueiro (Vigo)) ; Bellido, André (Servicio de Cirugía Cardiaca. Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet) ; Vigil-Escalera, Carlota (Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron) ; Tena, M.Ángeles (Servicio de Cirugía Cardiaca. Hospital Dr. Negrín) ; Reyes, Guillermo (Servicio de Cirugía Cardiaca. Hospital Universitario de La Princesa) ; Gómez, Félix (Servicio de Cirugía Cardiaca. Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra) ; Rivas, Jorge (Servicio de Cirugía Cardiaca. Hospital Universitario Quirónsalud Madrid) ; Guevara, Audelio (Hospital Universitari i Politècnic La Fe (València)) ; Taurón, Manel (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Borrego, José Miguel (Hospital Universitario Puerta del Mar (Cadis, Andalusia)) ; Castillo, Laura (Servicio de Cirugía Cardiaca. Hospital Universitario de León) ; Miralles, Albert (Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge) ; Cánovas López, Sergio Juan (Hospital Clínico Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca (El Palmar, Múrcia)) ; Berastegui García, Elisabet (Institut Germans Trias i Pujol. Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol) ; Aramendi, José I. (Hospital Universitario de Cruces (Barakaldo, País Basc)) ; Aldámiz, Gonzalo (Servicio de Cirugía Cardiaca. Hospital Universitario Rey Juan Carlos) ; Pruna, Robert (Hospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona) ; Silva, Jacobo (Servicio de Cirugía Cardiaca. Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias -Área de Gestión Clínica del Corazón) ; Sáez de Ibarra, José I. (Hospital Universitari Son Espases (Palma de Mallorca, Balears)) ; Legarra, Juan J. (Hospital Álvaro Cunqueiro (Vigo)) ; Ballester, Carlos (Servicio de Cirugía Cardiaca. Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet) ; Rodríguez-Lecoq, Rafael (Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron) ; Daroca, Tomás (Hospital Universitario Puerta del Mar (Cadis, Andalusia)) ; Paredes, Federico (Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío (Sevilla, Andalusia))
Background and aim: COVID-19 patients with severe heart or respiratory failure are potential candidates for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). Indications and management of these patients are unclear. [...]
2022 - 10.1016/j.circv.2022.01.007
Cirugia Cardiovascular, Vol. 29 Núm. 2 (enero 2022) , p. 89-102  
15 p, 1.4 MB Critical role of interleukin (IL)-17 in inflammatory and immune disorders : An updated review of the evidence focusing in controversies / Ruiz de Morales, José María G. (Universidad de León) ; Puig, Lluís (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Medicina) ; Daudén, Esteban (Hospital Universitario de la Princesa (Madrid)) ; Cañete, Juan D. (Hospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona) ; Pablos, José Luis (Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre (Madrid)) ; Martín, Antonio Oliveira (Hospital Universitario La Paz (Madrid)) ; Juanatey, Carlos González (Hospital Universitario Lucus Augusti (Lugo)) ; Adan Civera, Alfredo (Hospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona) ; Montalban, Xavier (Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron) ; Borruel, Natalia (Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron) ; Ortí, Guillermo (Vall d'Hebron Institut d'Oncologia) ; Holgado-Martín, Esther (Ruber Internacional) ; Garcia-Vidal, Carolina (Hospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona) ; Vizcaya-Morales, Cynthia (Novartis Pharma) ; Martín-Vázquez, Víctor (Novartis Farmacéutica) ; González-Gay, Miguel Ángel (Universidad de Cantabria)
Interleukin 17 (IL-17) is a proinflammatory cytokine that has been the focus of intensive research because of its crucial role in the pathogenesis of different diseases across many medical specialties. [...]
2020 - 10.1016/j.autrev.2019.102429
Autoimmunity Reviews, Vol. 19 Núm. 1 (january 2020) , p. 102429  
33 p, 4.9 MB New insights into the genetic etiology of Alzheimer's disease and related dementias / Bellenguez, Céline (Université de Lille. INSERM. CHU Lille. Institut Pasteur Lille. U1167-RID-AGE. Facteurs de risque et déterminants moléculaires des maladies liées au vieillissement) ; Küçükali, Fahri (University of Antwerp) ; Jansen, Iris E. (Department of Complex Trait Genetics. Center for Neurogenomics and Cognitive Research. Amsterdam Neuroscience. Vrije University) ; Kleineidam, Luca (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE Bonn)) ; Moreno-Grau, Sonia (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Amin, Najaf (Nuffield Department of Population Health. Oxford University) ; Naj, Adam C. (University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) ; Campos-Martin, Rafael (Universität zu Köln (Colònia, Alemaya). Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy) ; Grenier-Boley, Benjamin (Université de Lille. INSERM. CHU Lille. Institut Pasteur Lille. U1167-RID-AGE. Facteurs de risque et déterminants moléculaires des maladies liées au vieillissement) ; Andrade, Victor (Universität zu Köln (Colònia, Alemaya). Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy) ; Holmans, Peter (MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics. Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neuroscience. School of Medicine. Cardiff University) ; Boland, Anne (Université Paris-Saclay. Centre National de Recherche en Génomique Humaine) ; Damotte, Vincent (Université de Lille. INSERM. CHU Lille. Institut Pasteur Lille. U1167-RID-AGE. Facteurs de risque et déterminants moléculaires des maladies liées au vieillissement) ; van der Lee, Sven J. (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) ; Costa, Marcos R. (Brain Institute. Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte) ; Kuulasmaa, Teemu (Institute of Biomedicine. University of Eastern Finland) ; Yang, Qiong (Framingham Heart Study) ; De Rojas, Itziar (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Bis, Joshua C (Cardiovascular Health Research Unit. Department of Medicine. University of Washington) ; Yaqub, Amber (Department of Epidemiology. Erasmus MC) ; Prokic, Ivana (Department of Epidemiology. Erasmus MC) ; Chapuis, Julien (Université de Lille. INSERM. CHU Lille. Institut Pasteur Lille. U1167-RID-AGE. Facteurs de risque et déterminants moléculaires des maladies liées au vieillissement) ; Ahmad, Shahzad (LACDR) ; Giedraitis, Vilmantas (Department of Public Health and Carins Sciences/Geriatrics. Uppsala University) ; Aarsland, Dag (Institute of Psychiatry. Psychology & Neuroscience) ; Garcia-Gonzalez, Pablo (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Abdelnour, Carla (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Alarcón-Martín, Emilio (Department of Surgery. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. School of Medicine. University of Málaga) ; Alcolea, Daniel (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Alegret, Montserrat (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Alvarez, Ignacio (Hospital Universitari MútuaTerrassa (Terrassa, Catalunya)) ; Alvarez, Victoria (Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias) ; Armstrong, Nicola (Curtin University) ; Tsolaki, Anthoula (Alzheimer Hellas) ; Antúnez, Carmen (Hospital Clínico Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca (El Palmar, Múrcia)) ; Appollonio, Ildebrando (Neurology Unit. San Gerardo Hospital) ; Arcaro, Marina (Fondazione IRCCS Ca'Granda. Ospedale Policlinico) ; Archetti, Silvana (Department of Laboratory Diagnostics. III Laboratory of Analysis. Brescia Hospital) ; Pastor, Alfonso A. (Institut de Recerca Biomèdica de Lleida) ; Arosio, Beatrice (Geriatic Unit. Fondazione Cà Granda. IRCCS Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico) ; Athanasiu, Lavinia (NORMENT Centre. University of Oslo) ; Bailly, Henri (EA 4468. Université de Paris. APHP. Hôpital Broca) ; Banaj, Nerisa (Laboratory of Neuropsychiatry. Department of Clinical and Behavioral Neurology. IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation) ; Baquero, Miquel (Hospital Universitari i Politècnic La Fe (València)) ; Barral, Sandra (Gertrude H. Sergievsky Center. Columbia University) ; Beiser, Alexa (Boston University and the NHLBI's Framingham Heart Study) ; Pastor, Ana Belén (CIEN Foundation/Queen Sofia Foundation Alzheimer Center) ; Below, Jennifer E. (Human Genetics Center. Department of Epidemiology. Human Genetics. and Environmental Sciences. School of Public Health. The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston) ; Benchek, Penelope (Department of Population and Quantitative Health Sciences. Case Western Reserve University) ; Benussi, Luisa (IRCCS Istituto Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli) ; Berr, Claudine (Université Montpellier, INSERM, Institute for Neurosciences of Montpellier) ; Besse, Céline (Université Paris-Saclay. Centre National de Recherche en Génomique Humaine) ; Bessi, Valentina (Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Careggi) ; Binetti, Giuliano (MAC - Memory Clinic. IRCCS Istituto Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli) ; Bizarro, Alessandra (Geriatrics Unit. Fondazione Policlinico A. Gemelli IRCCS) ; Blesa, Rafael (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Boada, Mercè (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Boerwinkle, Eric (Baylor College of Medicine) ; Borroni, Barbara (Centre for Neurodegenerative Disorders. Department of Clinical and Experimental Sciences. University of Brescia) ; Boschi, Silvia (Department of Neuroscience "Rita Levi Montalcini". University of Torino) ; Bossù, Paola (Experimental Neuro-psychobiology Laboratory. Department of Clinical and Behavioral Neurology. IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation) ; Bråthen, Geir (Department of Neuromedicine and Movement Science. Norwegian University of Science and Technology) ; Bressler, Jan (School of Public Health. University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston) ; Bresner, Catherine (MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics. Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neuroscience. School of Medicine. Cardiff University) ; Brodaty, Henry (Dementia Centre for Research Collaboration. School of Psychiatry. University of New South Wales) ; Brookes, Keeley J. (Biosciences. School of Science and Technology. Nottingham Trent University) ; Brusco, Luis Ignacio (Hospital Interzonal General de Agudos Eva Perón. San Martín) ; Buiza-Rueda, Dolores (Department of Neurology. Erasmus MC) ; Bûrger, Katharina (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE. Munich)) ; Burholt, Vanessa (Wales Centre for Ageing & Dementia Research. Swansea University) ; Bush, William S. (Department of Population & Quantitative Health Sciences. Case Western Reserve University) ; Calero, Miguel (UFIEC. Instituto de Salud Carlos III) ; Cantwell, Laura B (Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. University of Pennsylvania) ; Chene, Geneviève (Pole Santé Publique. CHU de Bordeaux) ; Chung, Jaeyoon (Department of Medicine (Biomedical Genetics). Boston University School of Medicine) ; Cuccaro, MichaelL. (The John P. Hussman Institute for Human Genomics. University of Miami) ; Carracedo, Ángel (Fundación Pública Galega de Medicina Xenómica- CIBERER-IDIS. University of Santiago de Compostela) ; Cecchetti, Roberta (Institute of Gerontology and Geriatrics. Department of Medicine and Surgery. University of Perugia) ; Cervera Carles, Laura (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Charbonnier, Camille (Department of Genetics and CNR-MAJ. Normandie University. UNIROUEN. INSERM U1245. CHU Rouen) ; Chen, Hung-Hsin (Division of Genetic Medicine. Vanderbilt University) ; Chillotti, Caterina (Unit of Clinical Pharmacology. University Hospital of Cagliari) ; Ciccone, Simona (Geriatic Unit. Fondazione Cà Granda. IRCCS Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico) ; Claassen, Jurgen A.H.R. (Radboudumc Alzheimer Center. Department of Geriatrics. Radboud University Medical Center) ; Clark, Christopher (Institute for Regenerative Medicine. University of Zürich) ; Conti, Elisa (School of Medicine and Surgery. University of Milano-Bicocca) ; Corma-Gómez, Anaïs (Hospital Universitario Virgen de Valme (Sevilla, Andalusia)) ; Costantini, Emanuele (Department of Neuroscience. Catholic University of Sacred Heart. Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli IRCCS) ; Custodero, Carlo (University of Bari. "A. Moro") ; Daian, Delphine (Université Paris-Saclay. Centre National de Recherche en Génomique Humaine) ; Dalmasso, Maria Carolina (Universität zu Köln (Colònia, Alemaya). Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy) ; Daniele, Antonio (Department of Neuroscience. Catholic University of Sacred Heart. Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli IRCCS) ; Dardiotis, Efthimios (School of Medicine. University of Thessaly) ; Dartigues, Jean-François (Bordeaux Population Health Research Center. University Bordeaux. INSERM) ; de Deyn, Peter Paul (Department of Neurology. University Medical Center Groningen) ; de Paiva Lopes, Katia (Department of Psychiatry. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai) ; de Witte, Lot D. (Department of Psychiatry. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai) ; Debette, Stéphanie (Bordeaux Population Health Research Center. University Bordeaux. INSERM) ; Deckert, Jürgen (Department of Psychiatry. Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy. Center of Mental Health. University Hospital) ; del Ser, Teodoro (CIEN Foundation/Queen Sofia Foundation Alzheimer Center) ; Denning, Nicola (UKDRI@ Cardiff. School of Medicine. Cardiff University) ; DeStefano, Anita (Department of Neurology. Boston University School of Medicine) ; Dichgans, Martin (Munich Cluster for Systems Neurology (SyNergy)) ; Diehl-Schmid, Janine (Klinikum rechts der Isar. Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. Technical University of Munich. School of Medicine) ; Diez-Fairen, Mónica (Hospital Universitari MútuaTerrassa (Terrassa, Catalunya)) ; Rossi, Paolo Dionigi (Geriatic Unit. Fondazione Cà Granda. IRCCS Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico) ; Djurovic, Srdjan (NORMENT Centre. University of Oslo) ; Duron, Emmanuelle (EA 4468. Université de Paris. APHP. Hôpital Broca) ; Düzel, Emrah (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE)) ; Dufouil, Carole (Pole Santé Publique. CHU de Bordeaux) ; Eiriksdottir, Gundy (Icelandic Heart Association) ; Engelborghs, Sebastiaan (Department of Neurology. UZ Brussel) ; Escott-Price, Valentina (UKDRI@ Cardiff. School of Medicine. Cardiff University) ; Espinosa, Ana (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Ewers, Michael (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE. Munich)) ; Faber, Kelley M. (Department of Medical and Molecular Genetics. Indiana University) ; Fabrizio, Tagliavini (Fondazione IRCCS. Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta) ; Nielsen, Sune Fallgaard (Department of Clinical Biochemistry. Herlev and Gentofte Hospital) ; Fardo, David W. (Sanders-Brown Center on Aging. Department of Biostatistics. University of Kentucky) ; Farotti, Lucia (Centre for Memory Disturbances. Lab of Clinical Neurochemistry. Section of Neurology. University of Perugia) ; Fenoglio, Chiara (University of Milan) ; Fernández-Fuertes, Marta (Hospital Universitario Virgen de Valme (Sevilla, Andalusia)) ; Ferrari, Raffaele (UCL Institute of Neurology (Regne Unit)) ; Ferreira, Catarina B. (Faculty of Medicine. University of Lisbon) ; Ferri, Evelyn (Geriatic Unit. Fondazione Cà Granda. IRCCS Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico) ; Fin, Bertrand (Université Paris-Saclay. Centre National de Recherche en Génomique Humaine) ; Fischer, Peter (Department of Psychiatry. Social Medicine Center East- Donauspital) ; Fladby, Tormod (Institute of Clinical Medicine. University of Oslo) ; Fließbach, Klaus (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE Bonn)) ; Fongang, Bernard (Glenn Biggs Institute for Alzheimer's & Neurodegenerative Diseases. University of Texas Health Sciences Center) ; Fornage, Myriam (School of Public Health. University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston) ; Fortea, Juan (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Foroud, Tatiana M. (Department of Medical and Molecular Genetics. Indiana University) ; Fostinelli, Silvia (Molecular Markers Laboratory. IRCCS Istituto Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli) ; Fox, Nick C. (Dementia Research Centre. UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology) ; Franco-Macías, Emilio (Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío (Sevilla, Andalusia)) ; Bullido, María J. (Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa (UAM-CSIC)) ; Frank-García, Ana (Hospital Universitario La Paz (Madrid)) ; Froelich, Lutz (Department of Geriatric Psychiatry. Central Institute for Mental Health. Mannheim. University of Heidelberg) ; Fulton-Howard, Brian (Department of Neuroscience. Ronald M. Loeb Center for Alzheimer's Disease. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai) ; Galimberti, Daniela (University of Milan (Itàlia)) ; García-Alberca, Jose Maria (Instituto Andaluz de Neurociencia) ; García-González, Pablo (Research Center and Memory Clinic Fundació ACE. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Garcia-Madrona, Sebastian (Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal (Madrid)) ; Garcia-Ribas, Guillermo (Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal (Madrid)) ; Ghidoni, Roberta (Molecular Markers Laboratory. IRCCS Istituto Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli) ; Giegling, Ina (Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. Medical University of Vienna) ; Giorgio, Giaccone (Fondazione IRCCS. Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta) ; Goate, Alison M. (Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences. Ronald M. Loeb Center for Alzheimer's Disease Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai) ; Goldhardt, Oliver (Klinikum rechts der Isar. Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. Technical University of Munich. School of Medicine) ; Gomez-Fonseca, Duber (Department of Biostatistics. Epidemiology. and Informatics Perelman School of Medicine. University of Pennsylvania) ; González-Pérez, Antonio (CAEBI. Centro Andaluz de Estudios Bioinformáticos) ; Graff, Caroline (Karolinska University (Suècia)) ; Grande, Giulia (Aging Research Center. Department of Neurobiology. Care Sciences and Society. Karolinska Institutet and Stockholm University) ; Green, Emma (Institute of Public Health. University of Cambridge) ; Grimmer, Timo (Klinikum rechts der Isar. Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. Technical University of Munich. School of Medicine) ; Grünblatt, Edna (University of Zurich) ; Grunin, Michelle (Department of Population and Quantitative Health Sciences. Case Western Reserve University) ; Gudnason, Vilmundur (Icelandic Heart Association. Faculty of Medicine. University of Iceland) ; Guetta-Baranes, Tamar (Human Genetics. School of Life Sciences. Life Sciences Building. University Park. University of Nottingham) ; Haapasalo, Annakaisa (AI Virtanen Institute for Molecular Sciences. University of Eastern Finland) ; Hadjigeorgiou, Georgios (Department of Neurology. Medical School. University of Cyprus) ; Haines, Jonathan L. (Department of Population & Quantitative Health Sciences. Case Western Reserve University) ; Hamilton-Nelson, Kara L. (The John P. Hussman Institute for Human Genomics. University of Miami) ; Hampel, Harald (GRC 21. Alzheimer Precision Medicine Initiative (APMI). Sorbonne University. AP-HP. Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital) ; Hanon, Olivier (EA 4468. Université de Paris. APHP. Hôpital Broca) ; Hardy, John (UCL Institute of Neurology (Regne Unit)) ; Hartmann, Annette M. (Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. Medical University of Vienna) ; Hausner, Lucrezia (Department of Geriatric Psychiatry. Central Institute for Mental Health. Mannheim. University of Heidelberg) ; Harwood, Janet (MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics. Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neuroscience. School of Medicine. Cardiff University) ; Heilmann-Heimbach, Stefanie (Institute of Human Genetics. University of Bonn. School of Medicine & University Hospital Bonn) ; Helisalmi, Seppo (Institute of Clinical Medicine. Internal Medicine. University of Eastern Finland) ; Heneka, Michael T. (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE Bonn)) ; Hernández, Isabel (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Herrmann, Martin J. (Department of Psychiatry. Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy. Center of Mental Health. University Hospital) ; Hoffmann, Per (Institute of Human Genetics. University of Bonn. School of Medicine & University Hospital Bonn) ; Holmes, Clive (Clinical and Experimental Science. Faculty of Medicine. University of Southampton) ; Holstege, Henne (Section Genomics of Neurodegenerative Diseases and Aging. Department of Human Genetics Amsterdam UMC. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Amsterdam UMC) ; Huerto Vilas, Raquel (Institut de Recerca Biomèdica de Lleida) ; Hulsman, Marc (Section Genomics of Neurodegenerative Diseases and Aging. Department of Human Genetics Amsterdam UMC. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Amsterdam UMC) ; Humphrey, Jack (Nash Family Department of Neuroscience & Friedman Brain Institute. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai) ; Biessels, Geert Jan (Department of Neurology. UMC Utrecht Brain Center) ; Jian, Xueqiu (Glenn Biggs Institute for Alzheimer's & Neurodegenerative Diseases. University of Texas Health Sciences Center) ; Johansson, Charlotte (Center for Alzheimer Research. Department NVS. Division of Neurogeriatrics. Karolinska Institutet) ; Jun, Gyungah R. (Medicine Biomedical Genetics Boston University School of Medicine) ; Kastumata, Yuriko (Biostatistics. University of Kentucky College of Public Health) ; Kauwe, John (Department of Biology. Brigham Young University) ; Kehoe, Patrick G. (University of Bristol (Regne Unit)) ; Kilander, Lena (Department of Biostatistics. Boston University School of Public Health) ; Ståhlbom, Anne Kinhult (Center for Alzheimer Research. Department NVS. Division of Neurogeriatrics. Karolinska Institutet) ; Kivipelto, Miia (Research & Development. UnitStockholms Sjukhem) ; Koivisto, Anne (Department of Neurosciences. University of Helsinki and Department of Geriatrics. Helsinki University Hospital) ; Kornhuber, Johannes (Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. Universitätsklinikum Erlangen. and Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) ; Kosmidis, Mary H. (Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience. School of Psychology. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) ; Kukull, Walter A. (Department of Epidemiology. University of Washington) ; Kuksa, Pavel P. (Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) ; Kunkle, Brian W. (Department of Neurology. Medical School. University of Cyprus) ; Kuzma, Amanda B. (Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. University of Pennsylvania) ; Lage, Carmen (Service of Neurology. University Hospital Marqués de Valdecilla. IDIVAL. University of Cantabria) ; Laukka, Erika J. (Stockholm Gerontology Research Center) ; Launer, Lenore (Intramural Research Program/National Institute on Aging/National Institutes of Health) ; Lauria, Alessandra (Geriatrics Unit. Fondazione Policlinico A. Gemelli IRCCS) ; Lee, Chien-Yueh (Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) ; Lehtisalo, Jenni (Public Health Promotion Unit. Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare) ; Lerch, Ondrej (International Clinical Research Center. St. Anne's University Hospital Brno) ; Lleó, Alberto (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Longstreth, William (Departments of Neurology and Epidemiology. University of Washington) ; Lopez, Oscar (Framingham Heart Study) ; Lopez de Munain, Adolfo (Department of Neurology. Hospital Universitario Donostia. OSAKIDETZA-Servicio Vasco de Salud) ; Love, Seth (Translational Health Sciences. Bristol Medical School. University of Bristol) ; Löwemark, Malin (Department of Biostatistics. Boston University School of Public Health) ; Luckcuck, Lauren (MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics. Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neuroscience. School of Medicine. Cardiff University) ; Lunetta, Kathryn L. (Institute of Biomedicine. University of Eastern Finland) ; Ma, Yiyi (Department of Neurology. Columbia University) ; Macías, Juan (Hospital Universitario Virgen de Valme (Sevilla, Andalusia)) ; MacLeod, Catherine A. (School of Health Sciences. Bangor University) ; Maier, Wolfgang (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE Bonn)) ; Mangialasche, Francesca (Division of Clinical Geriatrics. Center for Alzheimer Research. Care Sciences and Society (NVS). Karolinska Institutet) ; Spallazzi, Marco (Unit of Neurology. University of Parma and AOU) ; Marquié, Marta (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Marshall, Rachel (MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics. Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neuroscience. School of Medicine. Cardiff University) ; Martin, Eden R. (The John P. Hussman Institute for Human Genomics. University of Miami) ; Martín Montes, Angel (Hospital Universitario La Paz (Madrid)) ; Martínez Rodríguez, Carmen (Servicio de Neurología. Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias- Oviedo and Instituto de Investigación Biosanitaria del Principado de Asturias) ; Masullo, Carlo (Institute of Neurology. Catholic University of the Sacred Heart) ; Mayeux, Richard (Gertrude H. Sergievsky Center. Columbia University) ; Mead, Simon (MRC Prion Unit at UCL. UCL Institute of Prion Diseases) ; Mecocci, Patrizia (Institute of Gerontology and Geriatrics. Department of Medicine and Surgery. University of Perugia) ; Medina, Miguel (CIEN Foundation/Queen Sofia Foundation Alzheimer Center) ; Meggy, Alun (UKDRI@ Cardiff. School of Medicine. Cardiff University) ; Mehrabian, Shima (Alexandrovska Medical University (Sofia, Bulgària)) ; Mendoza, Silvia (Instituto Andaluz de Neurociencia) ; Menéndez-González, Manuel (Servicio de Neurología. Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias- Oviedo and Instituto de Investigación Biosanitaria del Principado de Asturias) ; Mir, Pablo (Unidad de Trastornos del Movimiento. Servicio de Neurología y Neurofisiología. Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS). Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla) ; Moebus, Susanne (Institute for Urban Public Health. University Hospital of University Duisburg-Essen) ; Mol, Merel (Department of Neurology. Erasmus MC) ; Molina-Porcel, Laura (Alzheimer's Disease and Other Cognitive Disorders Unit. Neurology Department. Hospital Clinic) ; Montrreal, Laura (Research Center and Memory Clinic Fundació ACE. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Morelli, Laura (Laboratory of Brain Aging and Neurodegeneration. FIL-CONICET) ; Moreno, Fermin (Department of Neurology. Hospital Universitario Donostia. OSAKIDETZA-Servicio Vasco de Salud) ; Morgan, Kevin (Human Genetics. School of Life Sciences. University of Nottingham) ; Mosley, Thomas (Memory Impairment and Neurodegenerative Dementia (MIND) Center. University of Mississippi Medical Center) ; Nöthen, Markus M. (Institute of Human Genetics. University of Bonn. School of Medicine & University Hospital Bonn) ; Muchnik, Carolina (Instituto de Investigaciones Médicas Alfredo Lanari (Buenos Aires, Argentina)) ; Mukherjee, Shubhabrata (Department of Medicine. University of Washington) ; Nacmias, Benedetta (IRCCS Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi) ; Ngandu, Tiia (Public Health Promotion Unit. Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare) ; Nicolas, Gael (Department of Genetics and CNR-MAJ. Normandie University. UNIROUEN. INSERM U1245. CHU Rouen) ; Nordestgaard, Børge G. (Department of Clinical Medicine. University of Copenhagen) ; Olaso, Robert (Université Paris-Saclay. Centre National de Recherche en Génomique Humaine) ; Orellana, Adelina (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Orsini, Michela (Department of Neuroscience. Catholic University of Sacred Heart. Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli IRCCS) ; Ortega, Gemma (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Padovani, Alessandro (Human Genome Sequencing Center. Baylor College of Medicine) ; Paolo, Caffarra (DIMEC. University of Parma) ; Papenberg, Goran (Aging Research Center. Department of Neurobiology. Care Sciences and Society. Karolinska Institutet and Stockholm University) ; Parnetti, Lucilla (Centre for Memory Disturbances. Lab of Clinical Neurochemistry. Section of Neurology. University of Perugia) ; Pasquier, Florence (Resources and Research Memory Center (MRRC) of Distalz. LicendUniversity of Lille. INSERM. CHU Lille. UMR1172) ; Pastor, Pau (Hospital Universitari MútuaTerrassa (Terrassa, Catalunya)) ; Peloso, Gina (Boston University and the NHLBI's Framingham Heart Study) ; Pérez-Cordón, Alba (Research Center and Memory Clinic Fundació ACE. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Pérez-Tur, Jordi (Unitat Mixta de de Neurología y Genética. Institut d'Investigació Sanitària La Fe) ; Pericard, Pierre (US 41-UMS 2014-PLBS. bilille. Université de Lille. CNRS. INSERM. CHU Lille. Institut Pasteur de Lille) ; Peters, Oliver (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE)) ; Pijnenburg, Yolande A.L. (Alzheimer Center Amsterdam. Department of Neurology. Amsterdam Neuroscience. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Amsterdam UMC) ; Pineda, Juan A. (Hospital Universitario Virgen de Valme (Sevilla, Andalusia)) ; Piñol-Ripoll, Gerard (Institut de Recerca Biomèdica de Lleida) ; Pisanu, Claudia (Department of Biomedical Sciences. University of Cagliari) ; Polak, Thomas (Department of Psychiatry. Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy. Center of Mental Health. University Hospital) ; Popp, Julius (University Hospital of Psychiatry Zürich) ; Posthuma, Danielle (Department of Complex Trait Genetics. Center for Neurogenomics and Cognitive Research. Amsterdam Neuroscience. Vrije University) ; Priller, Josef (Department of Neuropsychiatry and Laboratory of Molecular Psychiatry. Charité. Charitéplatz 1) ; Puerta, Raquel (Research Center and Memory Clinic Fundació ACE. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Quenez, Olivier (Department of Genetics and CNR-MAJ. Normandie University. UNIROUEN. INSERM U1245. CHU Rouen) ; Quintela, Inés (Grupo de Medicina Xenómica. Centro Nacional de Genotipado (CEGEN-PRB3-ISCIII). Universidade de Santiago de Compostela) ; Thomassen, Jesper Qvist (Department of Clinical Biochemistry. Rigshospitalet) ; Rábano, Alberto (CIEN Foundation/Queen Sofia Foundation Alzheimer Center) ; Rainero, Innocenzo (Centre for Neurodegenerative Disorders. Department of Clinical and Experimental Sciences. University of Brescia) ; Rajabli, Farid (The John P. Hussman Institute for Human Genomics. University of Miami) ; Ramakers, Inez (Department of Psychiatry & Neuropsychologie. Maastricht University. Alzheimer Center Limburg) ; Real, Luis M. (Universidad de Málaga. Depatamento de Especialidades Quirúrgicas Bioquímica e Inmunología.) ; Reinders, Marcel J.T. (Delft Bioinformatics Lab. Delft University of Technology) ; Reitz, Christiane (Taub Institute. Columbia University) ; Reyes-Dumeyer, Dolly (Taub Institute. Columbia University) ; Ridge, Perry (Bioinformatics. College of Life Sciences. Brigham Young University) ; Riedel-Heller, Steffi (Institute of Social Medicine. Occupational Health and Public Health. University of Leipzig) ; Riederer, Peter (University Hospital of Würzburg (Alemanya)) ; Roberto, Natalia (Research Center and Memory Clinic Fundació ACE. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Rodriguez-Rodriguez, Eloy (Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Valdecilla (Santander, Cantabria)) ; Rongve, Arvid (Institute of Clinical Medicine (K1). The University of Bergen) ; Rosas Allende, Irene (Servicio de Neurología. Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias- Oviedo and Instituto de Investigación Biosanitaria del Principado de Asturias) ; Rosende-Roca, Maitée (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Royo, Jose Luis (Departamento de Especialidades Quirúrgicas. Bioquímicas e Inmunología. School of Medicine. University of Málaga) ; Rubino, Elisa (Department of Neuroscience and Mental Health. AOU Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino) ; Rujescu, Dan (Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. Medical University of Vienna) ; Sáez, María Eugenia (CAEBI. Centro Andaluz de Estudios Bioinformáticos) ; Sakka, Paraskevi (Athens Association of Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders) ; Saltvedt, Ingvild (Department of Geriatrics. St. Olav's Hospital. Trondheim University Hospital) ; Sanabria, Ángela (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Sánchez-Arjona, Maria B. (Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío (Sevilla, Andalusia)) ; Sanchez-Garcia, Florentino (Department of Immunology. Hospital Universitario Doctor Negrín. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) ; Sánchez Juan, Pacual (Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Valdecilla (Santander, Cantabria)) ; Sánchez-Valle, Raquel (Neurology Department-Hospital Clínic. IDIBAPS. Universitat de Barcelona) ; Sando, Sigrid B. (Department of Neurology and Clinical Neurophysiology. University Hospital of Trondheim) ; Sarnowski, Chloé (Human Genetics Center. School of Public Health. University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston) ; Satizabal, Claudia L. (Glenn Biggs Institute for Alzheimer's & Neurodegenerative Diseases. University of Texas Health Sciences Center) ; Scamosci, Michela (Institute of Gerontology and Geriatrics. Department of Medicine and Surgery. University of Perugia) ; Scarmeas, Nikolaos (First Department of Neurology. Aiginition Hospital. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Medical School) ; Scarpini, Elio (University of Milan) ; Scheltens, Philip (Alzheimer Center Amsterdam. Department of Neurology. Amsterdam Neuroscience. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Amsterdam UMC) ; Scherbaum, Norbert (LVR-Hospital Essen. Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. Medical Faculty. University of Duisburg-Essen) ; Scherer, Martin (Department of Primary Medical Care. University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf) ; Schmid, Matthias (Institute of Medical Biometry. Informatics and Epidemiology. University Hospital of Bonn) ; Schneider, Anja (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE Bonn)) ; Schott, Jonathan M. (Dementia Research Centre. UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology) ; Selbæk, Geir (Department of Geriatric Medicine. Oslo University Hospital) ; Seripa, Davide (Laboratory for Advanced Hematological Diagnostics. Department of Hematology and Stem Cell Transplant. Vito Fazzi Hospital) ; Serrano, Manuel (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Diabetes y Enfermedades Metabólicas Asociadas. CIBERDEM. Hospital Clínico San Carlos) ; Sha, Jin (Department of Biostatistics. Epidemiology. and Informatics. Penn Neurodegeneration Genomics Center. University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) ; Shadrin, Alexey A. (NORMENT Centre. University of Oslo) ; Skrobot, Olivia (Translational Health Sciences. Bristol Medical School. University of Bristol) ; Slifer, Susan H. (The John P. Hussman Institute for Human Genomics. University of Miami) ; Snijders, Gijsje J.L. (Department of Psychiatry. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai) ; Soininen, Hilkka (Institute of Clinical Medicine. Neurology. University of Eastern) ; Solfrizzi, Vincenzo (University of Bari. "A. Moro") ; Solomon, Alina (Division of Clinical Geriatrics. Center for Alzheimer Research. Care Sciences and Society (NVS). Karolinska Institutet) ; Song, Yeunjoo (Department of Population and Quantitative Health Sciences. Case Western Reserve University) ; Sorbi, Sandro (IRCCS Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi) ; Sotolongo Grau, Oscar (Research Center and Memory Clinic Fundació ACE. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Spalletta, Gianfranco (Laboratory of Neuropsychiatry. Department of Clinical and Behavioral Neurology. IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation) ; Spottke, Annika (Department of Neurology. University of Bonn) ; Squassina, Alessio (Department of Biomedical Sciences. Section of Neuroscience and Clinical Pharmacology. University of Cagliari) ; Stordal, Eystein (Department of Psychiatry. Namsos Hospital) ; Tartan, Juan Pablo (Research Center and Memory Clinic Fundació ACE. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Tárraga, Lluís (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Tesí, Niccolo (Section Genomics of Neurodegenerative Diseases and Aging. Department of Human Genetics Amsterdam UMC. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Amsterdam UMC) ; Thalamuthu, Anbupalam (Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing. School of Psychiatry. Faculty of Medicine. University of New South Wales) ; Thomas, Tegos (Alzheimer Hellas) ; Tosto, Giuseppe (Department of Neurology. Columbia University) ; Traykov, Latchezar (Alexandrovska Medical University (Sofia, Bulgària)) ; Tremolizzo, Lucio (Neurology Unit. San Gerardo Hospital) ; Tybjærg-Hansen, Anne (Department of Clinical Biochemistry. Rigshospitalet) ; Uitterlinden, Andre (Department of Internal Medicine and Biostatistics. Erasmus MC) ; Ullgren, Abbe (Center for Alzheimer Research. Department NVS. Division of Neurogeriatrics. Karolinska Institutet) ; Ulstein, Ingun (Department of Geriatric Medicine. Oslo University Hospital) ; Valero, Sergi (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Valladares, Otto (Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) ; Van Broeckhoven, Christine (Neurodegenerative Brain Diseases Group. VIB Center for Molecular Neurology. VIB) ; Vance, Jeffery (Dr. John T. Macdonald Foundation Department of Human Genetics. University of Miami) ; Vardarajan, Badri N. (Taub Institute on Alzheimer's Disease and the Aging Brain. Department of Neurology. Columbia University) ; van der Lugt, Aad (Department of Neurology. ErasmusMC) ; Van Dongen, Jasper (Department of Biomedical Sciences. University of Antwerp) ; van Rooij, Jeroen (Department of Neurology. ErasmusMC) ; van Swieten, John (Department of Neurology. Erasmus MC) ; Vandenberghe, Rik (Neurology Department. University Hospitals Leuven) ; Verhey, Frans (Department of Psychiatry & Neuropsychologie. Maastricht University. Alzheimer Center Limburg) ; Vidal, Jean-Sébastien (EA 4468. Université de Paris. APHP. Hôpital Broca) ; Vogelgsang, Jonathan (Department of Psychiatry. Harvard Medical School. McLean Hospital) ; Vyhnalek, Martin (International Clinical Research Center. St. Anne's University Hospital Brno) ; Wagner, Michael (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE Bonn)) ; Wallon, David (Department of Neurology and CNR-MAJ. F 76000. Normandy Center for Genomic and Personalized Medicine. Normandie University. UNIROUEN. INSERM U1245. CHU Rouen) ; Wang, Li-San (Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) ; Wang, Ruiqi (Department of Biostatistics. Boston University School of Public Health) ; Weinhold, Leonie (Institute of Medical Biometry. Informatics and Epidemiology. University Hospital of Bonn) ; Wiltfang, Jens (Medical Science Department. iBiMED) ; Windle, Gill (School of Health Sciences. Bangor University) ; Woods, Bob (School of Health Sciences. Bangor University) ; Yannakoulia, Mary (Department of Nutrition and Diatetics. Harokopio University) ; Zare, Habil (Glenn Biggs Institute for Alzheimer's & Neurodegenerative Diseases. University of Texas Health Sciences Center) ; Zhao, Yi (Laboratory of Neuropsychiatry. Department of Clinical and Behavioral Neurology. IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation) ; Zhang, Xiaoling (Department of Medicine (Biomedical Genetics). Boston University School of Medicine) ; Zhu, Congcong (Department of Medicine (Biomedical Genetics). Boston University School of Medicine) ; Zulaica, Miren (Neurosciences Area. Instituto Biodonostia) ; Laczo, Jan (International Clinical Research Center. St. Anne's University Hospital Brno) ; Matoska, Vaclav (Department of Clinical Biochemistry. Hematology and Immunology. Na Homolce Hospital) ; Serpente, Maria (University of Milan) ; Assogna, Francesca (Laboratory of Neuropsychiatry. Department of Clinical and Behavioral Neurology. IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation) ; Piras, Fabrizio (Laboratory of Neuropsychiatry. Department of Clinical and Behavioral Neurology. IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation) ; Ciullo, Valentina (Laboratory of Neuropsychiatry. Department of Clinical and Behavioral Neurology. IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation) ; Shofany, Jacob (Laboratory of Neuropsychiatry. Department of Clinical and Behavioral Neurology. IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation) ; Ferrarese, Carlo (Neurology Unit. San Gerardo Hospital) ; Andreoni, Simona (School of Medicine and Surgery. University of Milano-Bicocca) ; Sala, Gessica (School of Medicine and Surgery. University of Milano-Bicocca) ; Zoia, Chiara Paola (School of Medicine and Surgery. University of Milano-Bicocca) ; Zompo, Maria del (Department of Biomedical Sciences. Section of Neuroscience and Clinical Pharmacology. University of Cagliari) ; Benussi, Alberto (Centre for Neurodegenerative Disorders. Department of Clinical and Experimental Sciences. University of Brescia) ; Bastiani, Patrizia (Institute of Gerontology and Geriatrics. Department of Medicine. University of Perugia) ; Takalo, Mari (Insitute of Biomedicine. University of Eastern Finland) ; Natunen, Teemu (Insitute of Biomedicine. University of Eastern Finland) ; Laatikainen, Tiina (Public Health Promotion Unit. Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare) ; Tuomilehto, Jaakko (Public Health Promotion Unit. Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare) ; Antikainen, Riitta (Medical Research Center Oulu. Oulu University Hospital) ; Strandberg, Timo (Helsinki University Hospital) ; Lindström, Jaana (Public Health Promotion Unit. Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare) ; Peltonen, Markku (Public Health Promotion Unit. Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare) ; Abraham, Richard (Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinial Neurosciences. MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics. Cardiff University) ; Al-Chalabi, Ammar (Institute of Psychiatry. Psychology and Neuroscience. Kings College London) ; Bass, Nicholas J. (Division of Psychiatry. University College London) ; Brayne, Carol (Institute of Public Health. University of Cambridge) ; Brown, Kristelle S. (Institute of Genetics. Queens Medical Centre. University of Nottingham) ; Collinge, John (MRC Prion Unit at UCL. UCL Institute of Prion Diseases) ; Craig, David (Ageing Group. Centre for Public Health. School of Medicine. Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences. Queen's University Belfast) ; Deloukas, Pangiotis (The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute. Wellcome Trust Genome Campus. Hinxton) ; Fox, Nick (Dementia Research Centre. Department of Neurodegenerative Disease. UCL Institute of Neurology) ; Gerrish, Amy (Dementia Research Centre. Department of Neurodegenerative Disease. UCL Institute of Neurology) ; Gill, Michael (Mercer's Institute for Research on Ageing. St James' Hospital) ; Gwilliam, Rhian (The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute. Wellcome Trust Genome Campus. Hinxton) ; Harold, Denise (School of Biotechnology. Dublin City University) ; Hollingworth, Paul (Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinial Neurosciences. MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics. Cardiff University) ; Johnston, Jarret A. (Centre for Public Health. School of Medicine. Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences. Queens University) ; Jones, Lesley (Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinial Neurosciences. MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics. Cardiff University) ; Lawlor, Brian (Mercer's Institute for Research on Ageing. St James' Hospital) ; Livingston, Gill (Division of Psychiatry. University College London) ; Lovestone, Simon (Department of Psychiatry. University of Oxford) ; Lupton, Michelle (Department of Basic and Clinical Neuroscience. Institute of Psychiatry. Psychology and Neuroscience. Kings College London) ; Lynch, Aoibhinn (Mercer's Institute for Research on Ageing. St James' Hospital) ; Mann, David (Division of Neuroscience and Experimental Psychology. School of Biological Sciences. Faculty of Biology. Medicine and Health. University of Manchester. Manchester Academic Health Science Centre) ; McGuinness, Bernadette (Centre for Public Health. School of Medicine. Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences. Queens University) ; McQuillin, Andrew (Division of Psychiatry. University College London) ; O'Donovan, Michael C. (Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinial Neurosciences. MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics. Cardiff University) ; Owen, Michael J. (Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinial Neurosciences. MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics. Cardiff University) ; Passmore, Peter (Centre for Public Health. School of Medicine. Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences. Queens University) ; Powell, John F. (Department of Basic and Clinical Neuroscience. Institute of Psychiatry. Psychology and Neuroscience. Kings College London) ; Proitsi, Petra (Department of Basic and Clinical Neuroscience. Institute of Psychiatry. Psychology and Neuroscience. Kings College London) ; Rossor, Martin (Dementia Research Centre. Department of Neurodegenerative Disease. UCL Institute of Neurology) ; Shaw, Christopher E. (Institute of Psychiatry. Psychology and Neuroscience. Kings College London) ; Smith, A. David (Oxford Project to Investigate Memory and Ageing (OPTIMA). University of Oxford. Level 4. John Radcliffe Hospital) ; Gurling, Hugh (Department of Mental Health Sciences. University College London) ; Todd, Stephen (Ageing Group. Centre for Public Health. School of Medicine. Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences. Queen's University Belfast) ; Mummery, Catherine (Dementia Research Centre. UCL) ; Ryan, Nathalie (Dementia Research Centre. UCL) ; Lacidogna, Giordano (Department of Neuroscience. Catholic University of Sacred Heart. Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli IRCCS) ; Adarmes-Gómez, A.D (Department of Neurology. Erasmus MC) ; Mauleón, Ana (Research Center and Memory Clinic Fundació ACE. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Pancho, Ana (Research Center and Memory Clinic Fundació ACE. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Gailhajenet, Anna (Research Center and Memory Clinic Fundació ACE. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Lafuente, Asunción (Research Center and Memory Clinic Fundació ACE. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Macias-García, D. (Unidad de Trastornos del Movimiento. Servicio de Neurología y Neurofisiología. Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS). Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla) ; Martín, Elvira (Research Center and Memory Clinic Fundació ACE. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Pelejá, Esther (Research Center and Memory Clinic Fundació ACE. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Carrillo, F. (Unidad de Trastornos del Movimiento. Servicio de Neurología y Neurofisiología. Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS). Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla) ; Sastre Merlín, Isabel (Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa (UAM-CSIC)) ; Garrote-Espina, L. (Unidad de Trastornos del Movimiento. Servicio de Neurología y Neurofisiología. Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS). Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla) ; Vargas, Liliana (Research Center and Memory Clinic Fundació ACE. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Carrión-Claro, M. (Unidad de Trastornos del Movimiento. Servicio de Neurología y Neurofisiología. Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS). Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla) ; Marín, M. (Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío (Sevilla, Andalusia)) ; Labrador, Ma (Department of Neurology. Erasmus MC) ; Buendia, Mar (Research Center and Memory Clinic Fundació ACE. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Alonso, María Dolores (Servei de Neurologia. Hospital Clínic Universitari de València) ; Guitart, Marina (Research Center and Memory Clinic Fundació ACE. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Moreno, Mariona (Research Center and Memory Clinic Fundació ACE. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Ibarria, Marta (Research Center and Memory Clinic Fundació ACE. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Periñán, Mt (Department of Neurology. Erasmus MC) ; Aguilera, Nuria (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Gómez-Garre, P. (Unidad de Trastornos del Movimiento. Servicio de Neurología y Neurofisiología. Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS). Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla) ; Cañabate, Pilar (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Escuela, R. (Unidad de Trastornos del Movimiento. Servicio de Neurología y Neurofisiología. Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS). Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla) ; Pineda-Sánchez, R. (Unidad de Trastornos del Movimiento. Servicio de Neurología y Neurofisiología. Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS). Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla) ; Vigo-Ortega, R. (Unidad de Trastornos del Movimiento. Servicio de Neurología y Neurofisiología. Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS). Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla) ; Jesús, S. (Unidad de Trastornos del Movimiento. Servicio de Neurología y Neurofisiología. Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS). Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla) ; Preckler, S. (Research Center and Memory Clinic Fundació ACE. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Rodrigo-Herrero, S. (Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío (Sevilla, Andalusia)) ; Diego, Susana (Research Center and Memory Clinic Fundació ACE. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Vacca, Alessandro (University of Torino (Itàlia)) ; Roveta, Fausto (University of Torino (Itàlia)) ; Salvadori, Nicola (Otto-Von-Guericke University (Alemanya)) ; Chipi, Elena (Otto-Von-Guericke University (Alemanya)) ; Boecker, Henning (University Hospital Bonn (Alemanya)) ; Laske, Christoph (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (Alemanya)) ; Perneczky, Robert (Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. University Hospital. LMU Munich) ; Anastasiou, Costas (Harokopio University (Grècia)) ; Janowitz, Daniel (Institute for Stroke and Dementia Research (Munich, Alemanya)) ; Malik, Rainer (Institute for Stroke and Dementia Research (Munich, Alemanya)) ; Anastasiou, Anna (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Grècia)) ; Parveen, Kayenat (University Hospital Bonn (Alemanya)) ; Lage, Carmen (Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla (Santander, Cantabria)) ; López-García, Sara (Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla (Santander, Cantabria)) ; Antonell, Anna (Institut d'Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer) ; Mihova, Kalina Yonkova (Medical University of Sofia (Bulgària)) ; Belezhanska, Diyana (Alexandrovska Medical University (Sofia, Bulgària)) ; Weber, Heike (University Hospital of Würzburg (Alemanya)) ; Kochen, Silvia (Hospital El Cruce "Nestor Kirchner" (Argentina)) ; Solis, Patricia (Hospital El Cruce "Nestor Kirchner" (Argentina)) ; Medel, Nancy (Hospital El Cruce "Nestor Kirchner" (Argentina)) ; Lisso, Julieta (Hospital El Cruce "Nestor Kirchner" (Argentina)) ; Sevillano, Zulma (Hospital El Cruce "Nestor Kirchner" (Argentina)) ; Politis, Daniel G. (HIGA Eva Perón (Argentina)) ; Cores, Valeria (HIGA Eva Perón (Argentina)) ; Cuesta, Carolina (HIGA Eva Perón (Argentina)) ; Ortiz, Cecilia (Neurología Clinica (Argentina)) ; Bacha, Juan Ignacio (Neurología Clinica (Argentina)) ; Rios, Mario (Dirección de Atención de Adultos Mayores del Min. Salud Desarrollo Social y Deportes de la Pcia. de Mendoza) ; Saenz, Aldo (Dirección de Atención de Adultos Mayores del Min. Salud Desarrollo Social y Deportes de la Pcia. de Mendoza) ; Sánchez Abalos, Mariana (Laboratorio de Genética Forense del Ministerio Público de la Pcia de La Pampa) ; Kohler, Eduardo (Fundacion Sinapsis (Argentina)) ; Palacio, D.L. (Hospital Dr. Lucio Molas. Santa Rosa; Fundacion Ayuda Enfermo Renal y Alta Complejidad (FERNAC)) ; Etchepareborda, I. (Hospital Dr. Lucio Molas. Santa Rosa; Fundacion Ayuda Enfermo Renal y Alta Complejidad (FERNAC)) ; Kohler, M. (Hospital Dr. Lucio Molas. Santa Rosa; Fundacion Ayuda Enfermo Renal y Alta Complejidad (FERNAC)) ; Novack, G. (Laboratory of Brain Aging and Neurodegeneration (FIL)) ; Prestia, F.A. (Laboratory of Brain Aging and Neurodegeneration (FIL)) ; Galeano, P. (Laboratory of Brain Aging and Neurodegeneration (FIL)) ; Castaño, E.M. (Laboratory of Brain Aging and Neurodegeneration (FIL)) ; Germani, S. (Centro de Neuropsiquiatría y Neurología de la Conducta (CENECON). Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). C.A.B.A.) ; Toso, C.R. (Centro de Neuropsiquiatría y Neurología de la Conducta (CENECON). Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). C.A.B.A.) ; Rojo, M. (Centro de Neuropsiquiatría y Neurología de la Conducta (CENECON). Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). C.A.B.A.) ; Ingino, C. (Centro de Neuropsiquiatría y Neurología de la Conducta (CENECON). Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). C.A.B.A.) ; Mangone, C. (Centro de Neuropsiquiatría y Neurología de la Conducta (CENECON). Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). C.A.B.A.) ; Rubinsztein, D.C. (Cambridge Institute for Medical Research and UK Dementia Research Institute. University of Cambridge) ; Teipel, S. (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE)) ; Fievet, N. (Université de Lille. INSERM. CHU Lille. Institut Pasteur Lille. U1167-RID-AGE. Facteurs de risque et déterminants moléculaires des maladies liées au vieillissement) ; Deramerourt, V. (Resources and Research Memory Center (MRRC) of Distalz. LicendUniversity of Lille. INSERM. CHU Lille. UMR1172) ; Forsell, C. (Unit for Hereditary Dementias. Karolinska University Hospital-Solna) ; Thonberg, H. (Unit for Hereditary Dementias. Karolinska University Hospital-Solna) ; Bjerke, M. (Grupo de Medicina Xenómica. Centro Nacional de Genotipado (CEGEN-PRB3-ISCIII). Universidade de Santiago de Compostela) ; Roeck, E.D. (Grupo de Medicina Xenómica. Centro Nacional de Genotipado (CEGEN-PRB3-ISCIII). Universidade de Santiago de Compostela) ; Martínez-Larrad, M.T. (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Diabetes y Enfermedades Metabólicas Asociadas. CIBERDEM. Hospital Clínico San Carlos) ; Olivar, N. (Centro de Neuropsiquiatría y Neurología de la Conducta (CENECON). Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). C.A.B.A.) ; Aguilera, N. (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Cano, A. (Research Center and Memory Clinic Fundació ACE. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Cañabate, P. (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Macias, J. (Hospital Universitario Virgen de Valme (Sevilla, Andalusia)) ; Maroñas, O. (Grupo de Medicina Xen'omica. Centro Nacional de Genotipado (CEGEN-PRB3-ISCIII). Universidad de Santiago de Compostela) ; Nuñez-Llaves, R. (Research Center and Memory Clinic Fundació ACE. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Olivé, C. (Research Center and Memory Clinic Fundació ACE. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Pelejá, E. (Research Center and Memory Clinic Fundació ACE. Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) ; Adarmes-Gómez, A.D (Unidad de Trastornos del Movimiento. Servicio de Neurología y Neurofisiología. Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS). Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla) ; Alonso, M.D. (Servei de Neurologia. Hospital Clínic Universitari de València) ; Amer-Ferrer, G. (Hospital Universitari Son Espases (Palma de Mallorca, Balears)) ; Antequera, M. (Hospital Clínico Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca (El Palmar, Múrcia)) ; Burguera, J.A. (Hospital Universitari i Politècnic La Fe (València)) ; Carrillo, F. (Unidad de Trastornos del Movimiento. Servicio de Neurología y Neurofisiología. Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS). Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla) ; Carrión-Claro, M. (Unidad de Trastornos del Movimiento. Servicio de Neurología y Neurofisiología. Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS). Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla) ; Casajeros, M.J. (Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal (Madrid)) ; Martinez de Pancorbo, M. (BIOMICs. País Vasco; Centro de Investigación Lascaray. Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU) ; Escuela, R. (Unidad de Trastornos del Movimiento. Servicio de Neurología y Neurofisiología. Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS). Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla) ; Garrote-Espina, L. (Unidad de Trastornos del Movimiento. Servicio de Neurología y Neurofisiología. Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS). Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla) ; Gómez-Garre, P. (Unidad de Trastornos del Movimiento. Servicio de Neurología y Neurofisiología. Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS). Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla) ; Hevilla, S. (Instituto Andaluz de Neurociencia) ; Jesús, S. (Unidad de Trastornos del Movimiento. Servicio de Neurología y Neurofisiología. Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS). Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla) ; Espinosa, M.A.L. (Unidad de Trastornos del Movimiento. Servicio de Neurología y Neurofisiología. Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS). Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla) ; Legaz, A. (Hospital Clínico Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca (El Palmar, Múrcia)) ; López-García, S. (Service of Neurology. University Hospital Marqués de Valdecilla. IDIVAL. University of Cantabria) ; Macias-García, D. (Unidad de Trastornos del Movimiento. Servicio de Neurología y Neurofisiología. Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS). Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla) ; Manzanares, S. (Fundación para la Formación e Investigación Sanitarias de la Región de Murcia) ; Marín, M. (Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío (Sevilla, Andalusia)) ; Marín-Muñoz, J. (Hospital Clínico Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca (El Palmar, Múrcia)) ; Marín, T. (Instituto Andaluz de Neurociencia) ; Martínez, B. (Hospital Clínico Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca (El Palmar, Múrcia)) ; Martínez, V. (Hospital Clínico Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca (El Palmar, Múrcia)) ; Martínez-Lage Álvarez, P. (Centro de Investigación y Terapias Avanzadas. Fundación CITA-Alzheimer) ; Iriarte, M.M. (Navarrabiomed) ; Periñán-Tocino, M.T. (Unidad de Trastornos del Movimiento. Servicio de Neurología y Neurofisiología. Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS). Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla) ; Pineda-Sánchez, R. (Unidad de Trastornos del Movimiento. Servicio de Neurología y Neurofisiología. Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS). Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla) ; Real de Asúa, D. (Hospital Universitario de la Princesa (Madrid)) ; Rodrigo, S. (Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío (Sevilla, Andalusia)) ; Sastre, I. (Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa (UAM-CSIC)) ; Vicente, M. P. (Hospital Clínico Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca (El Palmar, Múrcia)) ; Vigo-Ortega, R. (Unidad de Trastornos del Movimiento. Servicio de Neurología y Neurofisiología. Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS). Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla) ; Vivancos, L. (Hospital Clínico Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca (El Palmar, Múrcia)) ; Epelbaum, J. (UMR 7179 CNRS/MNHN) ; Hannequin, D. (Department of Neurology and CNR-MAJ. F 76000. Normandy Center for Genomic and Personalized Medicine. Normandie University. UNIROUEN. INSERM U1245. CHU Rouen) ; campion, D. (Department of Genetics and CNR-MAJ. Normandie University. UNIROUEN. INSERM U1245. CHU Rouen) ; Deramecourt, V. (Resources and Research Memory Center (MRRC) of Distalz. LicendUniversity of Lille. INSERM. CHU Lille. UMR1172) ; Tzourio, C. (Bordeaux Population Health Research Center. University Bordeaux. INSERM) ; Brice, A. (Sorbonne Université. Paris Brain Institute. APHP. INSERM. CNRS) ; Dubois, B. (Department of Neurology. Institute of Memory and Alzheimer's Disease (IM2A). Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital. AP-HP. Boulevard de l'Hôpital) ; Williams, A. (MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics. Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neuroscience. School of Medicine. Cardiff University) ; Thomas, C. (MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics. Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neuroscience. School of Medicine. Cardiff University) ; Davies, C. (MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics. Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neuroscience. School of Medicine. Cardiff University) ; Nash, W. (MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics. Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neuroscience. School of Medicine. Cardiff University) ; Dowzell, K. (MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics. Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neuroscience. School of Medicine. Cardiff University) ; Morales, A.C. (UKDRI@ Cardiff. School of Medicine. Cardiff University) ; Bernardo-Harrington, M. (UKDRI@ Cardiff. School of Medicine. Cardiff University) ; Turton, J. (Institute of Genetics. Queen's Medical Centre. University of Nottingham) ; Lord, J. (Institute of Genetics. Queen's Medical Centre. University of Nottingham) ; Brown, K. (Institute of Genetics. Queens Medical Centre. University of Nottingham) ; Vardy, E. (Institute for Ageing and Health. Newcastle University. Campus for Ageing and Vitality) ; Fisher, E. (Department of Neurodegenerative Disease. UCL Institute of Neurology) ; Warren, J.D. (Department of Neurodegenerative Disease. UCL Institute of Neurology) ; Rossor, M. (Dementia Research Centre. Department of Neurodegenerative Disease. UCL Institute of Neurology) ; Ryan, N.S. (Dementia Research Centre. UCL) ; Guerreiro, R. (Department of Neurodegenerative Disease. UCL Institute of Neurology) ; Uphill, J. (MRC Prion Unit at UCL. UCL Institute of Prion Diseases) ; Bass, N. (Division of Psychiatry. University College London) ; Heun, R. (Department of Old Age Psychiatry. Institute of Psychiatry. Psychology and Neuroscience. King's College London) ; Kölsch, H. (Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. University of Bonn) ; Schürmann, B. (Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. University of Bonn) ; Lacour, A. (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE Bonn)) ; Herold, C. (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE Bonn)) ; Johnston, J.A. (Centre for Public Health. School of Medicine. Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences. Queens University) ; Passmore, P. (Centre for Public Health. School of Medicine. Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences. Queens University) ; Powell, J. (Department of Basic and Clinical Neuroscience. Institute of Psychiatry. Psychology and Neuroscience. Kings College London) ; Patel, Y. (University of Toronto) ; Hodges, A. (Department of Old Age Psychiatry. Institute of Psychiatry. Psychology and Neuroscience. King's College London) ; Becker, T. (Institute for Medical Biometry. Informatics and Epidemiology. University of Bonn) ; Warden, D. (Oxford Project to Investigate Memory and Ageing (OPTIMA). University of Oxford. Level 4. John Radcliffe Hospital) ; Wilcock, G. (Oxford Project to Investigate Memory and Ageing (OPTIMA). University of Oxford. Level 4. John Radcliffe Hospital) ; Clarke, R. (Department of Neurodegenerative Disease. UCL Institute of Neurology) ; Deloukas, P. (The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute. Wellcome Trust Genome Campus. Hinxton) ; Ben-Shlomo, Y. (Population Health Sciences. Bristol Medical School. University of Bristol) ; Hooper, N.M. (Division of Neuroscience and Experimental Psychology. School of Biological Sciences. Faculty of Biology. Medicine and Health. University of Manchester. Manchester Academic Health Science Centre) ; Pickering-Brown, S. (University of Manchester. Manchester Academic Health Science Centre) ; Sussams, R. (Division of Clinical Neurosciences. School of Medicine. University of Southampton) ; Warner, N. (Somerset Partnership NHS Trust) ; Bayer, A. (Institute of Primary Care and Public Health. Cardiff University. University Hospital of Wales) ; Heuser, I. (Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. Charité University Medicine) ; Drichel, D. (Universität zu Köln (Colònia, Alemaya). Cologne Center for Genomics) ; Klopp, N. (Institute of Epidemiology. Helmholtz Zentrum München. German Research Center for Environmental Health. Neuherberg) ; Mayhaus, M. (Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. University Hospital) ; Riemenschneider, M. (Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. University Hospital) ; Pinchler, S. (Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. University Hospital) ; Feulner, T. (Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. University Hospital) ; Gu, W. (Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. University Hospital) ; van den Bussche, H. (Department of Primary Medical Care. University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf) ; Hüll, M. (Department of Psychiatry. University of Freiburg) ; Frölich, L. (Central Institute of Mental Health. Medical Faculty Mannheim. University of Heidelberg) ; Wichmann, H.E. (Institute of Epidemiology. Helmholtz Zentrum München. German Research Center for Environmental Health. Neuherberg) ; Jöckel, K.H. (Institute for Medical Informatics. Biometry and Epidemiology. University Hospital of Essen. University Duisburg-Essen) ; O'Donovan, M. (Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinial Neurosciences. MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics. Cardiff University) ; Owen, M. (Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinial Neurosciences. MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics. Cardiff University) ; Bahrami, S. (Division of Mental Health and Addiction. Oslo University Hospital) ; Bosnes, I. (Department of Psychiatry. Hospital Namsos. Nord-Trøndelag Health Trust) ; Selnes, P. (Department of Neurology. Akershus University Hospital) ; Bergh, S. (Centre for Old Age Psychiatry Research. Innlandet Hospital Trust) ; Palotie, A. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Daly, M. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Jacob, H. (AbbVie) ; Matakidou, A. (Astra Zeneca) ; Runz, H. (Biogen) ; John, S. (Biogen) ; Plenge, R. (Celgene) ; McCarthy, M. (Genentech) ; Hunkapiller, J. (Genentech) ; Ehm, M. (GlaxoSmithKline) ; Waterworth, D. (GlaxoSmithKline) ; Fox, C. (Merck) ; Malarstig, A. (Pfizer) ; Klinger, K. (Sanofi) ; Call, K. (Sanofi) ; Behrens, T. (Maze Therapeutics) ; Loerch, P. (Janssen Biotech) ; Mäkelä, T. (HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Kaprio, Jaakko (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Virolainen, P. (Auria Biobank. University of Turku. Hospital District of Southwest Finland) ; Pulkki, K. (Auria Biobank. University of Turku. Hospital District of Southwest Finland) ; Kilpi, T. (THL Biobank. The National Institute of Health and Welfare Helsinki) ; Perola, M. (THL Biobank. The National Institute of Health and Welfare Helsinki) ; Partanen, J. (Finnish Red Cross Blood Service. Finnish Hematology Registry and Clinical Biobank) ; Pitkäranta, A. (Helsinki Biobank. Helsinki University and Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Kaarteenaho, R. (Northern Finland Biobank Borealis. University of Oulu. Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District) ; Vainio, S. (Northern Finland Biobank Borealis. University of Oulu. Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District) ; Turpeinen, M. (Northern Finland Biobank Borealis. University of Oulu. Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District) ; Serpi, R. (Northern Finland Biobank Borealis. University of Oulu. Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District) ; Laitinen, T. (Oxford Healthy Aging Project. Clinical Trial Service Unit. University of Oxford) ; Mäkelä, J. (Finnish Clinical Biobank Tampere. University of Tampere. Pirkanmaa Hospital District) ; Kosma, V.M. (Biobank of Eastern Finland. University of Eastern Finland / Northern Savo Hospital District) ; Kujala, U. (Central Finland Biobank. University of Jyväskylä. Central Finland Health Care District) ; Tuovila, O. (Business Finland) ; Hendolin, M. (Business Finland) ; Pakkanen, R. (Business Finland) ; Waring, J. (AbbVie) ; Riley-Gillis, B. (AbbVie) ; Liu, J. (Biogen) ; Biswas, S. (Celgene) ; Diogo, D. (Merck) ; Marshall, C. (Pfizer) ; Hu, X. (Pfizer) ; Gossel, M. (Sanofi) ; Graham, R. (Maze Therapeutics) ; Cummings, B. (Janssen Biotech) ; Ripatti, Samuli (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Schleutker, J. (Auria Biobank. University of Turku. Hospital District of Southwest Finland) ; Arvas, M. (Finnish Red Cross Blood Service. Finnish Hematology Registry and Clinical Biobank) ; Carpén, O. (Helsinki Biobank. Helsinki University and Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Hinttala, R. (Northern Finland Biobank Borealis. University of Oulu. Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District) ; Kettunen, J. (Northern Finland Biobank Borealis. University of Oulu. Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District) ; Mannermaa, A. (Biobank of Eastern Finland. University of Eastern Finland / Northern Savo Hospital District) ; Laukkanen, J. (Central Finland Biobank. University of Jyväskylä. Central Finland Health Care District) ; Julkunen, V. (Northern Savo Hospital District) ; Remes, A. (Northern Savo Hospital District) ; Kälviäinen, R. (Northern Savo Hospital District) ; Peltola, J. (Pirkanmaa Hospital District) ; Tienari, P. (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Rinne, J. (Hospital District of Southwest Finland) ; Ziemann, A. (AbbVie) ; Waring, J. (AbbVie) ; Esmaeeli, S. (AbbVie) ; Smaoui, N. (AbbVie) ; Lehtonen, A. (AbbVie) ; Eaton, S. (Biogen) ; Lahdenperä, S. (Biogen) ; van Adelsberg, J. (Celgene) ; Michon, J. (Genentech) ; Kerchner, G. (Genentech) ; Bowers, N. (Genentech) ; Teng, E. (Genentech) ; Eicher, J. (Genentech) ; Mehta, V. (Merck) ; Gormley, P. (Merck) ; Linden, K. (Pfizer) ; Whelan, C. (Pfizer) ; Xu, F. (GlaxoSmithKline) ; Pulford, D. (GlaxoSmithKline) ; Färkkilä, M. (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Pikkarainen, S. (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Jussila, A. (Pirkanmaa Hospital District) ; Blomster, T. (Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District) ; Kiviniemi, M. (Northern Savo Hospital District) ; Voutilainen, M. (Hospital District of Southwest Finland) ; Georgantas, B. (AbbVie) ; Heap, G. (AbbVie) ; Rahimov, F. (AbbVie) ; Usiskin, K. (Celgene) ; Lu, T. (Department of Complex Trait Genetics. Center for Neurogenomics and Cognitive Research. Amsterdam Neuroscience. Vrije University) ; Oh, D. (Genentech) ; Kalpala, K. (Pfizer) ; Miller, M. (Pfizer) ; McCarthy, L. (GlaxoSmithKline) ; Eklund, K. (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Palomäki, A. (Hospital District of Southwest Finland) ; Isomäki, P. (Pirkanmaa Hospital District) ; Pirilä, L. (Hospital District of Southwest Finland) ; Kaipiainen-Seppänen, O. (Northern Savo Hospital District) ; Huhtakangas, J. (Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District) ; Lertratanakul, A. (AbbVie) ; Hochfeld, M. (Celgene) ; Bing, N. (Pfizer) ; Gordillo, J.E. (GlaxoSmithKline) ; Mars, N. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Pelkonen, M. (Northern Savo Hospital District) ; Kauppi, P. (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Kankaanranta, H. (Pirkanmaa Hospital District) ; Harju, T. (Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District) ; Close, D. (Astra Zeneca) ; Greenberg, S. (Celgene) ; Chen, H. (Genentech) ; Betts, J. (GlaxoSmithKline) ; Ghosh, S. (GlaxoSmithKline) ; Salomaa, V. (The National Institute of Health and Welfare Helsinki) ; Niiranen, T. (The National Institute of Health and Welfare Helsinki) ; Juonala, M. (Hospital District of Southwest Finland) ; Metsärinne, K. (Hospital District of Southwest Finland) ; Kähönen, M. (Pirkanmaa Hospital District) ; Junttila, J. (Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District) ; Laakso, Markku (Northern Savo Hospital District) ; Pihlajamäki, J. (Northern Savo Hospital District) ; Sinisalo, J. (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Taskinen, M.R. (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Tuomi, T. (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Challis, B. (Astra Zeneca) ; Peterson, A. (Genentech) ; Chu, A. (Merck) ; Parkkinen, J. (Pfizer) ; Muslin, A. (Sanofi) ; Joensuu, H. (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Meretoja, T. (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Aaltonen, L. (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Mattson, J. (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Auranen, A. (Pirkanmaa Hospital District) ; Karihtala, P. (Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District) ; Kauppila, S. (Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District) ; Auvinen, P. (Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District) ; Elenius, K. (Hospital District of Southwest Finland) ; Popovic, R. (AbbVie) ; Schutzman, J. (Genentech) ; Loboda, A. (Merck) ; Chhibber, A. (Merck) ; Lehtonen, H. (Pfizer) ; McDonough, S. (Pfizer Worldwide Research and Development) ; Crohns, M. (Sanofi) ; Kulkarni, D. (GlaxoSmithKline) ; Kaarniranta, K. (Northern Savo Hospital District) ; Turunen, J.A. (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Ollila, T. (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Seitsonen, S. (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Uusitalo, H. (Pirkanmaa Hospital District) ; Aaltonen, V. (Hospital District of Southwest Finland) ; Uusitalo-Järvinen, H. (Pirkanmaa Hospital District) ; Luodonpää, M. (Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District) ; Hautala, N. (Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District) ; Loomis, S. (Biogen) ; Strauss, E. (Genentech) ; Chen, H. (Genentech) ; Podgornaia, A. (Merck) ; Hoffman, J. (GlaxoSmithKline) ; Tasanen, K. (Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District) ; Huilaja, L. (Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District) ; Hannula-Jouppi, K. (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Salmi, T. (Pirkanmaa Hospital District) ; Peltonen, S. (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Koulu, L. (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Harvima, I. (Northern Savo Hospital District) ; Wu, Y. (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE Bonn)) ; Choy, D. (Genentech) ; Pussinen, P. (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Salminen, A. (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Salo, T. (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Rice, D. (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Nieminen, P. (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Palotie, U. (Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Siponen, M. (Northern Savo Hospital District) ; Suominen, L. (Northern Savo Hospital District) ; Mäntylä, P. (Northern Savo Hospital District) ; Gursoy, U. (Hospital District of Southwest Finland) ; Anttonen, V. (Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District) ; Sipilä, K. (Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District) ; Davis, J.W. (AbbVie) ; Quarless, D. (AbbVie) ; Petrovski, S. (Astra Zeneca) ; Wigmore, E. (Astra Zeneca) ; Chen, C.Y. (Biogen) ; Bronson, P. (Biogen) ; Tsai, E. (Biogen) ; Huang, Y. (Biogen) ; Maranville, J. (Celgene) ; Shaikho, E. (Celgene) ; Mohammed, E. (Celgene) ; Wadhawan, S. (Bristol Myers Squibb) ; Kvikstad, E. (Bristol Myers Squibb) ; Caliskan, M. (Bristol Myers Squibb) ; Chang, D. (Genentech) ; Bhangale, T. (Genentech) ; Pendergrass, S. (Genentech) ; Holzinger, E. (Merck) ; Chen, X. (Pfizer) ; Hedman, Å. (Pfizer) ; King, K.S. (GlaxoSmithKline) ; Wang, C. (Sanofi) ; Xu, E. (Sanofi) ; Auge, F. (Sanofi) ; Chatelain, C. (Sanofi) ; Rajpal, D. (Sanofi) ; Liu, D. (Population Health Sciences. German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE)) ; Call, K. (Sanofi) ; Xia, T.h. (Sanofi) ; Brauer, M. (Maze Therapeutics) ; Kurki, M. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Karjalainen, J. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Havulinna, A. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Jalanko, A. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Palta, P. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; della Briotta Parolo, P. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Zhou, W. (Broad Institute) ; Lemmelä, S. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Rivas, M. (University of Stanford) ; Harju, J. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Lehistö, A. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Ganna, A. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Llorens, V. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Laivuori, H. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Rüeger, S. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Niemi, M.E. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Tukiainen, T. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Reeve, M.P. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Heyne, H. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Palin, K. (University of Helsinki) ; Garcia-Tabuenca, J. (University of Tampere) ; Siirtola, H. (University of Tampere) ; Kiiskinen, T. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Lee, J. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Tsuo, K. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Elliott, A. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Kristiansson, K. (THL Biobank. The National Institute of Health and Welfare Helsinki) ; Hyvärinen, K. (Finnish Red Cross Blood Service) ; Ritari, J. (Finnish Red Cross Blood Service) ; Koskinen, M. (Helsinki Biobank. Helsinki University and Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Pylkäs, K. (Northern Finland Biobank Borealis. University of Oulu. Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District) ; Kalaoja, M. (Northern Finland Biobank Borealis. University of Oulu. Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District) ; Karjalainen, M. (Northern Finland Biobank Borealis. University of Oulu. Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District) ; Mantere, T. (Northern Finland Biobank Borealis. University of Oulu. Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District) ; Kangasniemi, E. (Finnish Clinical Biobank Tampere. University of Tampere. Pirkanmaa Hospital District) ; Heikkinen, S. (Biobank of Eastern Finland. University of Eastern Finland / Northern Savo Hospital District) ; Laakkonen, E. (Central Finland Biobank. University of Jyväskylä. Central Finland Health Care District) ; Sipeky, C. (University of Turku) ; Heron, S. (University of Turku) ; Karlsson, A. (Auria Biobank. University of Turku. Hospital District of Southwest Finland) ; Jambulingam, D. (University of Turku) ; Rathinakannan, V.S. (University of Turku) ; Kajanne, R. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Aavikko, M. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Jiménez, M.G. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; della Briotta Parola, P. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Lehistö, A. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Kanai, M. (Broad Institute) ; Kaunisto, M. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Kilpeläinen, E. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Sipilä, T.P. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Brein, G. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Awaisa, G. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Shcherban, A. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Donner, K. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Loukola, A. (Helsinki Biobank. Helsinki University and Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa) ; Laiho, P. (THL Biobank. The National Institute of Health and Welfare Helsinki) ; Sistonen, T. (THL Biobank. The National Institute of Health and Welfare Helsinki) ; Kaiharju, E. (THL Biobank. The National Institute of Health and Welfare Helsinki) ; Laukkanen, M. (THL Biobank. The National Institute of Health and Welfare Helsinki) ; Järvensivu, E. (THL Biobank. The National Institute of Health and Welfare Helsinki) ; Lähteenmäki, S. (THL Biobank. The National Institute of Health and Welfare Helsinki) ; Männikkö, L. (THL Biobank. The National Institute of Health and Welfare Helsinki) ; Wong, R. (THL Biobank. The National Institute of Health and Welfare Helsinki) ; Mattsson, H. (THL Biobank. The National Institute of Health and Welfare Helsinki) ; Hiekkalinna, T. (THL Biobank. The National Institute of Health and Welfare Helsinki) ; Paajanen, T. (THL Biobank. The National Institute of Health and Welfare Helsinki) ; Pärn, K. (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. HiLIFE. University of Helsinki) ; Gracia-Tabuenca, J. (University of Tampere) ; Abner, E. (Sanders-Brown Center on Aging. Department of Epidemiology. College of Public Health. University of Kentucky) ; Adams, P.M. (Department of Psychiatry. University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center) ; Aguirre, A. (Department of Neurology. Dell Medical School. University of Texas at Austin) ; Albert, M.S. (Department of Neurology. Johns Hopkins University) ; Albin, R.L. (Michigan Alzheimer's Disease Center. University of Michigan) ; Allen, M. (Department of Neuroscience. Mayo Clinic) ; Alvarez, L. (Department of Pharmacology and Neuroscience. University of North Texas Health Science Center) ; Apostolova, L.G. (Indiana Alzheimer's Disease Research Center. Indiana University School of Medicine) ; Arnold, S.E. (Department of Psychiatry. Perelman School of Medicine. University of Pennsylvania) ; Asthana, S. (Wisconsin Alzheimer's Disease Research Center) ; Atwood, C.S. (Wisconsin Alzheimer's Disease Research Center) ; Ayres, G. (Department of Neurology. Dell Medical School. University of Texas at Austin) ; Baldwin, C.T. (Department of Medicine (Biomedical Genetics). Boston University School of Medicine) ; Barber, R.C. (Department of Pharmacology and Neuroscience. University of North Texas Health Science Center) ; Barnes, L.L. (Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center. Rush University Medical Center) ; Barral, Sandra (Columbia University (Nova York, Estats Units d'Amèrica)) ; Beach, T.G. (Civin Laboratory for Neuropathology. Banner Sun Health Research Institute) ; Beecham, G.W. (The John P. Hussman Institute for Human Genomics. University of Miami) ; Beekly, D. (National Alzheimer's Coordinating Center. University of Washington) ; Below, J.E. (Human Genetics Center. Department of Epidemiology. Human Genetics. and Environmental Sciences. School of Public Health. The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston) ; Benchek, P. (Department of Population and Quantitative Health Sciences. Case Western Reserve University) ; Benitez, B.A. (Department of Psychiatry and Hope Center Program on Protein Aggregation and Neurodegeneration. Washington University School of Medicine) ; Bennett, D. (Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center. Rush University Medical Center) ; Bertelson, J. (Department of Psychiatry. University of Texas at Austin/Dell Medical School) ; Margaret, F.E. (Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer's Disease Center. Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine) ; Bird, T.D. (VA Puget Sound Health Care System/GRECC) ; Blacker, D. (Department of Psychiatry. Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School) ; Boeve, B.F. (Department of Neurology. Mayo Clinic) ; Bowen, J.D. (Swedish Medical Center) ; Boxer, A. (Department of Neurology. University of California San Francisco) ; Brewer, J. (Department of Neurosciences. University of California San Diego) ; Burke, J.R. (Department of Medicine. Duke University) ; Burns, J.M. (University of Kansas Alzheimer's Disease Center. University of Kansas Medical Center) ; Bush, W.S. (Department of Population & Quantitative Health Sciences. Case Western Reserve University) ; Buxbaum, J.D. (Nash Family Department of Neuroscience & Friedman Brain Institute. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai) ; Cairns, N.J. (Department of Pathology and Immunology. Washington University) ; Cao, C. (USF Health Byrd Alzheimer's Institute. University of South Florida) ; Carlson, C.S. (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center) ; Carlsson, C.M. (Wisconsin Alzheimer's Disease Research Center) ; Carney, R.M. (Mental Health and Behavioral Science Service. Bruce W. Carter VA Medical Center) ; Carrasquillo, M.M. (Department of Neuroscience. Mayo Clinic) ; Chasse, S. (Department of Genetics. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) ; Chesselet, M.F. (Neurogenetics Program. University of California. Los Angeles) ; Chesi, A. (Department of Biostatistics. Epidemiology. and Informatics. Penn Neurodegeneration Genomics Center. University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) ; Chin, N.A. (Department of Medicine. University of Wisconsin) ; Chui, H.C. (Department of Neurology. University of Southern California) ; Craft, S. (Section of Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine Research. Wake Forest School of Medicine) ; Crane, P.K. (Department of Medicine. University of Washington) ; Cribbs, D.H. (Department of Neurology. University of California. Irvine) ; Crocco, E.A. (Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. Miller School of Medicine. University of Miami) ; Cruchaga, C. (Department of Psychiatry. Washington University in St. Louis) ; Cullum, M. (Department of Psychiatry. University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center) ; Darby, E. (Alzheimer's Disease and Memory Disorders Center. Baylor College of Medicine) ; Davis, B. (Department of Population and Data Sciences. University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center) ; De Jager, P.L. (Center for Translational and Computational Neuroimmunology. Department of Neurology. Columbia University Medical Center) ; DeCarli, C. (Department of Neurology. University of California. Davis) ; DeToledo, J. (Departments of Neurology. Pharmacology and Neuroscience. Texas Tech University Health Science Center) ; Dick, M. (Institute for Memory Impairments and Neurological Disorders. University of California. Irvine) ; Dickson, D.W. (Department of Neuroscience. Mayo Clinic) ; Dombroski, B.A. (Department of Biostatistics. Epidemiology. and Informatics. Penn Neurodegeneration Genomics Center. University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) ; Doody, R.S. (Alzheimer's Disease and Memory Disorders Center. Baylor College of Medicine) ; Duara, R. (Wien Center for Alzheimer's Disease and Memory Disorders. Mount Sinai Medical Center) ; Ertekin-Taner, N. (Department of Neurology. Mayo Clinic) ; Evans, D.A. (Rush Institute for Healthy Aging. Department of Internal Medicine. Rush University Medical Center) ; Fairchild, T.J. (Office of Strategy and Measurement. University of North Texas Health Science Center) ; Fallon, K.B. (Department of Pathology. University of Alabama at Birmingham) ; Farlow, M.R. (Department of Neurology. Indiana University) ; Farrell, J.J. (Department of Medicine (Biomedical Genetics). Boston University School of Medicine) ; Fernandez-Hernandez, V. (Department of Psychiatry and Hope Center Program on Protein Aggregation and Neurodegeneration. Washington University School of Medicine) ; Ferris, S. (Department of Psychiatry. New York University) ; Frosch, M.P. (C.S. Kubik Laboratory for Neuropathology. Massachusetts General Hospital) ; Fulton-Howard, B. (Department of Neuroscience. Ronald M. Loeb Center for Alzheimer's Disease. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai) ; Galasko, D.R. (Department of Neurosciences. University of California San Diego) ; Gamboa, A. (Department of Health Management and Policy. School of Public Health. University of North Texas Health Science Center) ; Gearing, M. (Emory Alzheimer's Disease Center. Emory University) ; Geschwind, D.H. (NeuroGenomics and Informatics. Washington University in St. Louis) ; Ghetti, Bernardino (Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. Indiana University) ; Gilbert, J.R. (The John P. Hussman Institute for Human Genomics. University of Miami) ; Grabowski, T.J. (Department of Radiology. University of Washington) ; Graff-Radford, N.R. (Department of Neurology. Mayo Clinic) ; Grant, S.F.A. (Department of Genetics. Perelman School of Medicine. University of Pennsylvania) ; Green, R.C. (Division of Genetics. Department of Medicine and Partners Center for Personalized Genetic Medicine. Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School) ; Growdon, J.H. (Harvard Medical School) ; Haines, J.L. (Department of Population & Quantitative Health Sciences. Case Western Reserve University) ; Hakonarson, H. (Division of Human Genetics. Department of Pediatrics. Perelman School of Medicine. University of Pennsylvania) ; Hall, J. (Department of Pharmacology and Neuroscience. University of North Texas Health Science Center) ; Hamilton, R.L. (Department of Pathology (Neuropathology). University of Pittsburgh) ; Harari, O. (Department of Psychiatry. Washington University in St. Louis) ; Harrell, L.E. (Department of Neurology. University of Alabama at Birmingham) ; Haut, J. (Department of Biostatistics. Epidemiology. and Informatics. Penn Neurodegeneration Genomics Center. University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) ; Head, E. (Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. University of California Irvine) ; Henderson, V.W. (Department of Neurology and Neurological Sciences. Stanford University) ; Hernandez, M. (Departments of Neurology. Pharmacology and Neuroscience. Texas Tech University Health Science Center) ; Hohman, T. (Vanderbilt Memory and Alzheimer's Center. Department of Neurology. Vanderbilt University Medical Center) ; Honig, L.S. (Taub Institute on Alzheimer's Disease and the Aging Brain. Department of Neurology. Columbia University) ; Huebinger, R.M. (Department of Surgery. University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center) ; Huentelman, M.J. (Neurogenomics Division. Translational Genomics Research Institute) ; Hulette, C.M. (Department of Pathology. Duke University) ; Hyman, B.T. (Harvard Medical School) ; Hynan, L.S. (Department of Neurological Surgery. University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center) ; Ibanez, L. (Hope Center Program on Protein Aggregation and Neurodegeneration. Washington University School of Medicine) ; Jarvik, G.P. (Department of Genome Sciences. University of Washington) ; Jayadev, S. (Departments of Neurology and Epidemiology. University of Washington) ; Jin, L.W. (Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. University of California. Davis) ; Johnson, K. (Departments of Neurology. Pharmacology and Neuroscience. Texas Tech University Health Science Center) ; Johnson, L. (Department of Health Behavior and Health Systems. University of North Texas Health Science Center) ; Kamboh, M.I. (Alzheimer's Disease Research Center. University of Pittsburgh) ; Karydas, A.M. (Department of Neurology. University of California San Francisco) ; Katz, M.J. (Department of Neurology. Albert Einstein College of Medicine) ; Kaye, J.A. (Department of Neurology. Portland Veterans Affairs Medical Center) ; Keene, C.D. (Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology. University of Washington) ; Khaleeq, A. (Alzheimer's Disease and Memory Disorders Center. Baylor College of Medicine) ; Kim, R. (Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. University of California Irvine) ; Knebl, J. (Department of Health Behavior and Health Systems. University of North Texas Health Science Center) ; Kowall, N.W. (Department of Pathology. Boston University) ; Kramer, J.H. (Department of Neuropsychology. University of California San Francisco) ; Kuksa, P.P. (Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) ; LaFerla, F.M. (Department of Neurobiology and Behavior. University of California Irvine) ; Lah, J.J. (Department of Neurology. Emory University) ; Larson, E.B. (Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute) ; Lee, C.Y. (Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) ; Lee, E.B. (Department of Biostatistics. Epidemiology. and Informatics. Penn Neurodegeneration Genomics Center. University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) ; Lerner, A. (Department of Population and Quantitative Health Sciences. Case Western Reserve University) ; Leung, Y.Y. (Department of Biostatistics. Epidemiology. and Informatics. Penn Neurodegeneration Genomics Center. University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) ; Leverenz, J.B. (Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health. Cleveland Clinic) ; Levey, A.I. (Department of Neurology. Emory University) ; Li, M. (Department of Biostatistics. Epidemiology. and Informatics. Penn Neurodegeneration Genomics Center. University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) ; Lieberman, A.P. (Department of Pathology. University of Michigan) ; Lipton, R.B. (Department of Neurology. Albert Einstein College of Medicine) ; Logue, M. (National Center for PTSD at Boston VA Healthcare System) ; Lyketsos, C.G. (Department of Psychiatry. Johns Hopkins University) ; Malamon, J. (Department of Biostatistics. Epidemiology. and Informatics. Penn Neurodegeneration Genomics Center. University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) ; Mains, D. (Department of Health Management and Policy. School of Public Health. University of North Texas Health Science Center) ; Marson, D.C. (Department of Neurology. University of Alabama at Birmingham) ; Martiniuk, F. (Department of Medicine (Pulmonary). New York University) ; Mash, D.C. (Department of Neurology. Miller School of Medicine. University of Miami) ; Masliah, E. (Department of Pathology. University of California San Diego) ; Massman, P. (Alzheimer's Disease and Memory Disorders Center. Baylor College of Medicine) ; Masurkar, A. (Department of Psychiatry. New York University) ; McCormick, W.C. (Department of Medicine. University of Washington) ; McCurry, S.M. (School of Nursing Northwest Research Group on Aging. University of Washington) ; McDavid, A.N. (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center) ; McDonough, S. (Pfizer Worldwide Research and Development) ; McKee, A.C. (Department of Pathology. Boston University) ; Mesulam, M. (Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer's Disease Center. Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine) ; Mez, J. (Institute of Biomedicine. University of Eastern Finland) ; Miller, B.L. (Weill Institute for Neurosciences. Memory and Aging Center. University of California. San Francisco) ; Miller, C.A. (Department of Pathology. University of Southern California) ; Miller, J.W. (Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. University of California. Davis) ; Montine, T.J. (Department of Pathology. Stanford University School of Medicine) ; Monuki, E.S. (Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. University of California Irvine) ; Morris, J.C. (Department of Neurology. Washington University at St. Louis) ; Myers, A.J. (Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. Miller School of Medicine. University of Miami) ; Nguyen, T. (Department of Neurology. University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center) ; O'Bryant, S. (Institute for Translational Research. University of North Texas Health Science Center) ; Olichney, J.M. (Center for Mind and Brain and Department of Neurology. University of California. Davis) ; Ory, M. (Center for Population Health and Aging. Texas A&M University Health Science Center) ; Palmer, R. (Department of Family and Community Medicine. University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio) ; Parisi, J.E. (Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology. Mayo Clinic) ; Paulson, H.L. (Michigan Alzheimer's Disease Center. University of Michigan) ; Pavlik, V. (Alzheimer's Disease and Memory Disorders Center. Baylor College of Medicine) ; Paydarfar, D. (Department of Neurology. Dell Medical School. University of Texas at Austin) ; Perez, V. (Departments of Neurology. Pharmacology and Neuroscience. Texas Tech University Health Science Center) ; Peskind, E. (Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. University of Washington School of Medicine) ; Phillips-Cremins, J.E. (Department of Bioengineering. University of Pennsylvania) ; Pierce, A. (Department of Neurology. University of California. Irvine) ; Polk, M. (Alzheimer's Disease Center. New York University) ; Poon, W.W. (Institute for Memory Impairments and Neurological Disorders. University of California. Irvine) ; Potter, H. (Department of Neurology. University of Colorado School of Medicine) ; Qu, L. (Department of Biostatistics. Epidemiology. and Informatics. Penn Neurodegeneration Genomics Center. University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) ; Quiceno, M. (Department of Medical Education. TCU/UNTHSC School of Medicine) ; Quinn, J.F. (Department of Neurology. Portland Veterans Affairs Medical Center) ; Raj, A. (USF Health Byrd Alzheimer's Institute. University of South Florida) ; Raskind, M. (Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. University of Washington School of Medicine) ; Reiman, E.M. (Department of Psychiatry. University of Arizona) ; Reisberg, B. (Alzheimer's Disease Center. New York University) ; Reisch, J.S. (Department of Population and Data Sciences. University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center) ; Ringman, J.M. (Department of Neurology. University of Southern California) ; Roberson, E.D. (Department of Neurology. University of Alabama at Birmingham) ; Rodriguear, M. (Alzheimer's Disease and Memory Disorders Center. Baylor College of Medicine) ; Rogaeva, E. (Tanz Centre for Research in Neurodegenerative Disease. University of Toronto) ; Rosen, H.J. (Department of Neurology. University of California San Francisco) ; Rosenberg, R.N. (Department of Neurology. University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center) ; Royall, D.R. (Department of Family and Community Medicine. University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio) ; Sager, M.A. (Department of Medicine. University of Wisconsin) ; Sano, M. (Department of Psychiatry. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai) ; Saykin, A.J. (Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences. Indiana University) ; Schneider, J.A. (Department of Pathology (Neuropathology). Rush University Medical Center) ; Schneider, L.S. (Department of Psychiatry. University of Southern California) ; Seeley, W.W. (Department of Neurology. University of California San Francisco) ; Slifer, S.H. (The John P. Hussman Institute for Human Genomics. University of Miami) ; Small, S. (Gertrude H. Sergievsky Center. Columbia University) ; Smith, A.G. (USF Health Byrd Alzheimer's Institute. University of South Florida) ; Smith, J.P. (Department of Population and Data Sciences. University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center) ; Song, Y.E. (Department of Population and Quantitative Health Sciences. Case Western Reserve University) ; Sonnen, J.A. (Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology. University of Washington) ; Spina, S. (Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. Indiana University) ; St George Hyslop, Peter (University of Toronto) ; Stern, R.A. (Institute of Biomedicine. University of Eastern Finland) ; Stevens, A.B. (College of Medicine. Texas A&M University Health Science Center) ; Strittmatter, S.M. (Program in Cellular Neuroscience. Neurodegeneration and Repair. Yale University School of Medicine) ; Sultzer, D. (Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior. University of California. Irvine) ; Swerdlow, R.H. (University of Kansas Alzheimer's Disease Center. University of Kansas Medical Center) ; Tanzi, Rudolph E (Harvard Medical School) ; Tilson, J.L. (Renaissance Computing Institute. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) ; Trojanowski, J.Q. (Department of Biostatistics. Epidemiology. and Informatics. Penn Neurodegeneration Genomics Center. University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) ; Troncoso, J.C. (Department of Pathology. Johns Hopkins University) ; Tsuang, D.W. (Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. University of Washington School of Medicine) ; Valladares, Otto (Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) ; Van Deerlin, V.M. (Department of Biostatistics. Epidemiology. and Informatics. Penn Neurodegeneration Genomics Center. University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) ; van Eldik, L.J. (Sanders-Brown Center on Aging. Department of Biostatistics. University of Kentucky) ; Vassar, R. (Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer's Disease Center. Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine) ; Vinters, H.V. (Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. University of California. Los Angeles) ; Vonsattel, J.P. (Taub Institute on Alzheimer's Disease and the Aging Brain. Department of Neurology. Columbia University) ; Weintraub, S. (Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine) ; Welsh-Bohmer, K.A. (Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. Duke University) ; Whitehead, P.L. (The John P. Hussman Institute for Human Genomics. University of Miami) ; Wijsman, E.M. (Department of Biostatistics. University of Washington) ; Wilhelmsen, K.C. (Department of Genetics. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) ; Williams, B. (Section of Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine Research. Wake Forest School of Medicine) ; Williamson, J. (Taub Institute on Alzheimer's Disease and the Aging Brain. Department of Neurology. Columbia University) ; Wilms, H. (Departments of Neurology. Pharmacology and Neuroscience. Texas Tech University Health Science Center) ; Wingo, T.S. (Department of Neurology. Emory University) ; Wisniewski, T. (Center for Cognitive Neurology and Departments of Neurology and Pathology. New York University Grossman School of Medicine) ; Woltjer, R.L. (Department of Pathology. Oregon Health and Science University) ; Woon, M. (Department of Psychiatry. University of Texas at Austin/Dell Medical School) ; Wright, C.B. (Evelyn F. McKnight Brain Institute. Department of Neurology. Miller School of Medicine. University of Miami) ; Wu, C.K. (Departments of Neurology. Pharmacology and Neuroscience. Texas Tech University Health Science Center) ; Younkin, S.G. (Department of Neurology. Mayo Clinic) ; Yu, C.E. (Department of Medicine. University of Washington) ; Yu, L. (Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center. Rush University Medical Center) ; Zhang, Y. (Center for Applied Genomics. Children's Hospital of Philadelphia) ; Zhao, Y. (Laboratory of Neuropsychiatry. Department of Clinical and Behavioral Neurology. IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation) ; Zhu, X. (Department of Pathology. Case Western Reserve University) ; Adams, Hieab (Université de Lille. INSERM. CHU Lille. Institut Pasteur Lille. U1167-RID-AGE. Facteurs de risque et déterminants moléculaires des maladies liées au vieillissement) ; Akinyemi, R.O. (Centre for Genomic and Precision Medicine. College of Medicine. UI) ; Ali, M. (Washington University at St. Louis) ; Aparicio, H.J. (Department of Neurology. Boston University School of Medicine) ; Bahadori, M. (Glenn Biggs Institute for Alzheimer's & Neurodegenerative Diseases. University of Texas Health Sciences Center) ; Becker, James T. (University of Pittsburgh) ; Breteler, M. (Population Health Sciences. German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE)) ; Chasman, D. (Brigham and Women's Hospital (Boston, Estats Units d'Amèrica)) ; Chauhan, G. (INSERM U1219. University of Bordeaux) ; Comic, H. (Department of Epidemiology. Erasmus MC) ; Cox, S. (University of Edinburgh) ; Cupples, A.L. (Department of Biostatistics. Boston University School of Public Health) ; Davies, G. (Centre for Cognitive Ageing and Cognitive Epidemiology. University of Edinburgh) ; DeCarli, C.S. (Department of Neurology and Center for Neuroscience. University of California. Davis) ; Duperron, M.G. (Bordeaux Population Health Research Center. Team VIN-TAGE. UMR 1219. University of Bordeaux. INSERM) ; Dupuis, J. (Department of Biostatistics. Boston University School of Public Health) ; Evans, T. (Department of Epidemiology. Erasmus MC) ; Fan, F. (University of Pittsburgh) ; Fitzpatrick, A. (Department of Family Medicine. University of Washington) ; Fohner, A.E. (Cardiovascular Health Research Unit. Department of Medicine. University of Washington) ; Ganguli, M. (University of Pittsburgh) ; Geerlings, M. (University Medical Center Utrecht) ; Glatt, S.J. (Psychiatric Genetic Epidemiology & Neurobiology Laboratory (PsychGENe Lab). Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. SUNY Upstate Medical University) ; Gonzalez, H.M. (University of California. San Diego) ; Goss, M. (Glenn Biggs Institute for Alzheimer's & Neurodegenerative Diseases. University of Texas Health Sciences Center) ; Grabe, H. (Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. University Medicine Greifswald) ; Habes, M. (Department of Radiology. University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio) ; Heckbert, S.R. (School of Public Health. University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston) ; Hofer, E. (Clinical Division of Neurogeriatrics. Department of Neurology. Medical University of Graz) ; Hong, E. (University of Maryland) ; Hughes, T. (Glenn Biggs Institute for Alzheimer's & Neurodegenerative Diseases. University of Texas Health Sciences Center) ; Kautz, T.F. (Department of General Medicine. University of Texas Health Science Center) ; Knol, M. (Department of Epidemiology. Erasmus MC) ; Kremen, W. (Department of Epidemiology. Erasmus MC) ; Lacaze, P. (Monash University Clayton Campus) ; Lahti, J. (University of Helsinki) ; Grand, Q.L. (Bordeaux Population Health Research Center. Team VIN-TAGE. UMR 1219. University of Bordeaux. INSERM) ; Litkowski, E. (University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Center) ; Li, S. (Department of Biostatistics. Boston University School of Public Health) ; Liu, D. (Population Health Sciences. German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE)) ; Liu, X. (Department of Biostatistics. Boston University School of Public Health) ; Loitfelder, M. (Medical University of Graz) ; Manning, A. (Massachusetts General Hospital. Harvard University) ; Maillard, P. (Imaging of Dementia and Aging (IDeA) Laboratory. Department of Neurology. University of California. Davis) ; Marioni, R. (University of Staffmail) ; Mazoyer, B. (University of Bordeaux. IMN) ; van Lent, D.M. (Glenn Biggs Institute for Alzheimer's & Neurodegenerative Diseases. University of Texas Health Sciences Center) ; Mei, H. (University of Mississippi Medical Center) ; Mishra, Aniket (Université de Bordeaux) ; Nyquist, P. (Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine) ; O'Connell, J. (University of Maryland) ; Patel, Y. (University of Toronto) ; Paus, T. (University of Montreal. Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Saint-Justine) ; Pausova, Z. (Hospital for Sick Children. University of Toronto) ; Raikkonen-Talvitie, K. (University of Helsinki) ; Riaz, M. (Monash University Clayton Campus) ; Rich, S. (Monash University Clayton Campus) ; Harbor-UCLA Medical Center. Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute and Pediatrics ; Romero, J. (Boston Medical Center) ; Roshchupkin, G. (Department of Epidemiology. Erasmus MC) ; Saba, Y. (Gottfried Schatz Research Center. Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry. Medical University of Graz) ; Sargurupremraj, M. (Gottfried Schatz Research Center. Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry. Medical University of Graz) ; Schmidt, H. (Gottfried Schatz Research Center. Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry. Medical University of Graz) ; Schmidt, R. (Clinical Division of Neurogeriatrics. Department of Neurology. Medical University of Graz) ; Shulman, J.M. (Departments of Neurology. Molecular & Human Genetics. and Neuroscience and Program in Developmental Biology. Baylor College of Medicine) ; Smith, J. (Department of Epidemiology. School of Public Health. University of Michigan) ; Sekhar, H. (Bordeaux Population Health Research Center. Team VIN-TAGE. UMR 1219. University of Bordeaux. INSERM) ; Rajula, R. (Bordeaux Population Health Research Center. Team VIN-TAGE. UMR 1219. University of Bordeaux. INSERM) ; Shin, J. (Hospital for Sick Children. University of Toronto) ; Simino, J. (University of Mississippi Medical Center) ; Sliz, E. (University of Mississippi Medical Center) ; Teumer, A. (Institute for Community Medicine. University Medicine Greifswald) ; Thomas, A. (University of North Carolina) ; Tin, A. (University of Mississippi Medical Center) ; Tucker-Drob, E. (University of Texas) ; Vojinovic, D. (Department of Epidemiology. Erasmus MC) ; Wang, Y. (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE Bonn)) ; Weinstein, G. (Clinical Division of Neurogeriatrics. Department of Neurology. Medical University of Graz) ; Williams, D. (Karolinska Institutet (Estocolm, Suècia)) ; Wittfeld, K. (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE). Site Rostock/Greifswald) ; Yanek, L. (GeneSTAR Research Program. Department of Neurology. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine) ; Yang, Y. (Institute of Molecular Medicine. University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston McGovern Medical School) ; Farrer, L.A. (Department of Neurology. Boston University School of Medicine) ; Psaty, B.M. (Department of Health Service. University of Washington) ; Ghanbari, M. (Department of Epidemiology. Erasmus MC) ; Raj, T. (Nash Family Department of Neuroscience & Friedman Brain Institute. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai) ; Sachdev, Perminder S. (University of New South Wales) ; Mather, Karen A (Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing. School of Psychiatry. Faculty of Medicine. University of New South Wales) ; Jessen, F. (German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE Bonn)) ; Ikram, M. Arfan (Department of Epidemiology. Erasmus MC) ; de Mendonça, Alexandre (Universidade de Lisboa) ; Hort, J. (Memory Clinic. Department of Neurology. Charles University. 2nd Faculty of Medicine and Motol University Hospital) ; Tsolaki, Magda (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Grècia)) ; Pericak-Vance, Margaret A (AI Virtanen Institute for Molecular Sciences. University of Eastern Finland) ; Amouyel, Philippe (Institut Pasteur Lille (França)) ; Williams, J. (UKDRI@ Cardiff. School of Medicine. Cardiff University) ; Frikke-Schmidt, Ruth (University of Copenhagen (Dinamarca)) ; Clarimón, Jordi (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Deleuze, J.F. (Université Paris-Saclay. Centre National de Recherche en Génomique Humaine) ; Rossi, G. (Fondazione IRCCS. Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta) ; Seshadri, S. (Glenn Biggs Institute for Alzheimer's & Neurodegenerative Diseases. University of Texas Health Sciences Center) ; Andreassen, Ole A. (NORMENT Centre. University of Oslo) ; Ingelsson, Martin (Department of Public Health and Carins Sciences/Geriatrics. Uppsala University) ; Hiltunen, M. (Brain Institute. Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte) ; Sleegers, Kristel (Department of Biomedical Sciences. University of Antwerp) ; Schellenberg, G.D. (Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine) ; van Duijn, C.M. (Nuffield Department of Population Health. Oxford University) ; Sims, Rebecca (MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics. Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neuroscience. School of Medicine. Cardiff University) ; van der Flier, Wiesje M (Alzheimer Center Amsterdam. Department of Neurology. Amsterdam Neuroscience. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Amsterdam UMC) ; Ruiz, Agustín (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas) ; Ramirez, Alfredo (The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (Estats Units d'Amèrica)) ; Lambert, Jean-Charles (Institut Pasteur Lille (França)) ; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Characterization of the genetic landscape of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and related dementias (ADD) provides a unique opportunity for a better understanding of the associated pathophysiological processes. [...]
2022 - 10.1038/s41588-022-01024-z
Nature genetics, Vol. 54 Núm. 4 (April 2022) , p. 412-436  
15 p, 942.2 KB A growth modulation index-based geistra score as a new prognostic tool for trabectedin efficacy in patients with advanced soft tissue sarcomas : A Spanish group for sarcoma research (GEIS) retrospective study / Martínez-Trufero, Javier (Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet (Saragossa)) ; Sande-González, Luis Miguel de (Hospital Universitario de León) ; Luna, Pablo (Hospital Universitari Son Espases (Palma de Mallorca, Balears)) ; Martín-Broto, Javier (Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío (Sevilla, Andalusia)) ; Alvarez, Rosa (Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón) ; Marquina, Gloria (Hospital Universitario Clínico San Carlos (Madrid)) ; Diaz-Beveridge, Roberto (Hospital Universitari i Politècnic La Fe (València)) ; Poveda, Andrés (Instituto Valenciano de Oncologia) ; Cano, Juana María (Hospital General de Ciudad Real) ; Cruz-Jurado, Josefina (Hospital Universitario Canarias) ; López Pousa, Antonio (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Salgado, María Angeles Vaz (Instituto Ramón y Cajal de Investigación Sanitaria (Madrid)) ; Valverde-Morales, Claudia Maria. (Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron) ; Sevilla, Isabel (Universitarios Regional y Virgen de la Victoria de Málaga) ; Martínez-García, Jerónimo (Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca (Múrcia)) ; Rubio-Casadevall, Jordi (Institut Català d'Oncologia) ; de Juan Ferre, Ana (Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla (Santander, Cantabria)) ; Carrasco, Juan Antonio (Hospital Álvaro Cunqueiro (Vigo)) ; Moura, David S. (Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla) ; Gurruchaga-Sotes, Ibon (Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet (Saragossa)) ; Gutiérrez, Antonio (Hospital Universitari Son Espases (Palma de Mallorca, Balears))
The aim of this study was to identify an easily reliable prognostic score that selects the subset of advanced soft tissue sarcoma (ASTS) patients with a higher benefit with trabectedin in terms of time to progression and overall survival. [...]
2021 - 10.3390/cancers13040792
Cancers, Vol. 13 Núm. 4 (february 2021) , p. 1-15  
9 p, 838.3 KB SEOM Clinical Guideline of management of soft-tissue sarcoma (2020) / de Juan Ferre, Ana (Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla (Santander, Cantabria)) ; Alvarez, Rosa (Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón) ; Casado Herráez, Antonio (Hospital Universitario Clínico San Carlos (Madrid)) ; Cruz-Jurado, Josefina (Hospital Universitario de Canarias (La Laguna)) ; Estival, Anna (Institut Català d'Oncologia) ; Martín-Broto, Javier (Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío (Sevilla, Andalusia)) ; Martínez Marín, Virginia (Hospital Universitario La Paz (Madrid)) ; Moreno Vega, Alberto Luis (Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía (Còrdova, Espanya)) ; Sebio, Ana (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Valverde Morales, Claudia (Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron)
Soft-tissue sarcomas constitute an uncommon and heterogeneous group of tumors of mesenchymal origin. Diagnosis, treatment, and management should be performed by an expert multidisciplinary team. MRI/CT of the primary tumor and biopsy is mandatory before any treatment. [...]
2021 - 10.1007/s12094-020-02534-0
Clinical & Translational Oncology, Vol. 23 Núm. 5 (may 2021) , p. 922-930  

Articles : 45 records found   1 - 10nextend  jump to record:
Books and collections 2 records found  
130 p, 8.7 MB La Gestión Educativa en el Escenario Latinoamericano. Avances y Retos / Palmeros y Avila, Guadalupe, coord. ; Medina Morales, Gladys del Carmen, coord. ; Lopes Reis, Márcia, coord.
La presente publicación, La gestión educativa en el escenario latinoamericano. Avances y retos, compila un conjunto de trabajos teóricos y reflexivos, así como resultados de investigaciones, expuestas en el marco del 1er. [...]
Bauru (Brazil): Gradus Editora, 2023

Conté: Modelos en transición: dilemas del liderazgo educativo / María Inés Vázquez Clavera -- El rol estratégico de la formación de la gestión hacia la reducción de la brecha digital: un estudio de caso - Brasil y Portugal / Márcia Lopes Reis, Miguel Jerónimo -- La gestión para el aseguramiento de la calidad de la educación superior en Panamá, Abril Eneida Méndez Chang, Gladys Correa, Franklin De Gracia González -- Equidad educativa durante la Covid-19 desde la mirada de estudiantes universitarios / Lilia Esther Guerrero Rodríguez, Regina Dajer Torres, Marilú Villalobos López -- Sincronía entre ciencia y política pública para la capacitación docente de la educación básica en Nuevo León, México / Lorena Gurrola Pérez -- Las escuelas telesecundarias en contextos vulnerables. Retos en tiempos pospandemia / José Concepción Reyes May, Guadalupe Palmeros y Ávila -- Retos de la gestión educativa para la transformación de la escuela. Reflexiones y propuestas / Luciano Román Medina -- Etapas en la adopción de innovaciones tecnológicas para el aseguramiento de los servicios educativos / Verónica García Martínez, Pedro Ramón Santiago -- La gestión de proyectos internacionales compartidos: retos hacia la concreción de las comunidades de aprendizaje / Márcia Lopes Reis, Marisa Montesano de Talavera, Luis Cubilla Ríos -- Implementación del modelo híbrido en educación secundaria en la asignatura de matemáticas / Lily Lara Romero -- Comunidad educativa sobre evaluación socioformativa de Objetos Digitales de Aprendizaje / Karina Rodríguez Cortés, Rosa María González Isasi, Celia Reyes Anaya -- El abordaje pedagógico de los modelos híbridos guiado por el aprendizaje profundo a través de competencias y su relación con las habilidades socioemocionales / Saraí Cárdenas Mata, María Guadalupe Veytia Bucheli.  

29 p, 637.3 KB The Boom of cohabitation in Colombia and in the Andean Region : social and spatial patterns / Esteve, Albert (Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics) ; Saavedra Morales, Anny Carolina ; López Colás, Julián (Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics) ; López Gay, Antonio (Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics) ; Lesthaeghe, Ron
In this chapter we use census microdata to document the rise in cohabitation in Colombia and in the Andean countries of Ecuador, Bolivia, Perú and Venezuela over the last four decades. We use multilevel logistic regression models to examine the effect of individual and contextual variables on cohabitation. [...]
Springer International Publishing 2016 - 10.1007/978-3-319-31442-6_7
Cohabitation and marriage in the Americas : geo-historical legacies and new trends, 2016, p. 187-215  

Research literature 8 records found  
227 p, 6.7 MB Analysis of high-precision spectroscopic and photometric data for planet and stellar characterisation / Baroch López, David ; Morales Peralta, Juan Carlos, dir. ; Escribano, Rafel, dir.
La detecció de la primera estrella binària més de 200 anys enrere va representar l'inici de tot un nou camp de l'astrofísica dedicat a l'estudi de l'evolució i les interaccions d'aquests sistemes, fent servir com a principal eina l'anàlisi del moviment reflex causat pel company orbitant. [...]
La detección de la primera estrella binaria hace más de 200 años representó el inicio de un nuevo campo en la astrofísica dedicado al estudio de la evolución y las interacciones de estos sistemas, usando como principal herramienta el análisis del movimiento reflejo causado por el cuerpo orbitante. [...]
The detection of the first binary star more than 200 years ago opened the door to a whole new field of astrophysics research, devoted to the study of their evolution and mutual interactions employing the analysis of the reflex motion caused by the orbiting companion. [...]

108 p, 24.0 MB Determinació de l'impacte de les aportacions d'aigües residuals de Sant Vicenç de Jonqueres al riu Ripoll, per millorar la seva qualitat / Morales Vilches, Carles ; Ben Hammou Abboud, Yasmina ; Muñoz Odina, Pere, dir. (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament d'Enginyeria Química, Biològica i Ambiental) ; Paradis, Sarah, dir. ; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Facultat de Ciències
Aquest estudi ha investigat la possible afectació del sobreeixidor de seguretat de Sant Vicenç de Jonqueres (Sabadell) a l'estat actual del riu Ripoll. Per fer-ho, s'ha caracteritzat l'estat ecològic (a partir del Manual d'inspecció de rius del Projecte Rius) i la potabilitat en el punt on l'ADENC treballa en col·laboració amb el Projecte Rius, situat després del sobreeixidor mencionat. [...]
Este estudio ha investigado la posible afectación del aliviadero de seguridad de Sant Vicenç de Jonqueres (Sabadell) en el estado actual del río Ripoll. Para hacerlo, se ha caracterizado el estado ecológico (a partir del Manual d'inspecció de rius del Projecte Rius) y la potabilidad en el punto donde la ADENC trabaja en colaboración con el Projecte Rius, situado después del aliviadero mencionado. [...]
This study has researched the possible affectation of the Sant Vicenç de Jonqueres spillway (Sabadell) at the ongoing state of the Ripoll river. To do so, the work team has evaluated the ecological state (following the Manual d'inspecció de rius del Projecte Rius) and the potability analized after the spillway where ADENC has been working in collaboration with the Projecte Rius. [...]

Grau en Ciències Ambientals [959]  
103 p, 2.4 MB La "Dieta informativa" de los mexicanos en Barcelona y su perspectiva sobre México en el contexto de vivir en el extranjero / Morales Mariscal, Claudia Sofia ; Marín, Enric 1956- ; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Facultat de Ciències de la Comunicació
Considerando al migrante que establece relaciones sociales con el entorno de recepción y que, al mismo tiempo, se interesa en seguir conectado con la realidad de origen (familia, amigos, comunidad, nación); hoy en día lograr éste objetivo es más fácil que nunca antes. [...]
Considering the migrant who establishes social relations with their reception environment and, at the same time, is interested in being connected with their reality of origin (family, friends, community, and nation); today achieving this goal is easier than ever before. [...]
Considerant al migrant que estableix relacions socials amb l'entorn de recepció i que, al mateix temps, s'interessa en seguir connectat amb la realitat d'origen (família, amics, comunitat, nació…); avui dia assolir aquest objectiu és més fàcil que mai abans. [...]

203 p, 6.9 MB Cohabitación y familia en Colombia, 1973-2005 / Saavedra Morales, Anny Carolina ; Esteve, Albert, dir. (Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics) ; López Gay, Antonio, dir. (Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics) ; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Geografia ; Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics
Uno de los temas que recientemente más ha atraído la atención de los investigadores de todo el mundo que estudian los cambios en los patrones familiares ha sido el aumento significativo de las uniones al margen del matrimonio. [...]
In recent years, the significant increase in unions outside marriage has been one of the topics that has attracted the attention of researchers worldwide that study changes in family patterns. In general, the literature shows that the greatest Western expansion of cohabitation occurred during the second half of the twentieth century, a period that coincides with a strong modernization process. [...]

[Barcelona] : Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2016  
22 p, 463.7 KB Obligacions legals en gosseres municipals / Martínez Barniol, Irene ; Morales Pineda, Cristina ; Olivella Louzao, Marta ; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Facultat de Veterinària
El nostre objectiu alhora de fer aquest treball ha estat arribar a conèixer les obligacions legals a les que estan sotmeses les gosseres espanyoles, principalment les catalanes, ja que les desconeixíem totalment. [...]
32 p, 452.9 KB Public enterprise reforms and efficiency in regulated environments : the case of the postal sector / Morales Piñero, Juan Carlos ; Vergès, Joaquim (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament d'Economia de l'Empresa)
Purpose - This paper focuses on analyzing the effect that public reforms have on the efficiency of state-owned enterprises in regulated environments. Design/methodology/approach - The research is focused in the postal sector where public and private companies must obey a legal framework related to provide a universal service. [...]
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament d'Economia de l'Empresa 2007 (Document de treball (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament d'Economia de l'Empresa) ; 07/2)  
102 p, 2.3 MB 3D reconstruction of the coronary tree using biplane snakes / Cañero Morales, Cristina ; Radeva Ivanova, Petia, dir. (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Ciències de la Computació)
Esta tesis explora los problemas de la reconstrucción 3D de los vasos coronarios a partir de angiografías: calibración, extracción de los vasos a partir de las imágenes, y reconstrucción 3D del vaso. [...]
This thesis explores all problems involved in the 3D reconstruction of coronary vessels from X-ray angiographies: calibration, vessel extraction in X-ray images and 3D reconstruction of the vessel in space. [...]

Bellaterra : Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2003
2 documents
208 p, 1.5 MB Reforma de empresas públicas y su efecto en la eficiencia y eficacia : el caso de los servicios postales en España / Morales Piñero, Juan Carlos ; Vergès, Joaquim, dir. (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament d'Economia de l'Empresa)
La presente investigación se inserta en el campo que estudia la eficiencia comparativa de la empresa pública y sus factores explicativos, y se centra en la evaluación de la eficiencia del servicio postal español (Correos) con relación a: 1. [...]
The present research examines the comparative efficiency of the Spanish postal firm (Correos), aiming to evaluate factors related to: 1) changes in the legal-organizational status of the firm; 2) market segment trends; 3) grade of effectiveness (especially in what concerns quality); and 4) its productivity as compared to other European operators. [...]

Bellaterra : Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2007  

Course materials 14 records found  1 - 10next  jump to record:
4 p, 102.7 KB Planetes del Sistema Solar i Exoplanetes: Vida a l'Univers [44085] / Anglada Escudé, Guillem ; Morales Peralta, Juan Carlos ; Trigo Rodríguez, Josep Maria ; Serenelli, Aldo Marcelo ; Cardellach Gali, Estel ; Rimola Gibert, Albert ; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Facultat de Ciències
L'objectiu del curs és proporcionar al estudiantat els coneixements bàsics sobre temes relacionats amb els planetes (tant del Sistema Solar com dels exoplanetes) i la vida a l'univers des d'una perspectiva àmplia. [...]
The objective of the course is to provide the student with the basic knowledge on topics related to planets (both Solar System and exoplanets) and life in the universe from a broad perspective. This includes understanding the processes of planet formation, the structure of planet interiors and atmospheres, the concept habitability in general, techniques for exoplanet detection and characterization, methods for remote sensing, and the main characteristics of life on Earth and beyond. [...]
El objetivo del curso es proporcionar al alumnado los conocimientos básicos sobre temas relacionados con los planetas (tanto el Sistema Solar como los exoplanetas) y la vida en el universo desde una perspectiva amplia. [...]

Màster Universitari en Física d'Altes Energies, Astrofísica i Cosmologia / High Energy Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology [1410]
3 documents
9 p, 120.4 KB Dermatologia Clínica [102938] / Garcia Patos Briones, Vicente ; Ribera Pibernat, Miguel ; Bielsa Marsol, Ma. Isabel ; Fuente González, María Josefa ; Puig Sanz, Luis ; Garcia Muret, Maria Pilar ; Casals Andreu, Miguel ; Yebenes Marsal, Mireia Esther ; Corbacho-Monné, Marc ; Vilarrasa Rull, Eva ; Serra Baldrich, Esther ; Spertino, Jorge Luis ; Garbayo Salmons, Patricia ; Lopez Lerma, Ingrid ; Plana Pla, Adrià ; Lopez Llunell, Cristina ; Munera Campos, Monica ; Ruiz Salas, Veronica ; Hernández Ruiz, Maria Eugenia ; Jaka Moreno, Ane ; Flores Climente, Victor-Adrian ; Morales Munera, Caridad Elena ; Iznardo, Helena ; Richarz, Nina Anika ; Yélamos Pena, Oriol ; Lluch Galcerá, Juan José ; Sabat Santandreu, Mireia ; Bassas-Vila, Julio ; López Ferrer, Anna ; Aparicio Espanyol, Maria Gloria ; Roe Crespo, Esther ; Bodet, Domingo ; Mollet Sánchez, Jorge ; Boada, Aram ; Bassas Freixas, Patricia ; Ferrandiz-Pulido, Carla ; Fernández Chico, Natalia ; Exposito Serrano, Vicente ; Lopez Sanchez, Cristina ; Carrascosa Carrillo, Manel ; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Facultat de Medicina
L'assignatura de Dermatologia inclou el diagnòstic, tractament y prevenció de las malalties de la pell, del subcutis, de les mucoses i des annexos, així com les manifestacions cutànies de les malalties sistèmiques i les manifestacions sistèmiques de les malalties cutànies. [...]
The subject of Dermatology includes the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the skin, subcutis, mucous membranes and adnexal appendices, as well as the skin manifestations of systemic diseases and systemic manifestations of skin diseases. [...]
La asignatura de Dermatología incluye el diagnóstico, tratamiento y prevención de las enfermedades de la piel, del subcutis, de las mucosas y de anexos, así como las manifestaciones cutáneas de las enfermedades sistémicas y las manifestaciones sistémicas de las enfermedades cutáneas. [...]

Grau en Medicina [1192]
Grau en Medicina [1509]
3 documents
4 p, 102.7 KB Planetes del Sistema Solar i Exoplanetes: Vida a l'Univers [44085] / Anglada-Escude, Guillem ; Morales Peralta, Juan Carlos ; Trigo Rodríguez, Josep Maria ; Serenelli, Aldo Marcelo ; Cardellach Gali, Estel ; Rimola, Albert ; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Facultat de Ciències
L'objectiu del curs és proporcionar als estudiants els coneixements bàsics sobre temes relacionats amb els planetes (tant del Sistema Solar com dels exoplanetes) i la vida a l'univers des d'una perspectiva àmplia. [...]
The objective of the course is to provide the student with the basic knowledge on topics related to planets (both Solar System and exoplanets) and life in the universe from a broad perspective. This includes understanding the processes of planet formation, the structure of planet interiors and atmospheres, the concept habitability in general, techniques for exoplanet detection and characterization, methods for remote sensing, and the main characteristics of life on Earth and beyond. [...]
El objetivo del curso es proporcionar al alumno los conocimientos básicos sobre temas relacionados con los planetas (tanto el Sistema Solar como los exoplanetas) y la vida en el universo desde una perspectiva amplia. [...]

Màster Universitari en Física d'Altes Energies, Astrofísica i Cosmologia / High Energy Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology [1410]
3 documents
4 p, 102.5 KB Planetes del Sistema Solar i Exoplanetes: Vida a l'Univers [44085] / Ribas Canudas, Ignasi ; Morales Peralta, Juan Carlos ; Trigo Rodríguez, Josep Maria ; Serenelli, Aldo Marcelo ; Busquet, Gemma ; Cardellach Gali, Estel ; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Facultat de Ciències
L'objectiu del curs és proporcionar als estudiants els coneixements bàsics sobre temes relacionats amb els planetes (tant del Sistema Solar com dels exoplanetes) i la vida a l'univers des d'una perspectiva àmplia. [...]
The objective of the course is to provide the student with the basic knowledge on topics related to planets (both Solar System and exoplanets) and life in the universe from a broad perspective. This includes understanding the processes of planet formation, the structure of planet interiors and atmospheres, the concept habitability in general, techniques for exoplanet detection and characterization, methods for remote sensing, and the main characteristics of life on Earth and beyond. [...]
El objetivo del curso es proporcionar al alumno los conocimientos básicos sobre temas relacionados con los planetas (tanto el Sistema Solar como los exoplanetas) y la vida en el universo desde una perspectiva amplia. [...]

Màster Universitari en Física d'Altes Energies, Astrofísica i Cosmologia / High Energy Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology [1410]
3 documents
5 p, 197.6 KB Llengua A2 Castellà [22080] / Ríos, Antonio ; Morales, Carmen ; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres
Grau en Traducció i Interpretació [1202]  
7 p, 246.5 KB Llengua A1 Castellà [22055] / Morales, Carmen ; Ríos, Antonio ; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres
Grau en Traducció i Interpretació [1202]  
4 p, 102.0 KB Planetes del Sistema Solar i Exoplanetes: Vida a l'Univers [44085] / Ribas Canudas, Ignasi ; Morales Peralta, Juan Carlos ; Trigo Rodríguez, Josep Maria ; Ribó Vedrilla, Serni ; Serenelli, Aldo Marcelo ; Busquet, Gemma ; Cardellach Gali, Estel ; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Facultat de Ciències
L'objectiu del curs és proporcionar als estudiants els coneixements bàsics sobre temes relacionats amb els planetes (tant del Sistema Solar com dels exoplanetes) i la vida a l'univers des d'una perspectiva àmplia. [...]
El objetivo del curso es proporcionar al alumno los conocimientos básicos sobre temas relacionados con los planetas (tanto el Sistema Solar como los exoplanetas) y la vida en el universo desde una perspectiva amplia. [...]

Màster Universitari en Física d'Altes Energies, Astrofísica i Cosmologia / High Energy Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology [1410]
3 documents
4 p, 75.2 KB Planetes del Sistema Solar i Exoplanetes: Vida a l'Univers [44085] / Ribas Canudas, Ignasi ; Morales Peralta, Juan Carlos ; Trigo Rodríguez, Josep Maria ; Ribó Vedrilla, Serni ; Serenelli, Aldo Marcelo ; Busquet, Gemma ; Cardellach Gali, Estel ; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Facultat de Ciències
The objective of the course is to provide the student with the basic knowledge on topics related to planets (both Solar System and exoplanets) and life in the universe from a broad perspective. This includes understanding the processes of planet formation, the structure of planet interiors and atmospheres, the concept habitability in general, techniques for exoplanet detection and characterization, methods for remote sensing, and the main characteristics of life on Earth and beyond. [...]
Màster Universitari en Física d'Altes Energies, Astrofísica i Cosmologia / High Energy Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology [1410]  
7 p, 62.3 KB Neurologia [21236] / Añor Torres, Sònia (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Medicina i Cirurgia Animals) ; Pumarola i Batlle, Martí (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Medicina i Cirurgia Animals) ; Monreal, Lluís ; Morales, Carles ; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Facultat de Veterinària
Llicenciat en Veterinària [35]  
7 p, 48.1 KB Neurologia [21236] / Bernardini, Marco ; Pumarola i Batlle, Martí (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Medicina i Cirurgia Animals) ; Monreal, Lluís ; Morales, Carles ; Pastor Milán, Josep ; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Facultat de Veterinària
Llicenciat en Veterinària [35]  

Course materials : 14 records found   1 - 10next  jump to record:
Graphic and multimedia documents 1 records found  
El Examen neurológico en el ganado vacuno / Pumarola i Batlle, Martí (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Medicina i Cirurgia Animals) ; Morales Moliner, Carles ; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Facultat de Veterinària
Bellaterra : Servei d'Audiovisuals i Multimedia. Institut de Ciències de l'Educació. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, cop. 2003  

See also: similar author names
1 Morales, C. B.
1 Morales, C.B.
4 Morales, Carles
1 Morales, Carlos A.
1 Morales, Carlos Andrés
3 Morales, Carmen
1 Morales, Cristian
3 Morales, Cristina
1 Morales, Cristobal Jesus
1 Morales, Cristóbal
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