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Barcelona (1960). Graduate in Veterinary Medicine, specializing in Animal Production and Economics, by the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Universidad de Zaragoza (1985). Master in Animal Production by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB, 1992). He began his professional career as a technic-commercial in veterinary medicine, and during the same year he began working as a collaborative professor at the Veterinary Faculty of the UAB, in Animal Production. In 1987, he joined an interim seat as an official veterinarian of the slaughterhouse (VOE) of the Health Department (DS) of the Generalitat de Catalunya, and he makes this work compatible with that of associate professor of Animal Production (FV-UAB) until 1997. Since 1987 To 2006 has worked as a VOE in establishments of great volume of sacrifice and of all the species of consumption, and from 2006 to 2012, as official party veterinarian of the DS. In addition to the academic activity at the UAB, he has devoted himself extensively to training since his specialization in veterinary inspection of slaughterhouses and in carcasses and meat, and has participated as a teacher in more than 80 courses. From the research done, mainly on Trichinella spp., residues in meat, carcass classification and pig slaughter, he has published several articles and communications to congresses. The last work presented is the collection of professional photographs, MEMORIA CÁRNICA DIGITAL, for which he has been awarded the Prize Amics de les Biblioteques of the UAB 2016. He has been also a founding member of Veterinaris Sense Fronteres (Barcelona, 1987) and actually is member of the board of the Catalan Association of History of Veterinary Medicine.