Fourth International Conference on Research into the Didactics of Translation
20-22 June, 2018
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PACTE (Process of Acquisition of Translation Competence and Evaluation) is organising the Fourth International Conference on Research into the Didactics of Translation (didTRAD), which will be held at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 20-22 June, 2018.
This conference aims to provide a forum for researchers in the field of translator training.
Plenary Speaker
Defeng Li, University of Macau
Conference Topics
Teaching translation: introduction to translation; legal translation; scientific-technical translation; literary translation; audiovisual translation; localization; inverse translation, etc.
Teaching interpreting: simultaneous interpreting; consecutive interpreting, community interpreting, etc.
Teaching signed languages interpreting and translation.
Teaching technologies for translators and interpreters.
Teaching language for translators and interpreters (L1 and L2).
Teaching professional aspects.
Cross-cutting aspects of curriculum design: tutorials, final-year dissertations, placements, etc.
Conference Presentation Types
Oral presentations (20 min)
Oral presentations that come within the list of conference topics.
Duration: 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes for discussion.
Presentations in this case take the form of printed posters. The following norms have been established for poster presenters:
- Posters must be in portrait mode.
- Posters should be no larger than 594 mm x 841 mm (DIN-A1).
- They may be printed in black and white, or in colour.
- Poster presenters must bring a printed copy of their poster with them to the conference. They will be responsible for displaying the poster at the time and in the place designated by the conference organizers.
- For information on how to produce a poster, see:
Roundtable sessions (1hr 30 min or 3 hrs)
Proposals are invited for roundtable sessions. The title of the proposed roundtable, the number of participants, a brief description of the aims and content (700-800 words) together with the name of each presenter and the title of their presentation should be submitted with each proposal. If a proposal is accepted, the person responsible for the proposal will also be responsible for organizing and moderating his/her proposed roundtable session. All participants must register and pay the registration fee. Duration: 1hr 30 min or 3hrs.
Catalan, Spanish, English, French, German, Italian and Portuguese.
Presentation of abstracts
Deadline January 14, 2018. Follow this link for more information on how to submit your abstract:
Notification of acceptance: March 14, 2018.
Scientific committee
Marta Arumí (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Allison Beeby (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Carmen Bestué (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Helena Casas (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Beatriz Cerezo (Universitat de València), Sonia Colina (University of Arizona), Jorge Díaz Cintas (University College London), Álvaro Echeverri (Université de Montreal), Isabel García (Universitat Jaume I), Anna Gil (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Miguel Ángel Jiménez (Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey), Dorothy Kelly (Universidad de Granada), Anna Kuznik (Uniwersytet Wrocławski), Defeng Li (Macao University), Josep Marco (Universitat Jaume I), Gary Massey (Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften), Marisa Presas (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Carlos Rodrigues (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, UFSC), Pilar Sánchez-Gijón (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Maite Veiga (Universidad de Vigo), Cathy Way (Universidad de Granada).
Steering committee
Anabel Galán-Mañas, Amparo Hurtado Albir, Christian Olalla-Soler, Patricia Rodríguez-Inés, Lupe Romero Ramos.
Organising committee
Gabriel Adams, Hong An, Laura Asquerino, Tzu Yiu Chen, Minerva Cortada, Amaia Gómez Goikoetxea, Gabriele Grauwinkel, Olga Jeczmyk Nowak, Fiona Kelso, Patricia López, Verónica López García, Carlos Rodrigues.
March 21, 2018 – June 3, 2018
Registration fee
- Normal rate: €250
- Reduced rate: €200 (before May 1, 2018)
- Master’s and PhD students (without presentation): €50
- Teaching staff of the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting at UAB: no charge
Important dates
- Presentation of abstracts: deadline January 14, 2018. Further information in the second circular (October 2017). - NEW DEADLINE: JANUARY 28, 2018
- Notification of acceptance: March 14, 2018.
- Registration: March 21 – May 1, 2018 (reduced rate); May 2 – June 3, 2018 (normal rate).
Conference dinner
The conference dinner will be held on June 22, 2018.