La simbología del cerdo en la fraseología inglesa, rusa y española
Tutáeva, Kamila

Data: 2009
Resum: This paper examines phraseological units that include PIG as one of the components in English, Russian, and Spanish. These units were divided into two groups according to their motivation: units of iconic motivation (take into account physical similarities between a pig and a human being) and those of symbolic motivation (depends on the symbolic role of the PIG in English, Russian, and Spanish societies). These units were called "experimental" and "cultural" respectively. Therefore, among "experimental" idioms FATNESS and DIRTINESS are distinguished as the most typical features, while SOCIAL INFERIORITY and BADNESS in their broad senses represent "cultural" units. Nonetheless, some positive connotations were found too.
Drets: Tots els drets reservats.
Llengua: Castellà
Document: Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Matèria: Unitats fraseològiques ; Cultura ; Símbol ; Motivació ; Phraseological units ; Culture ; Symbol ; Motivation
Publicat a: Language design : journal of theoretical and experimental linguistics, Vol. 11, Núm. (2009) , p. 5-27, ISSN 1139-4218

23 p, 251.2 KB

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