
Dificultades traslativas en marcas de subjetividad [Subjectivity Markers: Translatory Difficulties]

Project type: 
Research group/centre(s): 
Other project members: 

Graciela Caballero

Languages involved: 

English - Spanish

L2 to L1
From date to date (or pending): 
May 2010 - April 2012
Brief description: 

This work is based on a research project carried out with advanced translation students in order to observe the difficulties brought about  by the translation of subjectivity markers ( Kerbrat Orecchioni 1993 , Ducrot 2001 ). For this reason, the translation process was observed by combining different resources such as a keylogging  tool (Translog),  cued recall and retrospective questionnaire, and triangulation methodology was used for data analysis.  The evaluation of the translations made by the students together with the observation of processes allowed the identification of the main translation difficulties encountered when subjectivity markers are present in the text. The causes for these difficulties were also traced back and  classified according to the Translation Competence Model (Pacte 2003). Results show a tendency to neutralize subjectivity markers in the text , particularly in regard to stylistic features such as humour and the transfer of evaluative lexical items. 

Keywords in English: 
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Data collection: 
Verbal commentaries

La secuencia del proceso traductor en estudiantes de la carrera de traductorado [Sequencing of Actions during Translatory Processes of Translation Students]

Project type: 
Other project members: 

 † Dr. Gabriel Del Moral; Trad. Públ. Ana Paulina Peña Pollastri


Languages involved: 

English -Spanish

L2 to L1
From date to date (or pending): 
April 2008 to April 2010
Brief description: 

This project is part of a research line on translation students'processes, initiated in 2003 by García, Giozza and D’Gregorio. The goal of the present study is to identify the translation sequence and the use of metacognitive strategies. Hence, the ensuing hypothesis suggests that the study of the translatory processes through data triangulation would allow the identification of the extent to which translator-trainees apply metacognitive strategies. It is based on the translation process model proposed by Delisle and the Translation Competence Model proposed by PACTE group (2003). It is non-experimental, observational research of both qualitative and quantitative nature. The stages of the procedure were as follows: provision of information to the student, translation of a text, concurrent registration of the process through TRANSLOG, TAPs used retrospectively, questionnaire and data segmentation and processing applying a triangular model.Through empirical validation, the proposed methodoly made it possible to identify metacognitive strategies and translation process sequences, as well as the varying degrees of efficiency derived from the TUs (Translation Units) selected by the students. All this provided new insights into the students’ translation process, and will provide the basis for the improvement of the teaching practice and the use of metacognitive strategies by the students. 

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Data collection: 
Verbal commentaries
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Project initiator:



Campus d'excel·lència internacional U A B